Attendance at theaters has hit a 25-year low

/pol be honest, why did you not go to the movies this year?

Movies are shit, the price for tickets are high, most movies are littered with shitty liberal propaganda and I don't often watch a whole movie at home so why waste money if I end up getting bored of one at the cinema.

Because I'm not paying for propaganda with money or time. Besides, the internet is far more entertaining.

>garbage sjw shitfest on the screen
>$80 for a popcorn
>nigger talking on his cell phone

no thnx

I really want to Bladerunner 2049, but the movie was in loca theater for 2 weeks. I still am wainting for a watchable release on the pirate bay. I would 20 dollar to watch the movie legaly. But where can I do so!!!!!. Not here

I used to go every friday with friends, we don't go anymore.

Now we either watch bluerays of older movies or movies streamed to the tv from pc that one of us downloaded.

The reason is obvious, someone else said it above. Once you see the bullshit leftist propoganda it's hard to unsee it.

Muh Internet. Surprised they don't have global debut beaming across the globe. Guess the only reason for the theatre is so the elite can walk the red carpet

that has to be one of the worst jobs in the world

Pretty much this.

No one wants to sit in your room watching movies on a 15 inch CRT monitor in stereo.

I go to the theater because the A/V is far superior to any home theater.

>poor fag

Movies are just action porn mixed with virtue signaling and terribly unfunny quips now. Nothing good.

the theatres in my area are full of dangerous Hispanic and black teenagers, the theatres in the suburbs are full of super judgmental obnoxious and passive agressive wealthy white and Jewish teenagers

fuck teenagers

Even in the 40's Hollywood was run by Jews, but still the biggest box office draws were Anglo, Saxon, Celtic, etc.

Now it's just all semitic shit-I'll admit, Spielberg can shoot a film-

-but for the most part it's soulless Judaism in cinema now a days

>The price of tickets is three time what it was like 15 years ago
>I don't feel like paying even more for crappy 3D
>The quality and originality of blockbusters have gone down to shit
>Every movie is now more PC than ever
>Every movie is a remake or a sequel
>Capeshit movies
You'd have to be a masochist to give any money to jewllywood producers
Hollywood needs a new crisis like it happened in the 70's

Meanwhile, do what you want 'cause a pirate is free

I'll go every now and then, but not to see a movie. I'll fine a romcom that's not super popular, walk in right before it starts, and see if there's any teenage couples in the back of the theater there are, I savor the look of dismay on the guy's face when I go and sit right next to or right behind them. It makes me feel a bit of a rush knowing I completely ruined some kid's evening.

nothing looked good
I don't even care if the characters are black or any about any of that other Sup Forums shit it's all just the same stories over and over again
I wasn't going to pay to see another star wars even if it looked good
hollywood desperation to milk shekels out of it's audience has actually made me bored of fucking lightsaber fights at this point

Haven't been any movies I wanted to see badly enough I couldn't wait to see it online. Not even for political reasons, they just weren't interesting.

>Hollywood is anti-White
>I am a White man
>I’ll keep my money

I went to see Blade Runner because I heard good things about it, and I was pleasantly surprised. Other than that, I didn't go to see Star Wars, nor do I plan to go because I have no intention of giving jews my money. Watched the camrip and that was enough to see how trash the movie is.

Blade runner 2049 amazon and iTunes released today.

>this year
movies have been garbage for over a decade

Surely it's white racism, and not the fact that the kikes have raped film to death with overt jewish marxism, bad writing, shoehorned niggers, pink hair, affirmative action, and shitty sequels.

Don't listen to these mongs. It's because we have no gf.

I don't like the jews and their tricks.
And they're in every movie.
I haven't been to a theater in years.
Literally had a gift card to the theaters frum me dad for more than 6 months now, fuck'em.

Because the ticket price rises faster than the inflation rate.

literally nothing.
I thought jews ran this shit, they abandoned their flock on xmas

When i went to America all the black people were yelling and clapping during the movies, why do they do this? In england if a single person uses a mobile phone or makes too much sound someone will usually tell them to shut the fuck up.

Because I don't want to walk into some place with sticky floors and have to listen to a bunch of niggers act overly excited about even the mundane stuff that happens during the movie.

