How hard will the shock of becoming a minority hit White America? #2

I think that a lot of White people, even Gen Z youngings are still used to seeing America as a White nation. So what happens when it dawns on us that that has now changed? What happens when politics, media and culture is overwhelmingly shitskin? I feel like racial polarization will kick off and Whites will grow more racist, which is NOT a good thing.

Right now we are in danger of White people shifting hard into racism, which is the fault of the regressive left.

So I ask you Sup Forums, how can we keep Whites from sliding back into 1950s style racism?

This study worries me alot ->

Other urls found in this thread:

This study basically confirms that white America is slowly shifting into a more "racial" mindset, and thus is creating the fuel for potentially divisive and destructive white identity Sup Forumsitics. WHICH IS NOT GOOD, SINCE IT COULD START A FUCKING CIVIL WAR!

What do??

>dumb white whore.jpg

is this a copypasta or did you write this shit up yourself

When whites start realizing that most of their taxes go to social security for lazy blacks

The lack of respect people of color have for White people, our cultures and our history is pissing off Whites. Its not necessarily the fact that we could potentially become a minority (you don't know if we will or not because birthrates are very unpredictable, not to mention millennials are waiting till their 30s to have children).

They flood our countries, shit all over the place and then expect us to treat them nicely? I don't get it.

They better respect our people, culture and history or we will unite and fight back. As you can se, this shit is already fucking happening.

>So I ask you Sup Forums, how can we keep Whites from sliding back into 1950s style racism?
My man, you want 1950s style racism. What's likely coming is a "fight for survival" style racism that isn't going to be pretty.

>9 months later and hes still at it

More pics of him please

When America is minority white, it will be just as poor and shitty as every other minority white country. Want to see what America will be like when it is mostly black and MExican? Look at Mexico and Africa.


Whites built everything. As much as blacks like to think they did it for whitey in America, that's not true. If it was, Africa would the height of civilian.

The whites are furious. We were never asked for these rats to flood our homes, suck at our welfare, abuse our women and children, deficate in our streets, and rob the elderly.

As Britbong, I feel very fucking strongly about killing some Muhammeds. I will not forget Rotherham or the Manchester boomings and how these monsters attack little girls because they're too fucking pathetic to fight for real.

I want Civil war to break. I would rather lose with honour than hand over my home to fucking Ahmed and chums because Corbyn told me too. I want Kahn's head on a pike and I want to make London great again

The Whites and Asians, and their mixed offspring, will make up the minority upper class. The brown majority will be the lower class.

Race realism will continue to exist.

That's when White identity will shift into overdrive. We're still not truly experiencing the effects of the decline of Whites in America. But we will. It's coming.

fuck u prig


The big shock will be when the gibs stop, because there aren't enough taxpaying whites to fund them

HO. LY. FUCK. You've made this fucking thread HUNDREDS of times. What is your point.

The White Spirit will never die but they will try to repress it. As their influence spreads the disease will destroy, we didn't come here to oppress but to guide but they have changed the narrative. The Swastika burns brightly throughout the World, it is not a symbol of hate as they would have you believe. Their reign is weakening, their desperation is evident. Hail our Ancestors!

Prey that it happens.
Oh man.. if America was to establish the fourth reich then she would be literally impossible to stop. nobody could or would put up a fight. The army's of Europe are just as fed up with shitskins.

Blacks and browns cost the US around 740 billion per year in social services. That's like having an extra military devoted to destroying the nation even more. When whites do begin to fight for their own interests it will be bold and ruthless.

None of this behind the curtain, manipulative shit like the likes pull. I prey it happens, I want a better world for my beautiful white children.

Can somebody please post the you are here image about white america becoming Nazi.

Roughly 740 billion a year, its similar to the military budget

Whites are already a minority. It doesnt matter at all. Nothing special about being white at all.

Me too mate, me too.

I can only get so hard user.

How tight was your sisters pussy?

Encourage it as much as possible ASAP.


At least you're still 87% White over there. You owns the country side, it's really just London and a few other major cities that are under siege.

Here in America these fucking niggers, spics and kikes have taken over almost every city, and they also inhabit the country side. Like all the sand niggers in Dearborn Michigan.

Aren't you the faggot who fucked his sister?

We fell at incredibly fast speed. In the 60's we were a clearly White nation now I haven't got a clue


Fight for your existence. White's are the racial minority of the world and we created it. Humanity is on the verge of collapse and the human spirit that ignites our minds is being subverted and destroyed.

Shit for brains. It will never happen. Literally nothing leftists predict ever happens.

Your kids will fucking HATE you because youre a weak faggot and kids need strong leadership and parents so when they realize you ducked them they will all be family oriented conservatives.

