How can you hate gays in light of all this scientific evidence?

Debunk this:


Statistics on gays and marriage:

Science on gays as parents:

The benefits of gay marriage:

Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:

Does conversion therapy work:

HIV information:

Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?

Is being gay a mental illness?

Other urls found in this thread:


They are degenerates and don't think about the innocence

So every gay person should be harmed because some people are wearing a certain fabric you don't like in public?

They're narcissistic and they have piss-poor role models. All yall mardi gras cunce deserve ass cancer for parading around like fools and thinking you can act like women from the 1920s.

>t. bisexual

this makes me hate them more

discord gg/XB5FX3u

add a .

statistics on gay aids




You pretty much proved his point.

Fags equals aids

All faggots need to die, but you leave Morrissey out of this. He's not yours. He's ours, and you can't have him.

Well yeah gays are a disproportionate share of U.S. HIV infections, but that isn't true globally, and HIV is declining in whites in all developed countries. Why is enhanced disease burden an argument for reduced rights? Not being able to marry or raise kids got us into this promiscuous mess in the first place.

Homosexuals, if they are proper members of the community are totally fine. Bodily autonomy is part of the western ideal.
LGBT political operatives ought to swing from the lamp posts.

At least read some of the links and make up your mind with the most recent information.

'Enhanced disease burden'.... are you fucking serious? I only have an infectious disease that will eventually kill you but I'm not a danger to is wrong with you?

Those clothes you refer to are used for acts of sexual submission. Children should not be watching that, they should be playing and learning, and that ruins their minds.
All the gay parades in the West are sexual marches. It is no longer about accepting that some people are gay. Today it is about a lot of queers showing their dick and fat vaginas on the street. So fuck you.

How exactly are you going to get sick if you don't have sex with gay men?

>Well yeah gays are a disproportionate share of U.S. HIV infections, but that isn't true globally

Is that because Western countries are the only ones that are tolerant towards homosexuality?

>and HIV is declining in whites in all developed countries

Even if that's true, that still doesn't change the fact that STD's are increasing among homosexuals in general.

>Not being able to marry or raise kids got us into this promiscuous mess in the first place.

That is such a ridiculous argument that I'm not even going to respond to it.

It's almost as if you have never heard of blood borne pathogens....

gay means happy
you will always be depraved sodomites with gaping holes that can't keep in the diarrhea mixed with cum and your dicks smell of poop
be freaks all you want but don't normalise your sick fetishes for our childrens sake
then again most of you are pedos too

No that's because Christians infect Africa with aid that never involves condoms, birth control, or sex education.

Yeah and how many actual cases of confirmed transmission of HIV from blood donations have their been in the past 20 years?

Okay so what you're saying is that African homosexuals have similar rates of HIV infections but the only reason why they appear to be underrepresented is due to other factors unrelated to homosexuality, gotcha.

>LGBT political operatives ought to swing from the lamp posts.

No, I don' think we have any idea what the actual rate is for African homosexuals because they are so violently repressed.

According to the Constitution of Canada,
>I cannot discriminate somebody according to their sex
>I cannot discriminate somebody according to their colour
>I cannot discriminate somebody according to their home country
>I cannot discriminate somebody according to their heritage
>But I can discriminate someone according to their sexuality

so fuck faggots

get on our level usa

>swing from the lamp posts

>from the lamp posts

There is no gay gene.

That is all you need to know.

According to the constitution of Canada, you don't get to make decisions. You're in desperate need of a revolution.
Don't forget to hang your oppressors properly.

Nothing about that chart should reassure you. In countries where sex work is safer and drug use is safer, gay men start making up a larger portion of HIV infections.

The fact that the gay population is so over-represented in HIV infections in the first place, and that they become MORE over-represented the better HIV infections are managed, indicates that HIV infection is a problem in the gay community which cannot be fixed by education on HIV transmission.

But we knew this. Bug chasing is not the entirety of the gay community, but it is substantial. I was horrified the other day to hear from a gay friend of mine that one of the "tribes" you can choose on grindr is called "poz," short for HIV-positive. It's telling that a somewhat mainstream app includes this option.

Well, read the links about HIV. It is mostly declining outside of high-risk populations like racial minorities, drug abusers, and sex workers.

>you don't get to make decisions.


HIV is not the issue.
LGBT activists encourage pedophilia.
The gay cancer is cultural.

Nobody is encouraging pedophilia except the Catholic Church and Paul McHugh.

Because I do, death to faggots.

Okay what about the rest of the world? Why do countries that are less tolerant towards homosexuality have lower HIV infection rates among homosexuals?

This is a lie. You're either evil or blind and it has nothing to do with your sexual expression.

Tell that to NAMBLA, you dumb faggot.

I don't think tolerance is directly related to HIV use.

They don't have LOWER rates, we just don't know them because the research quality is poor and homosexuality is mostly repressed.

White gays experience a dramatic decline in new HIV infections:

HIV infection decreases globally by a third:

HIV infection rate in the US falls by a third in a decade''

UK HIV decrease:

AU HIV decrease:

Who do you think spends more money annually, churches defending allegations of molestation and abuse, or NAMBLA?

