Dont you miss the medieval times Sup Forums ? Where matters were settled by the bravery and virtue of men. Europe was the most diverse it could ever be with each country having its own unique traditions and culture and be proud of it. Nationalism, Christianity, pride and honor are what kept countries together and words men lived by. Conflicts were settled on the battlefield instead of nuke threats. Alliances were forged and broken , empires were toppled down and others took their place. No technology, no smartphones, no cars. A world of pure raw human emotion. Dont you miss it ? Dont you think its unfair that you can never experience it and such times would probably never come back ?
Dont you miss the medieval times Sup Forums ? Where matters were settled by the bravery and virtue of men...
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I would die at the age of 10 because my scrape got infected and they didn't have any anti bacteria back then. So kinda useless for me to want to live in those times.
What the fuck are you talking about, you stupid faggot?
People were filthy, uneducated, illiterate, disease ridden, and there was a small gentry with knights who may have done some of the things you've so heavily romanticized. Unless you were born into the upper class, your life was objectively shit.
>be 14th century peasant
>food surrounded by rat poop
>eat it anyway
>notice that people are starting to feel sick and some weird-looking people with crow masks are trying to help them
>turns out that everybody has the black plague
>Dont you miss the medieval times Sup Forums ? Where matters were settled by the bravery and virtue of men. Europe was the most diverse it could ever be with each country having its own unique traditions and culture and be proud of it.
I'd rather have soap, plumbing, and modern medical technology.
put honey on it and walk it off, faggot
His post is more accurate than yours, while peasants and serfs made up the majority of the population the living standards were not as bad as you would think. The majority of people did not live in cities, and that is where the bad living standards meme sporadically existed.
All those things are over rated, return to your roots
Yeah, toiling a field by hand all day then coming home to nurse infected wounds without electricity or medical care was a great way to live.
I dunno but chainmaille is breddy fun to make.
The chances of that happening actually being real slim btw.
The people didnt shower meme wasnt as true as you may think. Sure, people were more exposed to diseases and such but that made them have a better immunity. If you were brave and good at fighting you'd move your way to the upper class and that counted for something. There were goals you strived for everyday to achieve, no matter if you were a peasant or a knight. You had to earn your living , raise your family and protect them, protect your country and fight for it. Now you see soyboys, gold diggers, men with boobs, zhe , che and xe pronounced rainbow-haired turds.
Good job. Now make riveted mail.
Join us, YP9t6tz
>Dont you miss the medieval times Sup Forums ?
Let's see.
>diseases everywhere
>Euros only bathe two times in their lives, once when they're born and a second when they get baptized.
>combat was pointless because both parties would die anyway(poisons, infections etc) or suffer injuries that will impede their skills because medicine was shit.
>The battlefield was nothing more than arrows flying everywhere. Forget those Hollywood movies archers/crossbowmen did all the work, cavalry and footmen just mopped up or were used as fodder.
>Pussy stank worser than ass.
>Do something wrong even on accident and you could end up getting lynched by the town
>King's word is law, can destroy his your village if he wanted to and nobody should even feel bad at his decisions.
>Church's word is law, same deal only more on the individual level(witch hunts or accusations).
>No cosmetic products, women looked like crap unless they're from noble lineage or families but even those had problems with inbreeding.
>Food was more real and healthy but meat wasn't cheap, plus good luck finding a competent cook to make you some gourmet shit
>Black Death
>Law system is shit. Hard to prove or disprove a crime,
>Fake News are a routine and would make CNN blush.
>Jews are used by some nations for economic purposes because it would be considered "sinful" if a christian did them basically the start of the jew world order
And many more
But hey! You've probably participated in a medieval LARP irl or played too much video games that depict life there as magical and wonderous so obviously we should get back to our roots, right?
Rivets or gtfo
Nah, I'd prefer Enlightenment times because that's when actual chads existed and I get to wear some quality military uniforms.
