I'd rather live in a rich country with muslims and few minor terrorist attacks per year than in a eastern european shithole where i have to live a poor and depressing life.
I'd rather live in a rich country with muslims and few minor terrorist attacks per year than in a eastern european...
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I'd rather live in a rich country with no muslims and no terrorist attacks
This. At least we have money and a good life.
wait untill the muslims start going after christians like you, merkel slave.
Most refugee crimes are already censored by the german stasi state - but it's going to be much more worse in a few years.
good do that hans xD we do not want u in our beautiful white eastern europe
how is your nightlife among shitskins nowadays? xDDD
also pay geld fur reparations kraut
>rich country with muslims and few minor terrorist attacks
They will get bolder every day as long as you continue like this ... mark my words.
Gas yourself kike
Fuck you cunt. I wish hitler gassed your kikish ancestors
Fuck you you French cuck
Heil Hitler brüdder. I rather live in absolute poverty and with clean blood than with shitskins who insults God with their very existence. I feel sick from just seeing niggers
This. At least you have money and a good life
ok enjoy yourself
you are no deceiving anyone muhamad time to go back
I'd rather live in a richer country (and i am) with no muslims and no terror attacks, than in a cucked country full of rapefugees, muslims, sand niggers and terror.
youre 2nd world, germany. first is scandinavia. (except sweden)
You german fags feel so sorry for about everything and everyone after ww2, so you open your doors to sandniggers and other shit.
Diversity is our strength goyim
Not like you would know what that is, but seriously I rather be a poor polacken than live with niggers.
"than live with niggers"
>lives in sweden
>poor and depressing life
How about you move from away from poor and depressing Germany? German cuck.
is hans so deluded that "completely unnecessary terrorist deaths are OK because I wear nice shoes"
the absolute state of germoney
oh believe me, i know what a comfortable and good life is
I can safely assume that I can afford more shit than 2/3 of this thread's shitposters
That will not be a choice available to your children.
Your grand daughter will live in society where all trust has been destroyed, the economy ravaged by the percentage of low IQs, in between tons of Muslims who will rape her a dozen times before puberty.
lol. everything in poland are so cheap it's bascially free.
We earn less, we pay less
You earn more, you pay more
Sometimes much. much more ( Denmark )
>i have to live a poor
Protip: That country is poor, doesn't mean that you have to be poor.
> Fuck you you French cuck
>Anonymous (ID: JIDqHNS0) 12/26/17(Tue)17:55:48 No.154585989▶
> Heil Hitler brüdder. I rather live in absolute poverty and with clean blood than with shitskins who insults God with their very existence. I feel sick from just seeing niggers
>Anonymous (ID: 0UJcG4Rk) 12/26/17(Tue)17:56:46 No.154586087▶
>File: abs.jpg (9 KB, 179x281)
>9 KB
> (OP)
>Anonymous (ID: +yHRN7D+) 12/26/17(Tue)17:57:05 No.154586121▶
> This. At least you have money and a good life
>Anonymous (ID: Cwt568YA) 12/26/17(Tue)17:57:44 No.154586200▶
> (OP)
> ok enjoy yourself
>Anonymous (ID: P2Ar1w0V) CF 12/26/17(Tue)17:58:40 No.154586284▶
>File: 2e518790ae38d3f1e31275e7c(...).jpg (8 KB, 255x180)
>8 KB
> (OP)
> you are no deceiving anyone muhamad time to go back
>Anonymous (ID: Ewe/7v2o) NZ 12/26/17(Tue)17:59:25 No.154586358▶
> (OP)
> I'd rather live in a richer country (and i am) with no muslims and no terror attacks, than in a cucked country full of rapefugees, muslims, sand niggers and terror.
> youre 2nd world, germany. first is scandinavia. (except sweden)
>Anonymous (ID: coaJcwvf) 12/26/17(Tue)18:01:37 No.154586572▶
> (OP)
> You german fags feel so sorry for about everything and everyone after ww2, so you open your doors to sandniggers and other shit.
