Why are wh*te subhumans so racist?
Why are wh*te subhumans so racist?
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I'll take things that didn't happen for $500, Alex.
Not enough money to remove a huge ass wart on his eye, apparently.
all they ever wanted was a qt fundamentalist gf
Why are you so ass blasted you can't even say the word "white"?
>and then everyone clapped and shouted my name and someone even opened a bottle of champagne
t. every liberal fantasy
Got money for 1st class, but still rocking that skin lump upside his eye since the 80’s
Women are dumb bitches that only see status.
A White man wouldn't be like that, I assure you that.
Congrats user you hit the daily double.
That negro has lumps coming out of his eyes.
>everyone there starts to clap.
Do they really think this line that they add into every story makes the story sound more believable?
How can you unironically type this while on Sup Forums? Unless Sup Forums is really full of racist women
i fucking hate this place so fucking much.
Never happened, nigger. Now go away. Nobody requested a shoe shine.
Probably because that hat is part of the burglar costume in every home security system commercial ever made.
Niggers really just want validation from masta.
Things that never happened: the post.
Then one guy from the crowd stood up and gave him a $%100.75 dollar bill.
The name of that guy? Adolf Hitler
She must be jewish
Meme aside, anyone actually encounter a random fucking clapping event like that?
Why do they always add the "and then everybody started clapping" at the end? It's like they want everybody to be absolutely 100% sure they're full of shit.
add this to fakehatecrimes.org
tfw to intelligent too figure out you look like a criminal
>dress like a hobo
>someone tells me to shower and get a job
haha jokes on them, I'm really a millionaire
ITT - Shit that never happened
ITT: things that didn't happen
yup in upside down USA, the dumbest people are given the most opportunity
Social media is an adventure into everyone's daydreams. Nigger was sitting there, thinking about being black. Sees blonde haired woman, gets envious of her skin and actual hair. Starts to daydream because he's at the airport, and waiting in line and bored.
>wow, it would be so sweet if this damn white woman was micro aggressive to me, and assumed I didn't have enough money to be in 1st class.
Woman is just standing there, bored, probably texting, maybe thinking about black buck giant dick or something.
>Yeah, my nigga, then I could like, tell her white ass off, and then everyone in the terminal would start clapping!
Looks around at all the zombies in the terminal, half of them are sleeping, or half asleep, the rest are staring at their phones.
>yeah nigga, that'd be sweet, I would post that shit.
Then he posts that shit.
A nigger with money lol
no one believes this
Yes, once. Some nigger was trashing a McDonald's I was eating in. A cop speared his ass and another cuffed him. Everyone clapped for the cops.
They probably thought they were at the movies.
making shit up for Likes
or upvotes
or (you)s
or notes... they have notes on Tumblr, right?
>calls another race subhuman
>complains about racism
Shit like this is what makes me racist.
ANDDDD he gets applause - black mans fantasy
When a black supremacist tries to shit on us
Just bring up memes of hiphop founder
Afrika Bambataa
He was a strait up gay pedophile
And was protected by zulu nation
Just repeat this
It will shame them into the ground
>I’m so smart that I still don’t understand a man in a suit will get more respect than someone who looks like he’s fresh out of creedmore
i wonder what it tastes like?
I wasn't asking you Leaf, 56% only.
lemme guess....criminal justice, liberal arts, Creative writing
Or self preservationist?
See, white people have targets on their backs,
and ignorance has life and death consequences because our population is
hopelessly retarded, acts on impulse, and
everything that is regurgitated to them on MSM
I don't broadcast how I feel about color in
public, but we all have a public opinion on race
and a private opinion on race.
I will just collect ammo for when this kicks off.
A little tip...if and when this kicks off it will
be every man women and child for themselves.
Good luck...there are lots of Neagons out there.
You're American so you probably don't notice them happening.
>I was so confident I had to pretend to make a selfi to take a picture of my opressor.
white women are rude tbqh
Actually yes. Somewhat similar scenario at an amusement park, you could pay extra to go on a slingshot ride (like reverse bungie jumping). A buddy and I were in line for 45 minutes until we reached the front and were next to go on. Suddenly hear "excuse me" from behind and pushed to the side. Two chicks, push out in front. I am thinking they must either work there or forgot something on the ride. When they stop and are just standing there, I ask what they are doing, bitch says they have "fast-pass" (pay basically triple the entrance fee and you get to skip the lines on some rides). I look back at the line of people, several shaking their heads, all of them too polite to stop them. I tell her there isn't a fast pass and she just cut in front of 20 people who all paid extra to ride this ride. She points at a sign on the gate, it's a fucking exit sign. Short chick beside the dyed haired dyke tells me just to drop it. Not happening. They didn't consider that the ride attendants might recognize people who have stood in a short line for almost an hour. They are forced to walk back through the line while every one in the line claps. Bitches deserved the ridicule. It was a fucking awesome ride too. Walked past the area an hour later and those chicks were still trying to argue for a refund lmao.
I believe it. I believe he was in the priority line, and that a white woman harassed him for it. I believe he's too fat and lazy to be in military. Also I believe people applauded at the end. But I do not believe this potato eyed coon had a first class ticket, and the people were clapping when he was moved to the back of the bus. Abraham Lincoln didn't write no nigger a letter.
I believe that...
Fucking gross nigger.
My favorite part of these stories is when everyone starts clapping at the end, that's how you know the story is real.
she was like this because most black people are shit and just assummed he was shit to.
why do blacks get more butthurt over whites saying something rude them blacks killing eachother
shit like this cracks white people up
>everyone starts to clap
I will take shit that never happened for 500.
>and then they all clapped
damnit, wrong one
FPBP. Sage no one fucking cares about your nigger shit posts and your nigger attitude go back to Africa filth. Or are ya to scared big black man?
I'm curious about this too, why does '*' keep appearing in the place of 'i', didn't miss some new type of censorship or what?
Reddit: The post
Clicked the wrong one, I meant
Everytime I walk into a room, it's all eyes on me and the plebs applaud
>"""3rd degree"""
>still hasn't worked before
>nah man it was a bendy bus
What's wrong with the corner of his eye?
Its a tear you racist fuck
I don't believe him either except for the Americlap part! :^)
That’s HPV
niggers are monkeys
fuck you and fuck niggers, fucking kike
Coloreds are funny. Wtf is growing out of his eye? Left over govt cheese?
3rd degree manslaughter hearing
tfw ur a pagan
I haven't seen those weird bendy busses in a looong time
Moley Russell's Wart.
imagine being so sad and desperate that you make shit up like that so that people will like you. I've met people like that and they're always shitty and you wonder how far down you have to go before there's a person in there
Then piss off
My first and only tonight
This 100%
>10,000 retweets and 20,000 likes
Jesus Christ...