Not joining the military because "muh jews"

How many of you fat NEETs un ironically believe this? Have you told anybody outside the confines of Sup Forums your reason for serving is because of the eternal kike? News flash: the world is owned and operated by jews. Always has been, and probably always will be. You didn't chose to not serve because of this, you didn't serve because you were scared, too fat, have shit on your record, got talked out of it by some thot, or some combination of the lot. Do you even realize 80% of military jobs are non combat?
>Get paid to go to university (including in Europe and Canada), tuition free
>Life long healthcare
>Veterans preference for jobs
>Like to drive fast? Get a veterans licence plate and get out of tickets in every real state
>Learn a trade
>Life long friends
Even the most backwoods, anti government redneck would see the value in these gibs plus 4 years of military training. So if you don't want to join the fuckin Marines, fine, but at least be honest that it's not because of DA JOOOS, it's because you're a fucking faggot

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I am attracted to joining the military but I already have an engineering job. Would be a big life shake-up to join the military. Are there non-civilian jobs in the Army Corps of Engineers that are non-combat?

because most of this board is in fact full of disgusting NEETs who claim to be against the welfare state - but only when it aids niggers

I would have joined if I wasn't in such awful shape.

Just join the Air Force you absolute cunt, that or Navy Seabees

Just join the reserves as an engineer. Being a Combat Engineer and a normal Engineer are two different things. You can maintain your current lifestyle with only a minor shakeup by going reserves, while still getting military training and not being a weak body. You’ll get flak for being reserves but atleast you’re not like the typical Sup Forums loser.

American soldiers are pussies that think they're heroes for being welfare queens sitting on a base far away from combat most of the time and joined because hollywood kikes told them its honorable to die for israel, top kek

Why am I an absolute cunt m8

The reserves have normal engineer positions?

Google my dude.

If you want to avoid combat at all costs join the Air Force reserves.

Here's a pity (you)

There are a million non-cowardly reasons to avoid the military, and the jews just happen to be one of the biggest.

"Take my money and my sons..."

>join military
>shipped to desert shithole or forced to fight gooks while your homeland gets overrun

t. Virgin loser

You do realize that Canada was literally the biggest reason southern Afghanistan turned into a violent shithole, right Toronto bugman?

>Afghanistan hasn't always been a violent shithole

Would rather sit around and watch anime all day desu

No Thanks.

not an inch for the jews.

the invented religion/ideology which influences mostly religious conservative people to sacrifice themselves and their families for the benefit of others and to prevent them from gaining power as opposition to the current system which see them as a threat.
every war they are sent to is a war against the conservative religious patriotic family.
its a numbers game ... there are calculations how many of soldiers need to come back in body bags, as cripples etc. for the war to be profitable and at the same time to have an traumatic impact on the soldiers, families, friends and their social environment... and also for the war to end.

>Posting screenshot and not the video

There's a race out there that blames others for "putting them down". Fucking pathetic that its not just niggers either.


Op is a Jew
Train for the fight at home
Put your bullets where they belong

That’s what 60% of the military is though user

Dont listen to this POG faggot. The reserves is a fucking joke. If you're gonna do big boy shit do it with big boy pants.

>die for a kike in the desert.



Haven't watched the whole video, wtf is 52% in reference to

Your heritage.

>get fed, clothed, and tild when to eat and shit by uncle sam
>we big boys
I mean I support the military, I'm getting my OCS packet together rn, but come the fuck on lol. Thibking you're doing "big boy" shit and are special is retarded.

Oh yeah, in reference to the US's ethnic makeup. Not on Sup Forums very often, thanks

Why do people in the military yell at you all the time? Is it supposed to motivate you or just irritate the shit out of you?

How you gonna do that without military training? Gonna fight the international ZOG from your trailer by smoking meth, Cletus?

I think this guy's with the JIDF due the way he's communicating and unfamiliarity with Sup Forums

t. fighting amerimutt

That is fucking retarded, why would he leave his high paying engineering job just so some dumbass grunt can have his respect lmao. That is what the reserves is for, so you can serve while doing an actual career. I am an Armor officer in the National Guard and I am going to law school. No way am I going to drop my law career just to put on some "big boy pants".
I was on active duty btw, I loved it but I see the huge benefits in being a reservist/guardsman.The military is not a real career, I don't care what any low iq grunt says.