You stupid fucks NEVER see consequences coming. Youre just like niggers

"I'm so despondent about everything. Everything I try goes totally wrong. There's no escape from this hole here. I feel drained. So far, I still haven't found a real purpose in life. Sometimes, I'm afraid to get out of bed in the morning. There's nothing to get up for." - Joseph Goebbels

Even the greatest of minds have had their lows. They have had their doubts. They longed for something greater than ourselves like we all do.

>Whites will grow more racist, which is NOT a good thing.
Speak for yourself.
>how can we keep Whites from sliding back into 1950s style racism?
Keep other minorities from 1) acting like they are an oppressed minority and 2) blaming whites for all the ailments of society.

All the other racial groups are heavily in a "racial" mindset. Whites are just better at everything we do. Oh, 100+ places have expelled kikes? Germans killed 6 m--m-m-m-million. Whites colonized 90% of the known world? Oh that's right, we were just better at war.

the girl in your pick is Russian m8. Not a white person. (though whiter than americans)

We thirst for war.

>I want to make London great again

Jack the Ripper v2.0

I've always wondered how many people could be killed in a night if you went door-to-door with a lockpick and a knife.
No one survives, even the infants.

And if the house you break into is somehow white british you just leave them alone.

I am a soft, spoiled, extremely "privileged", man/child, who does not have to work or grow up. I live in luxury and comfort. I am depressed and I hate myself.

With all honesty and sincerity, a civil war would be the greatest thing I could possibly image, even if the sociopathic Jewish Globalist won or if I were to be raped to death by the nigger hordes.

You image name is an oxymoron. White Identity can only be right. This is nature. Only in fighting against nature can you be wrong.

not much
we're already a minority in the sense we're the most intelligent

"One day my spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know that I was right."

No shock whatsoever.

Chances are you'd leave some DNA/fibers somewhere and get caught.

If you planned to do it all on one night you could get well into double figures, and then suicide by cop.

"Just as the night rises against the day, the light and dark are in eternal conflict. So too, is the subhuman the greatest enemy of the dominant species on earth, mankind. The subhuman is a biological creature, crafted by nature, which has hands, legs, eyes and mouth, even the semblance of a brain. Nevertheless, this terrible creature is only a partial human being.

Although it has features similar to a human, the subhuman is lower on the spiritual and psychological scale than any animal. Inside of this creature lies wild and unrestrained passions: an incessant need to destroy, filled with the most primitive desires, chaos and coldhearted villainy.

A subhuman and nothing more!

Not all of those who appear human are in fact so. Woe to him who forgets it!

Mulattoes and Finn-Asian barbarians, Gipsies and black skin savages all make up this modern underworld of subhumans that is always headed by the appearance of the eternal Jew."

They are not humans. Fight against these foreign hordes!

For all that is right and just.

>itt mutts thinking they wouldn't be slayed in nazi world
lmao. you guys are like south italian level of whiteness.

American "white" mutts

That is the order of whiteness.

>Right now we are in danger of White people shifting hard into racism
>Implying this is a bad thing
Oh (You)...

This is a copy pasta by a shill. Sage and report. See pic for info on how whites will most likely handle it.

Stop being a faggot who literally know's there plenty of non mutts in America but pretends to be retarded on Sup Forums.

>posts with republifag flag

Get back to pic related. And you just outed yourself as a fucking complete shill or utter idiot mongrel by saying finn asians are more white than fucking Anglos, let alone Slavs and Baltics.

DNA/Fibers would only seal your doom in the possibility that you got caught.
You need to get caught in the first place.

Honestly, i'm just wondering how many "homes" you would break into and discover that they're actually sex slave dungeons or drug dens or gun/ammunition stockpiles.

Imagine the implications if someone goes full-on Punisher after breaking into a mosque and finding some kind of actual .556/.308/.50 cal machine guns in the basement... Police were called to the scene, publicly announce "NO it's JUST a break+enter"

And then 12 hours after a massacre of muslims praying in the street, a video shows up online that provides a continuous-shot time lapse of someone breaking into that mosque, finding that machine gun, and then doing the shooting.

The police force would be so utterly BTFO they could never recover even if they changed the entire structure of the organization, because an event like that would imply the highest order of corruption to keep shit quiet.

Sorry but your mutt memeing is oncoherent:

American "white" mutts

>wants a war to start
>too scared to start a war

sounds like england to me

Dude im gen z and im a hardcore christian and a national socialist. Ive seen the worst of the worst liberals and i cant wait for a race war! We will at least gain territory for the white population if we cant take the whole country.

I think it's going to create the same type of racial radicalism as you would expect from any demographically changing nation. It's common in history that demographic shifts create violence and I think it's really foolish to think that somehow America is going to be exempt from this. Overall, there will be those that fade out and die because they were too stupid or too proud to recognize what is staring us in the face but let's also face the reality that race is the foremost talked about subject in America and isn't going to change anytime soon.