You really had to be a clumsy little fucker to get infected while plowing the field every day. Hard work made people more resilient and healthy.. A regular 13 year old peasant boy from back then is probably a few times stronger than most of his peers alive today. Each day you earned the food that you eat through hard work and know its coming from mother earth itself instead of the hard processed shit we get from supermarkets.
Say what again?
I miss it. Girls naked walking by, I could fuck any of them when I want, firmly tits, innies... I don't miss the lack of internet though
But how did people get to shitpost without computers then?
myth, as long as you made it past being a baby you're good
>most diverse
>everyone is white trash
Was pretty good time to be a Jew though
>Literal happy merchants, much richer then the average goy because could do "sinful" business
>Ghettos and shtetls free of goyim, today it is very hard to avoid goyim (even in Israel)
>Jewish ritual bathing (mikveh) every day
>Mostly avoided black death because of above
>Literate due to religious obligation to be able to read by age 13, unlike most of peasant goy population
>Easy to identify other Jewbros because of yellow penis hat
>Work directly with kings and lords and eat all their food
>Could avoid all the Church stupidity
>Secretly building up huge business empire that will last to this day and forever
Not to mention coin shavings. You could shave a little off gold coins, just enough so nobody notices then smelt it to make a new coin. Buy stuff first with the shaved coins so nobody can accuse you of doing it for having so much.
Tejas problem is we have women and numales participating. Used to be you had to earn your place.
mythical times, chivalry, intact nature, legends, kings and wizards
what's not to love
What the fuck is a Bulgarian? A hairy Dracula? That's what it sounds like
Dont you miss the times of struggle, user ? Where we could change our territory just by our brute force and clever military tactics and make history?
>what's not to love
Gangrene and being a dumb peasant.
Not a direct descendant of the Israelite's, and so many other things wrong with this, kike
>Dont you miss the times of struggle, user ?
Whachu talkin' bout?
If you haven't noticed the struggle has always been here only that now we have more control. Did you miss out 600 years of human history or something?
>Where we could change our territory just by our brute force and clever military tactics and make history?
Like everyone does now and always has, or are you just talking about our country?
If for country then it's because we're not doing very good and are nearing collapse.
Fractional reserve banking also originates from way back then. You give the gold to the Jew, and the Jew gives you a receipt. Some other goy goes to the Jew for a loan, do you think he gets gold? No, he gets a receipt. Since the receipt is as good as gold and lighter and easier to work with. Jew realizes he doesn't even to have the gold his receipts claim he has. Jew starts loaning out money he doesn't have. Jew gets very rich from loaning dumb goyim pretend gold. =) And it works to this day!
Irl. In taverns or the city district.
Thats another good reason actually
You understand, user
>The majority of people did not live in cities, and that is where the bad living standards meme sporadically existed.
Really I would've thought it was the whole "if we don't have a good crop harvest this year, me and my family will starve in the winter" thing that made the low living standard meme sporadically come into existence?
i'd trade gangrene for gmo and transhumanism anyday
>And it works to this day!
Even better, soon they'll switch to "digital" currency.
Essentially they'll even spare themselves the paper.
Thank you medieval times for fucking everything up.
It's stuff like this that sometimes makes wish I could manipulate time.
>Like everyone does now and always has
Its almost impossible for us to reach a golden age state again
>In taverns or the city district.
Fuck that, I'm not gonna get my head smashed for talking mean stuff about Chad who is most likely there.
Roman times when there were real wars is more like it, these medieval fancy pants wearing jousters are jesters!
>A regular 13 year old peasant boy from back then is probably a few times stronger than most of his peers alive today.
False, there's a good chance he was 2 feet shorter and way weaker due to malnutrition.
You didn't go out into the field, put work into it, and get food in return.
You are starving but have to save these delicious tempting seed that you want to eat so you can plant them when the ground thaws. Then, after planting them, you pray as hard as you fucking can to whatever God you can find to make sure you don't get a drought or insects or a blight or fucking rabbits eating everything again.
