Are Trump virgins the new soy boys?

Are Trump virgins the new soy boys?


>Asking Trumpers whether they think they are Trumpers.
They'll deny it here, even though they are.

Why do you want my dick so bad? You're never going to get it.

Op usually posts under rainbow flag due to his love of cock


supporting trump gives a 50% masculinity bonus

It doesn't make you more masculine to take Putin's dick inside you.

Nah, the cunts would look normal if they didn’t dress like homos. Soyboys stick out no matter what you dress them in.

No! Trump supporters are great! Very smart!


They always were. Sup Forums and r/the_donald are projection boards.

Nope, only wimpy leftist faggots are soyboys

FUCK YOU for even posting this you fucking sharia-blue shill KEK

wtf I wrote cuck not kek are the mods editing my posts????

sad part is those redditors probably still have more test than pic related

They are the original soyboys.

Worst slide thread ever

>these are the saviors of the white race Sup Forums talks about

How can you be so fucking slow? The filters have been on for ages, you mental cuck.

be forever mad nerd virgin trumptards

Trump supports KIKES

Sup Forums is like 50% white at best. It is going to be very funny watching a bunch of non-white people shooting antifa zombies in self-defense scenarios.

too bad we can never have an accurate straw /pol

i wish i was still a virgin...

>still reads wapo

At least they don't smile like this. I don't think I've ever seen one doing this.

Gtfo cnn