>Anonymous (ID: ekYCpiL1) 12/26/17(Tue)18:02:22 No.154586644▶
>File: 75778B67-5FF0-48CD-B48F-2(...).jpg (138 KB, 641x744)
>138 KB
> (OP)
> Diversity is our strength goyim
>Anonymous (ID: JIDqHNS0) 12/26/17(Tue)18:03:11 No.154586708▶
> Not like you would know what that is, but seriously I rather be a poor polacken than live with niggers.
I don't live with niggers, but yeah it would be nice to gas the ones we have
I wonder where the 'poor' meme came from
Moldova and Ukraine are the only 'poor' countries in Eastern Europe.
Whereas V4 countries have the highest GDP out of all post-eastern bloc countries
good for you then :)
And I'd rather live in Alberta, BC, California or New Hampshire
Reminder that OP was blown after this post
Should we press F?
What's this ranking about?
Also, I always wanted to move to Norway since i was young but I realized I know nothing of the language so I'll just go there as a tourist sometime. Any tips?
I’d rather live a modest poor life with a family that isn’t divorced and racemixing than in a rich country full of degeneracy and no values.
>A sandnigger would rather live in Germany than a country he'd get hanged in on the spot.
Of course you do
You earn less, you pay more.
We earn more, and pay less.
Prices of goods and services are more expensive than in Norway, relative to your income. It's called purchasing power.
You earn less, and pay more.
>What's this ranking about?
I mean the last three columns
Being poor and depression is a state of mind. Also its our fault because Lithuania is poor, we should not let our country get corrupt by jews and Christianity.
But still I will allways choose to live among my people. They are what matters the most.
Yes. if you go in the winter, then go to Tromso and see the northern lights, its an experience in itself. If you want to see things, then dont even bother with Oslo.
The trip from Canada is quite expensive, so to get most out of the trip, rent a car and plan a route through the country from south to north or the other way around. Then you get to see the best of the country.
if youve seen northern lights before. I would skip the most southern parts of the country, but starting/ending a route around Telemark(south-east) would be a good trip.
if youve seen the northern lights before, i would come here in the summer**
Do you think, in Norway prices, CAD 2K would cover a very well-rounded trip for 3 weeks?
>What's this ranking about?
World Happiness Report
>Any tips?
Everyone in Norway speaks english fluently, so you would have no problems communicating and getting around.
If you like sking, come in the winter, and rent a cabin near a ski resort.
Oslo is nice in the summer, drinking in the park during the summer is a great way to get to know people.
prepare your wallet though. It's expensive for tourists here
excluding plane tickets
What terrorist attacks? We have policemen armed with machineguns in every train station, and they will never go away so long as the AfD exists. Germany is ironically safer now for the average commuter than before Merkel.
>We have policemen armed with machineguns in every train station, and they will never go away so long as the AfD exists.
Jeez I wonder why.
What about bit wealthier Israel with lot more muslims, (((Hans)))?
Having looked up the cheapest hotel/hostel in Oslo. Two weeks would be 1300 CAD. You'll have your own kitchen though, so you can save some money on preparing food. You would also need to take into account the price of food, which is quite expensive. I use about 400 CAD on food for two weeks. Preparing it myself.
But staying 2 weeks in Oslo is way to long. So 2k would not be enough if you wanna get a car and drive around, or fly north.
True, I would as well, but if the current trend continiues east europe will become rich within our life time, and as west will become a caliphate
I'd rather live in a country with a few sparse terror attacks than a country where you're at risk of being victim of a crime by a nigger or a spic.
See: FBI stats black on white crime
If the police have to stand around with machinegunes in EVERY train station. I would not feel safe at all. It just shows that it's a big imminent threat
>You earn less, you pay more.
I think when it comes to goods that are specializations of the West. Food and clothes can be very cheap at least in Poland. Cars, electronic devices etc. can be very expensive
there is literally nothing wrong with race mixing as long as its not with blacks or abos. pic related is me breeding a middle eastern girl.
its about 13k nok.
looking at low hotel prices, wich also includes hostels, you might be able to go as low as 500nok pr night. and thats 10.5k just hotels. and thats only if you are very lucky :/
fuck off were full
Of course you would, Abdul. You see the rape and murder of Germans as an acceptable price for them to pay for a demographic situation you personally find preferable.