Then, still half starved, you manage to harvest a meager amount of crops, get to relax a bit before the lord comes and takes a huge chuck of it out in taxes.
Shit though, eating the same fucking thing over and over again is getting boring, and my tools are getting rusty, need some money for those and the apothecary and a few other things. Need to sell this fucking crop, but the only market is a few days away and I might get stabbed and robbed by highwaymen along the way.
Jews were prosecuted throughout most of known history but their elusive merchant tactics have always saved them. If they felt endangered they'd quickly buy safety from kings and nobles whom they'd promise riches and prosperity
Currency is already "digital".
The difference is there is a limited amount of Bitcoin. You can't just print more and devalue the currency to steal from your children to fund those wars anymore.
The atomic bomb is just compressed brute force with the use of science.
Is this so hard to comprehend?
Nothing has changed warfare-wise other than the tools. You also have Psyop/information warfare and tactical weapons firearms which negate the need of people dying all the time when you could just send out a few squads, tanks or aircraft to do something.
Meanwhile you sometimes if shit hits the fan in your medieval country they start recruiting peasants namely healthy men and just let them die first as fodder because their armor and weapons are shittier.
Even the fucking Pope used this tactic with the first crusade.
And by recruiting I mean conscription.
But nobody will call it that because surely you're not a traitor who wouldn't want to die for king or country :^)
>People were filthy, uneducated, illiterate, disease ridden, and there was a small gentry with knights who may have done some of the things you've so heavily romanticized. Unless you were born into the upper class, your life was objectively shit.
given your movie education that shows medieval europeans as unwased uneducated poor barbarians that is not surprising educate yourself you retard
Even kings died from smallpox and shitting out the ass and whatever.
It was much better to live in the Islamic or African world, less likely to die from starvation because shit grows faster and all the time in warm weather. TB symptoms are weaker in warm weather, actually in absence of modern medicine, warm weather makes airborne diseases harder to spread (hence flu season and the idea of "colds"). You'd still kinda be fucked by insect borne diseases though.
>It was much better to live in the Islamic or African world, less likely to die from starvation because shit grows faster and all the time in warm weather.
Europe isn't that cold, maybe northern Europe but nah.
In fact there's an observed evolutionary correlation between warm weather and intellect.
The more colder the weather is the more people need to think to find ways to get warm or survive.
This actually explains why Africa is termed the "birthplace of humanity" yet niggers there are dumb savages with places to this day that don't even use the wheel.
Notice also how nordics easily assimilated Roman/Greek sciences and civilizational customs and in fact bettered them instead of just ruining everything like niggers or arabs/muslims would.
>toiling a field by hand all day
stop being a little bitch burger its not that fucking hard take it from some one that does that
You're playing too much Warhammer: fantasy, go and learn some history you stupid fuck
What about that feeling when you outsmart and defeat overglorified Byzantium for the nth time and even use their emperor's skull as your wine cup like the savage beast that you are? Or defeat their best rated cavalry with some ground soldiers with ropes :> ? I'd say that feels pretty damn good indeed
Not saying it's not cool or worthwhile but they're similar stuff happening right now.
Times change, people change but war never changes.
Times indeed change and I hope I see it from your perspective one day, user. Just the whole sedentary 9 to 6 lifestyle is getting to me and im dying for something to shake up the routine. The closest thing you get to such thrills nowadays is participating in an MMA match.
For evolution adversity is great, for individual survival not so much
>Butted mail
I'm sorry to inform you that this thing won't protect you from anything, user.
It does looks nice though
Nationalism didnt exist in the middle ages. A major aspect of those times was a war over which king had the right to the french throne. Nationalism didnt become a thing until the late 1400's
Slightly unrelated.
Used to do shield/long sword fencing years ago. Its pretty damn fun and great excersice. Especially with grapples and no honor bouts.
>face new guy
>feint with sword hand
>he instinctivly steps right to defend
>smack him upside the head with my shield
When my country was created, nationalism is all they had. From the beginning we were at a constant threat from Byzantium and even the templars at one time. Natinalism is what kept us calling ourselves Bulgarians from 681 till now through rise and fall and a total of 700 years of slavery. Not to sound like a brag but most nations were diminished for far less.