The fact that Disney owns half of the industry really diminishes my interest towards movies overall.

only movies I saw on release this year, dunkirk and Disaster artist.

I looked at BR2049 last night and have to say he was so boring and empty. Like most movies right now. Movies only reflect the state of our society and people.

>Movies are shit,
and this for fucks sake, i just want to watch a good plot, with good acting, and see some cleavage.
Im not paying for some hollywood kike shoving diversity politics down my throat with dialogue thats always unnecessary and comes out of no where in every other scene



>seats with throughs


I saw 5 or 6 movies this year and almost all were disappointing shit. Often filled with badly out of place libshit social commentary. Mediocre films and having to spend more to go to the white theater just aren't worth it.


Can’t be fucked watching kikes act as whites

Dunno, this has been a black thing for literally as long as movies existed.

They scream at the film during horror movies especially, it's a solid stereotype that's true.

>/pol be honest, why did you not go to the movies this year?
I don't want to sit next to a nigger.

1st it was niggers hooting and hollering and i would only go once every few years, now with the kikes pushing their garbage I have absolutely no reason to attend.

>Disaster artist

How was it?

Libs forcing their narrative down my throat making movies terrible and for this they want me to pay...


Most of them are just commercials for marxism and the poison the jews are pumping into society. Who wants to pay for that?

>mexican kids running everywhere
>crying mexican babies
>loud black people
>smelly black people
>teenagers on phones
>cant get head in theaters due to hidden cameras

I used to go once or twice a week. Now I go once or twice a year because all the movies are about why I should hate myself and my race and when I comment on it to my blue pilled friends they call me a racist.

The only movie I saw was Bladerunner 2049 and I enjoyed it.

Glad I didn't give them any more of my money on crappy propaganda.

Because chrome cast and terrarium

Blade was excellent. 9 out of 10 for me. Problem is it's the sounds and feelings of the deep bass tones which make that movie the masterpiece it is. Don't bother watching it without superior surround sound equipment. Same with Dunkirk.

I could pay $20 for two hours of entertainment
or I could buy a video game for $60 and get dozens of hours

Yep. I took my apolitical 70-year-old mother out for dinner and a movie, and even she noticed the "pushing" of lefty propaganda. Couple that with the price issue you mentioned, and it's no wonder people just stay home and watch Netflix.


Hey. What movies did you see at release this year?

last time i went to the theater some lunatic shot it up so i try to avoid them

I torrent and stream online like a good little pirate. I learn new ways the pedoscum spread their propaganda. No fucking way I would ever give my nonexistent money to pedowood.

Shits expensive senpai. That's like a 50$ or more date and most movies are shit anyways

>Paying for jewish proaganda

>this is how it feels to live in the us

you know we share a border right you can just come here

>not go to the movies this year?
because they are all SWJ jew shit. I downloaded the new StarWars and I couldn't even watch it drunk. The jewswoods are done unless they start putting something else in the water

>faggot doesn't own a theater set up
4k screens aren't getting more expensive by the day faggot. Sound systems are an all time low in price. Pay up and fuck off.

Here's a life tip user. Ditch those blue pilled faggots even if it means being alone for a while until you can find new buddies. I dated a chick that was part of my home state's Medicaid expansion in the early days of Obamacare. Every one of her friends was either some ugly liberal chick or some pussy male driving a Subaru. My life changed for the better once I ended that year and a half long nightmare.

I went to the cinema 8 times this year and 5 of those was BR2049. I like Blade Runners.
>€4 for IMAX
Pretty good deal if you ask me.

Just saw The Last Jedi. Put it this way...

The Force Awakens - 2.5 out of 10

The Last Jedi - 3.5 out of 10

If you want 'no bullshit' info on the movie, lemme know.

Loved it, I thought the Francos did a great job with it. Even after "the end" they kept showing cuts from the room and disaster artist side by side, uncanny how in sync it was, wouldn't even surprise me if franco remade every fucking scene and just didn't add because of runtime. gold

unlike Canada the entirety of the US does not live along the US/Canada border

That’s actually good advice. I am much less social lately that I used to be because I have yet to find any local Redpilled friends. I guess that’s why spend so much time on this mongolian cartoon forum.