That's why I'm pussying out and race mixing so they can't bitch.

Try again you faggot shill.

Disapora fag here. Whites will become more tribal (and those who dont will be ostracized out of main genepool). At that point births will stabilize, and Europeans will become the new Jews. (Possibly being exterminated at that point, my people have been trough plenty of genocides, and only survived by the grace of the jew). At that point, if the jews feel satisified with their revenge, whites may be kept in sancuaries, if else they will die out. I know for sure my people only exist because the jews let us (since weve never been particulary violent against them). Screen cap this.

>Inb4 etnhic nord shouts "Gå hjem"
No, i will use the opportunity the jews have given me to further empower my tribe, meanwhile securing friendships that would be beneficial.

>tfw the jew is the only reason my tribe still exists, but i still hate them for being autistic

Why is it?

Based. Somehow the leaf joke doesn't apply to this post.


Alright faggot, we get it you are gay. Don't fag it up in here.


3rd column pic - Child Protection Chief (((Sue Berelowitz))) who failed to speak out about Pakistani rape gangs rehired on $1k a day. Every fucking time.

you are not even funny shut up


>They've been keeping child rape rings quiet for almost 5 years, even longer, but I found out about BEFORE the Syrian refugess (((crisis))). They never gave a shit and it's sad people are realizing when it's almost too late.

My kinda shill desu. Reading these posts put me in a good mood. Saved some great pics. The fire rises.

I remember when poi wasn't just a way for cucks to pretend to care about politics.

Thanks dad, you give me hope

>go door-to-door killing mudrats
>get filmed by about thirty separate CCTV cameras because you're in Bongistan
>caught next morning
>sent to prison with Muhammed and Jamal for life
>die childless, having contributed nothing to the cause
>become the lefts ebil nazi boogeyman for decades to come
Stop this LARPing.

ontenay farm

>So I ask you Sup Forums, how can we keep Whites from sliding back into 1950s style racism?
I'm worried that they won't. Are you some kind of nigger or something?

>I feel like racial polarization will kick off and Whites will grow more racist, which is NOT a good thing.

Explain how this is not the greatest thing? I have young nephews and nieces who are becoming little white nationalists and it's beautiful. Their parents are milleneal scum, and I've never tried to Redpill them. It's nature taking it's course, it's a primal animal survival instinct, and it's beautiful.

>How hard will the shock of becoming a minority hit White America?
call 1964 and find out

Kek the sister fucker is back.

Found the crypto leaf

*Do you want to build a snowman music kicks in*

Do you want to revolution?~

People will handle it fine. Most white people are not as racist as Sup Forums. They accept diversity and multiculturalism.

Go and do it then, tough guy.

Trying really hard to shill that somehow doing nothing is better.

>tow you will never witness such elegance and might in a city

Nothing but love for ya Dane

If I'm a Gen Zer will they rebel against me? or will I be the cool dad that every parent secretly doesn't want their kids visiting my house and my kid has no friends because of this.


Raising a family is better than throwing your life away for little to no gain, Dylan Roof-style.

You realise that image is of the Portuguese, right?

Always liked this picture of Mosley, shows his laid back side

The system can't function with so many people on government assistance and social security/ end of life care.

You are the worst poster in the fucking world.

Fuck off with your boardspam paranoid anti-white nationalist bullshit. You're not intelligent, and you will not change anyone's mind.

Every time I see one of your threads I sage, close, and HIDE it. Die.

Dafug? Do you have tourettes?

Do you want to build an empireeee

mosley gets alot of shit from Sup Forums but personally i think the man was a god send and talks on part with hitler

kek i was going to say that you faggot
> hes a jew too

Immigration is about rich men becoming richer. Not about the nation or the people. ( Or bloody starving niggers)
Real normal capitalism is sane, natural and works.
What (((they))) call capitalism is defined as the their self interest.
It's madness, crime that's going to kill us all and wreck our countries for our kids, they will live in hell states.
(((Their)))) 'capitalism' takes precedence over democracy and everything else)
True Satanism is that same creed BTW. look it up.
Nationalism must punish criminals when the revolution is over.

I’m not even a fascist, more nationalist and paleo libertarian. And by god, I’d have followed him at the time!

He wrote it up yesterday and made a thread so if it is possible to copy pasta your own work than yes.

The redpilled trinity. Kraut, bong and burger.

>flood america with shitskins illegally
>give those shitskins citizenship by abusing legal loopholes
>SHOCKED when white Americans rapidly begin swinging rightwards when you begin gloating that their days are numbered


It's all the cucked 3 generations that came before us. Is it too late to uncuck them?


GenX is cucked? We raised ourselves. Boomer parents only cared about themselves.