ITT: Unpopular opinions (by Sup Forums standards)
ITT: Unpopular opinions (by Sup Forums standards)
I wish we could all just get along.
The Jews are good people.
A worldwide monorace is largely inevitable because people like to fuck more than they like to be true to their ideals. We're just delaying the Global Mutt.
There is nothing wrong with having a young wife
Mohammad! How is Canada?
Jews aren't that bad.
Race mixing is a neutral thing. I don't care if my people are bred out of existence or not.
I agree.
The book of Enoch is true. The watchers were here, some slept with our women and bred Giants. The Lord Most High flooded the earth.
Muslims, socialists or germans aren't human.
Peterson is a greedy hack
This is agreed upon
The political side of original Sup Forums is one of the best things to ever happen on the internet... except when it turns to females. And then the evenhandedness falls away to blind incel spittle
>inb4 roastie soyboy etc.
Unlike politics, you'll pull the type of women that nature allocated for you. Of course you can self-help/earn your way up the ladder, but it has to be earned not shitposted. A bar too high for most
Convert coal burners.
Correlation isn't causation.
Masturbation isn't worth preventing prostate cancer.
Armed citizens and militas prevent tyranny.
Christianity is deeply symbolic and sacred.
Socialism is for cucks
blacks have good heart and are better person than us
Most of fashies' hatred for capitalism is caused by leftist propaganda. We actually live under corporate socialism and the media is just blaming all the shit on capitalism so all millennials push for more leftist policies. Before saying anything about capitalism you should read Hoppe, hardcore ancap is just a framework for fascism and the best way to create ethnostates, get rid of degenerates through natural selection and remove leftist filth.
Nationalism is compatible with ancap as well.
Communists aren't people.
Strasserists are fucking gay.
Slavs are white, except eastern Russians.
Americans aren't that bad and the whole 56% meme is just a shilling tactic for discrediting their opinions.
The lolbergtarian meme is pushed by antifa shills, divide and conquer.
Welfare should be terminated no matter what as it promotes laziness, degenerate behavior and alternate, non-traditional lifestyles.
Socialism and communism are the embodiment of degeneracy in every single aspect and the cause of it.
Microaggressions are real and problematic.
The woman from the "internet blackface" video was completely right.
He is the most obviously money hungry e celeb
I'm unironically in favour of right wing fascism but at the same time I'm incredibly pro worker rights, I don't think workers should ever have to buy anything they use for work, 0 hours contracts, internships, sub minimum wage apprenticeships would all be outlawed, night and weekend work would require a steep premium, and I generally like the idea of unions (much more difficult in practice I admit)
This board has gone so insane, it is just reddit painted a different color. No better, no worse.
Government systems are fundamentally corrupt because they enact the will of man instead of god. Capitalism and Communism are both systems which become corrupt over time, as the only ones who seek power are the ones who intend to abuse it. The only answer to violence and suffering inherent within the sinful man's system is Christian Anarchy. The only laws that should be followed are God's laws.
stop that fucking shit
Communism is dead.
Fascism is dead.
Talkingand identyfing in any of them is incredibly stupid and anachronistic.
>becoming a hack so soon
man, the internet is ruthless, but yes. he either can't be pro-white or won't.
I would kill you myself if you were in front of me you worthless piece of shit. Double shame if your white.
>And then the evenhandedness falls away
The same cant be said for circumcision threads, it all becomes "women love muh dick / foreskin is gross" posts
Literally just realised pro-circumcision posts could easily be one programmed bot
Bernie woulda won.
coveting is not a sin in your literal 'religion of peace'? I'm not surprised.
There's nothing wrong with fucking women of different races because you're biologically programmed to bleach
Explain yourself
can't let bernie win. he was promising too much it was laughable.
Atheism and nationalism go together better than Christianity and anything.
Christianity is a religion for literal cuckolds.
Winner winner chicken dinner
if you're a white nationalist, you should be pagan.
I actually think some women can have merit and understand concepts of loyalty, honour and love.
I hate lude behaviour, I don't like sexualising everything, some men are, in fact, boarish, and it's a shame that we don't value innocence as much more than something to defile.
I actually agree with this. That, and the industrial era fucked the idea of days of rest and observance, beyond Christmas. I'm a firm believer in holidays as a community building thing, and all holiday work should be voluntary ahead of said holiday. Then the consumerism screwed what was left of that notion by making a holiday a commercial aspect of purchasing more than what they're actually meant to be.