Yes, pre-medieval actually.
Back before christianity, judaism, islam were a plague upon the earth.
This is what im talking about. Pure face to face combat depending on strength and skill, not bombing / shooting at each other from big range.
If you only know english, people wouldn't be able to understand you untill the 1700s and you would have a weird accent to them.
Don't romanticize. Medieval history is full of the same corrupt, underhanded tactics, cowardice, and betrayal as the modern world.
There was anti-bacterial and other real herbal remedies but only known by certain folk. Sphagnum moss has been know as an anti-bacterial since Ice Age prehistory.
Archery is better and far deadlier than stick and coffee table play.
There was no america tho so nah ill pass on that gay poop my dude.
Yes but then archers get charged by mounted people with sticks or edged sticks. Besudes, it was hard for archers to penetrate a shield wall.
I miss living in a time were you can just wander the wilderness and kill random people with impunity cause the world was smaller and less monitored.
No but there were pure white european ethno states my dude
>it was hard for archers to penetrate a shield wall.
Arrows on fire or with small pockets tied to the head which when met with resistance(eg a shield) would spill a little oil over them. When more arrows hit more oil everywhere effectively burning anything and they would have no choice but abandon the inflamed shields and ruin a phalanx or shield wall.
But good luck finding smart enough people to think of this back then because no formal military educational system past whatever mentors impart on individual students.
>Yes but then archers get charged by mounted people with sticks or edged sticks
That's why you had pikemen back then. Just let them chill around the archers and whenever someone stupid enough charges impale them on longer sticks then let the footmen or your own cavalry finish them off.
The side with the better archers always wins unless they're incompetent in tactical repositioning or following orders.
Since the romans did it, it was passed on to future generations, no ? You overrate archery, sure it was an advantage but the battle was decided by infanty. Archers didnt interfere much when foot soldiers were fighting in close range since they had a bigger chance of killing their own men and whenever one side's infantry takes the lead the archers of the opposing faction disperse and retreat.
The pikemen were also needed on the front line to repell charges, putting a few spearmen around the archers wouldnt stop a full-flanking attack
>You overrate archery, sure it was an advantage but the battle was decided by infanty
Archers/crossbowmen are infantry unless they were mounted.
>Archers didnt interfere much when foot soldiers were fighting in close range since they had a bigger chance of killing their own men and whenever one side's infantry takes the lead the archers of the opposing faction disperse and retreat.
This is why you should never get your army to attack first. Let the enemy come to you, till they get there a lot of their numbers would've been shaved off evening the odds of winning the melee even with smaller numbers of non-ranged units. Still like in all things it's chaotic and no tactic ever works always otherwise people would've just overused it and conquered the world or something.
>The pikemen were also needed on the front line to repell charges, putting a few spearmen around the archers wouldnt stop a full-flanking attack
That's the drawback, sacrifice frontal durability but gain side protection.
But in general even if you're on horse or foot it's gonna take a long time to safely get to to your target unless they were also running/riding right into or around you.
Too tired to continue so I rest my case. Also, that movie is gold.
>estimated 20% of deaths due to smallpox, not even a proper plague but a common as fuck disease that was everywhere all the time
>plagues every now and then as well
>no antibiotics
Aside from that I think it'd be very livable. A lot closer to what we're made for.
People got 4-6 inches shorter as they started relying more on crops everywhere. Yeah, they were in pretty good shape, but that's about it. They were small, poorly fed(when they were fed), and labor doesn't compare to training. My old neighbors who are farmers have grit and the grip strength of fucking bears, even the old man, but labor doesn't make you fucking Arnold.
Though I'd imagine they had a pretty crazy level of baseline endurance. My grandpa sometimes had a chuckle recalling them triple-checking the aerobic capacity of his friend since it was elite athlete level and that was just from working the forest.