I dont care, you arent "people" to ke, dont reply.

Hey look, it's going back to the falsified HIV reports. From which email address do you get your talking points? They'll want to start addressing the notion that LGBT stands for

Little Girl and Boy Touchers

We're not talking about the Catholic church you absolute autist.

The completely disingenuous statement you made was:
"No one is promoting pedophilia in our community"

NAMBLA is part of your faggot community.

>everything about this post

This post is misdirection. You always run to your buddy the Catholic Church to distract from the very true fact that LGBT political operatives invariably will fuck children.
Not all children are fucked LGBT operatives, but all LGBT operatives fuck children.

Right so Blacks already have full federal rights to marry, raise kids, and not be discriminated against. Gays are certainly less bad than Blacks overall, so why shouldn't we have those same rights? Would you rather have a married white gay couple as your neighbor, or a married straight black couple?

STFU. Your kind of fag are fucking things up for us fags who want nothing more than to mind our own business.

This is more misdirection.
PEDOS always argue as though they're guilty of something.

Have you thought that this is due to medical advances and a greater understanding of how HIV spreads? That still doesn't change the fact that Homosexual communities suffer the most from HIV in Western Countries.

Any study on homosexuality/transgenderism after 2000 is tainted by innate biases in favour of pushing social acceptance.

>So every gay person should be harmed because some people are wearing a certain fabric you don't like in public?
Hey Sup Forums, oldfag badass here, one of the greats actually.
See this post I'm replying to? It's a strawman, a rather hyperbolic strawman I must say, read the sticky if you're not familiar. Some of you may get upset by these, but you have to understand there's no point in arguing. The person who posted this is just trying to anger you. They're probably a shill or shitposter, which at this point are basically the same thing.
A lot of you probably know this already, but I just want the lurkers and newfags to be aware of such poor rhetoric.

Yes, also due to the widespread availability of PrEP.

Sexual minorities, drug abusers, and sex workers, suffer most from HIV. This is not something still widely affecting affluent white younger gays.

Homosexuality is and will always be the result of genetic errors or mental neurosis. It's literally anti-evolutionistic, as you lose the ability (or rather the eventuality) to spread your genes. Therefore, it is not normal and will never be. Surely beating gays is wrong, but it's also terribly wrong to accept it and normalize it. They literally need to be cured as they are mentally ill.

Gay men have higher HIV rates because anal sex fucks up the colon and makes lots of tears: it wasn't designed for that.

Lesbians have like no STDs even with similar levels of promiscuity because licking pussy doesn't transfer like any fluids or diseases into bloodstreams.

It's not rocket science people.


Female relatives of male homosexuals have 1.3x as many kids:

Bisexual females have more teen pregnancies:


Straight males carry gay genes:

You whant to hear some sciantific facts fuckboy?
Homosexuals are evolutionary and biological cancels they are defects they dont bring dothing good to genetic trea, their genetic mutation is not benefitial at all.
Normalisation of evolutionary failures is degeneracy.

So every child’s mind should be harmed because your a perverted degenerate forcing your degeneracy into the public eye? Sorry the mind of a child takes precendance over your lust, insecurity and sexual desire.

PROTIP: fuck off or we will make you fuck off.

This does not the refute the fact that it is a disorder.

Checked and noted.

I want to support homosexuality since

>faggots are faggots and its better for them to be with faggots rather than mentally stable people
>they adopt kids from orphanages (this is ok, actually even good, as long as they are adopting their children from an orphanage)

also, "why?" you ask? because usa didnt ever use gays as slaves, and even if it did, faggots would be too much of betas to act up. Niggers have no deduction skills so they just go with this phrase "black lives matter" they heard from whites and throw it around and burn shit so the government has to calm them down

It is an evolutionary advantage for some. Over 20% of gays have kids anyways. Bisexual females and women with male gay relatives have more kids than average.


If you want to claim superiority by understanding arbitrary rules on a tawainese finger trap forum's niche of a niche, you've got some issues man.

Debunk this.

Okay you literally have to be playing retarded now. The point of life, from a scientific standpoint is procreation, this can be deduced by the fact that every living being procreates.

Gays cant procreate, so its not an advantage in any way shape or form. If you cannot pass on your genes its not an advantage. Modern science making it possible to still pass on your genes despite your mental illness, does not make it an advantage.

What do those percentages on the Y axis mean? Percentage of STDs?

Yes, goyim. Look at the studies we've prepared for you. Good goy.

Hands off of morrissey. He's /ourguy/.

The evolutionary race is about spreading your genes, not your relatives'. You could argue that becoming homosexual is a "byproduct" of females being more prone to reproduce, but then it's still a factor that is counterproductive in spreading genes

Why does every member of the species have to reproduce? Gays can procreate, we are programmed to find doing so distasteful. Anyone can put a turkey baster in or take Viagra.