>still no explanation
for the record, i dont mean to have sex as soon as shes my wife; if she's not ready for it I cant push it nor do I really want to, it must happen naturally ... I want a wife who is pure not a sex doll ... what is more beautiful than that? except your children
Hot Arab/Indian women are objectively the most beautiful women in the world.
You know this. I know this. Why deny it?
>Pro tip, you can't
I support single payer health care since i already subsidize it for niggers and spics
Communists are right about a few things.
The Jewish state, whatever its territory will be, has a right to exist as any other does.
>Liberalism is western culture and western culture is superior to all others
>"White" is a stupid idea outside of the USA and a Brit should feel no bond with a Russian because of their skin color / skull structure, Russians are not even liberal
>AI will dictate the outcome of every political issue of the future and the 2010s were the last decade of human dominance
>Beta males are an evolutionary adaptation from higher civilizations in which male aggression/competition was a negative trait, they are a sign of greatness, they are only viewed negatively today because the west has become matriarchal, thus favoring male competition / aggression
>Matriarchy cannot be expunged from within, the liberal individualist matriarchy of the US will be replaced with a Hispanic patriarchy, the liberal matriarchies of the EU will be replaced with Islamic patriarchies, this effectively cannot be averted unless the west magically adopts technocracy
Christianity is universal religion, but that shouldn't discourage white from following it.
Achievements and apparent superiority of white race, do not come from virtue of white race, but from gifts of God implanted to it. Therefore, while you are superior to nigger, you can be made inferior to him in much the same way.
Peterson has tied himself in knots and given himself depression trying to construct a reality where a hero can slay the dragon of human nature and end the tendency of humans to group up and kill each other under the right circumstances.
He can't. He'd feel better if he embraced the fash.
I proudly voted Trump but I voted for Ben Carson in the primary.
not all darkies and jews are bad
Even without the Jews most of you losers would never have accomplished anything because you're too lazy, complacent, and irresponsible to make something of yourself
EU is doing a pretty great job
theyre like this because of the jews, so the version of themselves right now is unphatomable without jews
Jews are some of the best minority's to have. They know how to integrate without bastardizing their own culture, they tend to be useful, they cant replace you.
There's not a damn thing wrong with that.
Labour and Jeremy Corbyn have shown the way: a mass movement of working people to reshape the world. Life anew, the end of the capitalists and the bankers and fascists. Every man a king. Peace, land and bread.
I don't hate black people and think and am civic nationalist. No I'm not a boomer
Not all people of any race or religion deserve to die.
Except Communists
this thread was a mistake
the absolute state of pol
I thonk math should be taken out of high schools. Something I agree with sjws on
> Microaggressions are real and problematic.
What the fuck are you faggots even talking about? I admitted to voting for nigger but why are you two even here?
People using pol, /pol and variations instead of Sup Forums should be sent back to where they came from.
You literally have no excuse except for being not from Sup Forums.
"Actually putting thought into politics instead of spazzing out and acting like a fucking moron a good thing."
who cares
Poles are white and I would gladly tongue the anus of every Polish woman I have yet encountered. Why are Polish women so fucking hot?
Millennials everywhere are mailing their semen cross country. It's a new trend, and if you take part you are considered a part of the "Cumtry Club". Upon receiving the gift, the recipient drinks the white fluid while posting a video of the act on Instagram. It began as a meme, a way for tech-savvy Millennials to have sex long-distance with friends they met over the internet. But now some Millennials are taking part, well, just to have fun. "Yeah me and some of my League of Legends buddies thought it would be kind of cool to suck each other off through the mail" says Xandar Constantine, a trans-entity from Topeka, Kansas. We met Xandar in xir backyard in a kiddy pool bathing in gallons of xir friends collected semen. But Xandar says they are still just friends.
Now some mental health experts are saying Millennials aren't drinking ENOUGH cum. Baby Boomers on average have consumed at least a football stadium's worth of semen in a lifetime, where Millennials are projected to have only consumed about a quarter of that. "It's a worrying trend" says Harvey Weinstein.
#metoo #impeachtrump #elizabethwarren
This, history has shown that anytime 2 or more genetically compatible species have freedom of mobility between them they innevitebly merge into one. The global mutt race became inevitable as soon as sea travel was developed.
I think pizzagate was handled very poorly and to people on the outside it looked like a big witch hunt and largely a joke.