It's all been rehashed bullshit with an SJW twist. Not interested in that.

Actually I've gone to the cinema for the first time in a decade to watch Kong. It was dumb, but I enjoyed it. Maybe I'll go to the cinema again sometime in the mid-2020s.

>have to sit on a chair thousand of people have fartedon
>shitty food at shitty prices
>can't pause the movie
>stuck with at least 100 people if it's new movie
>have to deal with people talking
>people kicking the back of your seat

it's in the post, double Dsss

Why would I go to the theater when I could watch anime in my room

All the movies that came out this year were kind of shitty besides Dunkirk and one other I cant think of.

>this year

it's been more than a year.
increasing misanthropy for me: I genuinely don't like being around people, and it worsens as years go by.

Oh my god, is this a mutt theatre? Do they have those things to hold and eat pizza and burgers? Holy fucking hell I cannot believe it

I wish movies stayed in theaters long enough for me to enjoy an almost empty room.
I hate other people.

The last time I went the guy I ended sitting next
to smelled so bad, he could get a hound dog
to back off a ham bone, people were on their
cell phones, they were loud, annoying, and
the movies are mostly horrible.

Also. Hollywood is a child rape factory. I have
no interest in even taking my two kids

We just use Kodi if needed, and sit in our own
personal theater free of sub humans.

Movies and TV are completely unwatchable once you take the red pill.

I went to watch Finnish Unknown soldier.
I generally try to avoid Hollywood movies.

Only arabs in theaters that are screaming and they are really expensive.

>lips smacking
>open mouth chewing
>cum stained seats

Nogs, strangers, nasty smelling people, blocked veiw, rudeness, expense, using a bathroom thats not yours, want more?

Great! Gonna watch it then. Thanks.

>be writer
>write fresh, original script
>show it to jew studio execs
>"we aren't sure if we can sell this"
>"it's too different"
>"maybe bring us more of the same crappy bullshit we do over and over?"
>"also add some more black characters"
>continue to churn out crap
>people slowly get bored
>"shit we're losing money"
>"better just stick to the proven winning ideas to make back our money"

I went to see Star Wars cause my sister bought me a ticket. It is as rubbish as everyone says it is. My family (who normally love Star Wars) all thought it was rubbish.


Learn the differences.

Theaters have begun to offer more amenities to try and draw the crowds. Where before it was popcorn and candy now its full meals all at jew prices. Some are installing what are basically couches and beds too.

Why would I pay $20 for a movie, another $10 for drink/popcorn and then have to sit there and watch their shitty ads for 30 minutes, then watch what is 50/50 a shitty liberal movie for another 90 minutes, when I can just download it on the piratebay and watch it on my 4k TV while having a beer and getting my cock sucked?

>Dumbo and mary Poppins

please no

its all squeals, remakes, and comics. for all its faults, I liked Bright on netflix just because it was a new setting

( ( (( H O L Y W O O D )) ) )

> /pol has not inspired a #BoycottHollywood theme yet

>movies are shit
>ridiculously overpriced food

That's pretty much it. I've only been to the theaters maybe three or four times this year. I'm not even bothering to see TLJ until they inevitably put it out on Netflix in a few months.

Movies today are shit pieces of SJW globalist white genocide nonsense. I even have kids and haven’t attended
a movie since 2016. I probably would
have gone to see Blade Runner but even good movies are too pricey and by the time I decided to see it, it’s short run had ended. SJW Hollywood is dying, hopefully good original content will replace the sludge but Im not optimistic

I'm content with watching the star wars films on shitty cams. I'm sure many others are as well.

I live in an all white area, so it has nothing to do with the hassle of dealing with minorities.
It's just the constant social justice "sermon".
Even if you can ignore it, they're still just endlessly tedious.

Hell is other people.

I can't possibly imagine why people still go to the movie theater.

Mainly because I got a kodi box from the flea market and I can stream that shit without giving Jews money and


Not a race faggot. Those are Mestizos Mexicans. Why should a spaniard be blamed for the crimes of mestizos?