It's a known fact that children who've been abused display over-sexualized behaviour. I remember as a kid seeing kids act out sexually and everyone made fun of them because we didn't understand why. Now that I know these children's were victims of homosexual predation, I almost feel bad about teasing them. Almost.

Fuck gays
Go back in the closet

>national survey of family growth
ok then.

>implying this was tested nationwide
>implying every single person spoke truthfully

So you are suicidal then. You are anti life. I mean I already knew that but its nice to see a faggot admit it every once in a while.

Or is it to hard to admit you have failed at every basic evolutionary principle?

answer me this faggot

Oh but you are sure everyone was 100% honest and the samples were representative on the 1970s surveys you still quote and misrepresent as CDC data?

>YFW this is just a trap to get degenerates to willingly submit themselves for the day of the rope

It's not an anecdote that less than 2% of the population commits the vast majority of child molestation's. Sorry your cute little logic meme failed, but then you think to sodomize another human being is an act of love, so one shouldn't take anything you say the least bit seriously.

>I'm only going to question the validity of national studies I disagree with


isnt it obvious? sexual abuse is how gay people reproduce

It's great when one photo explains everything.

You mean in a society that not only pushes but worships faggotry people are more and more likely to pretend to be faggots? Color me surprised. Still not answer to btw

how is it an evolutionary advantage if traditionally you cant pass on your genes? OR are you just anti-life/suicidal and in denial?

Bisexuals act as the carriers either way.

>that isn't true globally
You look at the Middle East. Faggots in Iran are given sex change operations by law. So, your graphs only prove his point.

The only place that differs is Eastern Europe. But that's because of drug addiction and we all know faggots love to do drugs because of their lives are ruined by sodomy.

That data is about niggers and is (yes) old: Meaning the number of niggers in the US has grown more and the numbers probably either moved very very slightly up or down.

Also, can you explain how the fuck can lesbians have two times more HIV rates than gays

>gays as parents

The authors investigated the role of homosexual arousal in exclusively heterosexual men who admitted negative affect toward homosexual individuals. Participants consisted of a group of homophobic men (n = 35) and a group of nonhomophobic men (n = 29); they were assigned to groups on the basis of their scores on the Index of Homophobia (W. W. Hudson & W. A. Ricketts, 1980). The men were exposed to sexually explicit erotic stimuli consisting of heterosexual, male homosexual, and lesbian videotapes, and changes in penile circumference were monitored. They also completed an Aggression Questionnaire (A. H. Buss & M. Perry, 1992). Both groups exhibited increases in penile circumference to the heterosexual and female homosexual videos. Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.

A 1996 study from the Journal of Abnormal Psychology found that homophobic heterosexual men were most sexually aroused by gay male porn than non-homophobic hetero men.

A 2012 study of 785 college students published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that “self-described highly straight individuals” who “indicated some level of same-sex attraction” were significantly more likely than others to “express greater implicit hostility toward gay subjects” including supporting anti-gay policies.

A 2017 study published in the journal Sex Roles said that men who felt insecure about their masculinity were more likely to make homophobic and sexist jokes to appear more manly.

He only studied 20 gay couples. That is not a representative sample. The findings were not peer reviewed and were intentionally published in a pay-to-publish journal that isn't respected.

Faust’s story is being publicized by the Witherspoon Institute, a conservative religious group that helped steer and fund the National Organization for Marriage’s campaign, as exposed in court documents, to artificially “raise the costs of identifying with gay marriage” by linking it with pornography and a threat to children, and to fund a “media campaign to support the idea that children need mothers and fathers.” The effort sought to “commission polling and other studies to document consequences of gay marriage” and “identify and nurture a worldwide community of highly credentialed intellectuals and professional scholars, physicians, psychiatrists, social workers, and writers to credential our concerns” about gay marriage and parenting. Never mind what the actual research says; you can always hire people to “credential your concerns.”

>HIV transmission

Okay nice irrelevant gish gallop right there. No one cares about your studies. Are you suicidal? Cause if you are anti procreation you are anti life. Anti life is suicidal. Just because science makes it possible to procreate does not change the origin of your disorder. You are deeply depressed user seek help

That only shows that condoning faggots increases their behaviour, leading them to molest more and more young people.

Plus, you have pop stars like Miley Cyrus telling heterosexuals to engage in homosexual behaviour regardless of what they feel themselves.

You're headline only reflects a policy of encouragement and insecure beta males going along with it.

>A 1996 study from the Journal of Abnormal Psychology found that homophobic heterosexual men were most sexually aroused by gay male porn than non-homophobic hetero men.
This was a real study? What a fucking joke. This just shows exactly how much garbage goes into academic studies.

If the head of the APA said so, I can't disagree when I read nonsense like the above.

That link doesn't even go anywhere?

This is why I said any study on homosexuality before like the 90s is null and void, its express purpose is pushing a narrative.

I don't need "academic" studies to tell me something is so obviously wrong.

>hurr my idea of sex is shoving my cock up another mans shit hole
That these deviants are allowed to raise children is an abomination.