Christianity is a semetic religion which is detrimental to Europeans and it's the best we have
Nazis a joke and our Golden Dawn mutts are sad excuses for greeks.
"White" is an american idea created because most their "white" population are 5 gen mutts who are at best a mix of European ethicities. In yurop nobody loves or cares for another European country simply because they share a skin color. Culture and tradition are what binds a people together but for everyone non-american that also is true for skin color since most countries and homogeneous. For example the numerous pure, 2-3rd gen diaspora "Greeks" I have met even if they look like every other greek person are not really Greek, they are american or british or australian.
Non-Israeli kikes are alright, especially the german ones.
Russians are africa tier mongoloids.
>>Americans aren't that bad and the whole 56% meme is just a shilling tactic for discrediting their opinions.
I still don't get why the amerifats got/get so assblasted about this meme, thinking it's a conspiracy theory because for once in their lives the joke is on them.
As long as we are playing this game the poo in loo meme is a conspiracy created by Big Toilet to get indians to buy their toilets.
All right, I'm sorry. I've checked formal definitions and it seems that microagression means that you'll only get denigrating messages if you're member of certain group. I thought it meant denigrating messages in general. I've got enough shit at work, i don't need to hear I'm a code monkey from every stranger i meet
masturbation isn't harmful
>Sup Forums standards
Thats like saying its part of a "social construct." -IT DOESNT EXIST
the only things I really hate are hubris and puritanism
I don't hate any ethnic group. I believe Israel is for the Jews alone and Jerusalem is their eternal capitol. I also think black women have the potential to be stunning.
Fuck off abdul
its a 3 step opinion
>the only constant is change, yet people believe their ideology will somehow stay after they win the culture war
>you have to choose to either go an individual route and do something with your life, which might affect the collective, or you serve the collective or die for it.
>if both ways are just specks in history, like the nazis who lasted 10 years, the commies who lasted 70 years or even the romans who are gone too, its certainly most important to live your own life with integrity , as you are the only judge that matters, and the only life you have a stake in.
This is of course only for non-religious fags, as religious fags can make up any shit they want.
We don't need women's support. There is no good wife.
They will never ever agree to restoring the husband's authority.
what a worthless post. Truly memeflags are the worst form of cancer on this board.
not every single jew in the world is plotting and / or actively working on destroying the white nations
Come at me brehs and call me JIDF, considering there is 500 jews of 4.2M people in Croatia according to 2011 census, chances of me being one is around 0.012%
feel free to argue as to why
or don't if your just a religious fag, making up shit isn't really an argument, but i can see as why its nice to have a reason to live other then your own, creating something out of nothing is for gods, religious people just follow them, individuals do it to give themselves worth
then you never believed in any sort of greater good
I think architecture is incredibly important and architects should be held to well defined standards. I also think advertising should be disallowed in most public spaces.
eventhough im an atheist I unironically think we should re-take constantinople and drive the arabs back into the arabian peninsula, and make an effort to eradicate islam entirely.
Incest between siblings should be legalized
go away jew
We should all try to get along more
Climate change is occurring
you don't have to believe in greater good for your actions to have a positve effect.
As for belief, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. especially collective 'goals'.
While individuals acting upon their integrity won't kill as many people as collectivist dreamers , the commies, the nazis ect. all wanted to do the 'greater' good
Materialists ruined the world. Unless you're a traditional christian, that means you.
>you don't have to believe in greater good for your actions to have a positive effect.
it just wont fucking matter
It's ok for white women to marry and date black men.
Aren't Scandinavian countries the less religious in Europe?
TFW basically traditional christian except I dont believe in christian god because he would have to be a weak faggot to let his church and world be ruined by jews who rejected him
There is a lot of hardship because you're basically raising a child.
Met at 13, me 23. Married at 18 and 28. Not a mudslime.
My unpopular:
Not all the Jews are bad.
Also, can someone explain this shit (pic) to me, I can't figure out out.
NoFap is remorseful voodoo faggotry for chronic masturbators.
You thonk English should be taken out, too?
Traits are more important than specific genes
I dont have any problem with raising a young girl.
What's the alternative anyway? Girls 15 years old and older are almost sure to have had sex at least once, and I dont want that. It fucks them up forever.
the crusades was christianity's greatest failure
for you. Yes. positive effects for the 'greater good' are for other people anyways.
How is this hard to understand?