Now do the decent thing and kill yourself.
Janusz here is correct, in Polish its called "price scissors", I've no idea what its called in Bong, but the basic idea is that in more developed economies the costs of basics of life are close to the cost of stuff like electronics and other highly processed material goods, while in underdeveloped economies there is a large gap between in the prices of those two categories, with food and shit being much cheaper in comparison to the aforementioned material goods.
Well shit, its called price scissors. Who'da thunk it
I have a question for you, since we are more or less talking about electronic devices
Is GTX 1060 / GTX 1070 worth it?
I have GTX 1050ti and it's.. average at best
I'd rather not be in a country that intentionally shoots itself in the foot. When your own leaders hate the country and the people the future looks bleak.
>World Happiness Report
i think 99.9999% of those statistics are worth fuck all.
but none can deny that norway to certain extent did manage to stay norweigian and not a dumbfuck as much of the western european societies did.
I got a GTX 1060 6gb and it fullfills all my gaming needs beautifully, on ultra details for most games, and I suspect it will do so for years to come. I got it almost a year ago, I hear GTX 1080 is reasonably priced these days, but I haven't checked.
Where do you brits buy your parts? Amazon?
>1 post by this id
Nah; sage.
>minor terrorist attacks
You've decided they're minor. Based on "it won't happen to me". So you're saying you want to take the risk of getting killed by religious nuts OVER a hypothetical situation of which you ignore practically everything about, and have no way of testing. A weak coward, that's what you are. "Please bomb me so I can stop feeling guiltyyyyyyy waaaaaa"
So it's 1060 6gb then
For some bloody reason I can run most games on ultra.. but when I turn on AA shit hits the fan and my fps drop.
And I can't fucking play without AA
>what terrorist attacks?
I actually got mine as a pre-built rig from Chillblast. Seriously, if you're buying a whole new rig and not just upgrading a new one, get a prebuilt pc. Don't fall for the "build it yourself" jew, its not the 1990s anymore, you'll end up paying more for less quality, as the economics of scale won't work for you.
Other than that, if you're upgrading, just hunt for bargains on amazon, ebay, retailers and shit.
u got any extra jobs left? i hate my life here and the living standard. just wanna work there for like 6 months (have to work 2 years here to earn same ammount u guys make in 6 months) to make some cash to upgrade my PC
There might be another bottleneck than your gpu, is your cpu, memory and mainboard up to par? If they're mismatched or one of them is crap, that might fuck your shit up.
Too bad you live in Muttmerica instead.
Oh, and also, OP's a faggot trying to cope with the fact that he can't go outside his gated community without getting stoned, and can't leave sight of machinegewehr armed cops without having acid thrown in his sausage face and getting anally raped by a pack of wild camel jockeys.
16gb ddr4
and, last but not least
gtx 1050ti 4gb
Overclockers / Scan / pc world as well as amazon. I just compare who offers the best price and go with them.
I get why ppl would rather get a pre-built, less stress and worrying at the end of the day. But from my experience you do get far more bang for your buck building it yourself.
Yeah its the gpu, get rid of that shit. You might wanna wait a bit and hunt around for a gtx 1080 though, they're getting cheaper and it would last you a whole lot longer, probably. It'd definitely go well with the rest of your rig.
Dunno why you got an i7 tho, unless you do graphics, rendering and shit. For gaming an i5 is where its at.
I guess it depends on if you've got the time and patience to hunt around for bargains.
Plus, I see the appeal of building a rig yourself, its fun.
>Yeah its the gpu, get rid of that shit. You might wanna wait a bit and hunt around for a gtx 1080 though
thanks a lot man.
I will look for it ( and order it ) tomorrow, because i need it asap
>unless you do graphics
Acknowledging a problem is the first step to solving it. Your country, as well as mine, has a problem. The only two differences between our problems is that your shitskins wear turbans and came more recently.