The National Guard has more options than the reserves, I would lean towards that. Btw if you are already an engineer get a job in the military side that is nothing like what you do on the civilian side. I know cops who are MPs in the reserves and they hate it, most are trying to have switched to other jobs in the Army to get away from cop shit for a while. Go artillery or tanker and blow some shit up

Imprints your COs voice in your head so you can tell if you're getting an order in battle.

Also teaches you not to flinch.

don't let them brainwash you Sup Forums.

Joining the military might make a man of you but you're still serving the eternal Jew.

It's for a few reasons

>They yell to you, you yell back. The diaphragm is a muscle, and like any other muscle it needs to be worked out to get stronger. The more you yell, the louder and longer you can yell. Bullets are loud, if you get what I'm saying

>Getting yelled at is stressful for a lot of people. Humans have two innate fears: Loud noises and heights, everything else is learned or comes from experiences. Combat is stressful, but if you can't make your bed while getting yelled at how are you gonna fight while getting shot at

>The drill sergeants need to assert their authority and superiority over privates/airmen/seamen when they first enlist. Respecting the rank is only part of it, you need to be so afraid of the drill sergeants that you always do the right thing in fear of getting punished

I'm sure there are other reasons too

Veterans are literally the most whiney, entitled, cry-babys I've ever seen in my life.
Literal communist niggers are less entitled that veterans.

Mate it's not a coincidence that kikes accuse white people of putting other white first when it comes to work, education etc.
It's literally projection, I know because I have a polish grandma (she's catholic, but she married my granddad during the war so I had thought she was a kike), and told a professor at my university I was part polish jew.
He gave me straight A's and said he'd be my 'rabbi' and it didn't matter if I wasn't practicing as I had a bit of it in me.

It's the old tactic of accuse your enemy of your crimes

>make your bed while getting yelled at
I did that every day as a kid

>>The drill sergeants need to assert their authority and superiority over privates/airmen/seamen when they first enlist. Respecting the rank is only part of it, you need to be so afraid of the drill sergeants

But why? why should human beings live like this, tolerate this bullshit? why dont they just kill the fucking drill sergeants for being assholes?

I joined the infantry and did 2 tours in AFG.
Compared to some little bitch that will never know the difference between accurate and overhead fire, yeah I'd say I'm not special. I just joined the military to do real military shit, and youre not a real soldier unless you do.

Fair, but did your parents ever toss your bed because the corners were not folded to a perfect 45 degree angle with no creases?


>fighting for israel
crashing this shill

Well that's like one of 5 things you need to do to get through basic training without too much trouble, and some people can't even do that. So congrats, you're more adept than half the dumbass privates going through training right now

It's just some jarhead that is trying to justify his service to zog most likely.
Self-discipline and weaponry is good and all but why do you need to risk your fucking life fighting against your own interest for it, especially in murica

OK, so basically soldiers are faggots.

They act as bitches to the drill instructor.


im not joining because first I'm too much of a soyboy, and secondly I would need an expensive treatment for my eyes which also bars me from entry

Never joined, now too old (31) and already steeped in my career. I really regret it and probably always will.

My parents would be glad to hear that. If I hadn't cut off all contact with them over a decade ago.

You sound like a giant pussy.

I did OC/T with reserves after 5 years infantry, active. The battalion I was in was a disorganized mess because it was run by female officers whose only use was pushing paperwork and doing that terribly. POGs are not warriors and weekend warriors are an excuse of the term soldier.

I'm a former 11B, served 5 years in 1ID and was deployed twice

Jews run the world, stop being a faggot. At least my GI bill helps me with BAH


Disappointed in you fellow bravobro. Quit acting like a nigger.


I fucking hate being a weekend warrior, but damn do I love those education benefits and BAH.

I'll activate the moment I'm out of uni

Sure thing. Have fun getting your legs blown off in Iran in about 4 years time because Saudi Arabia and Israel want better oil deals.

Yeah, cause that's exactly what happens to every grunt in combat, they all die!
Thats what you get for choosing a coal burning slut for a partner.



I've got a friend who joined and served on a nuclear sub for a few years and is now set for life.
>going to school for free (even gets his rent paid)
>also getting paid Neetbucks for his "service"
basically he's retired at age 26, but can still go to university for free and he's young and in good shape.
plus everything you said.
meanwhile I'm 100k in debt and working as an entry-level attorney without benefits.
I wish I had never gone through muh libertarian phase and just joined ROTC when I had the chance.

No rush, better to go in when youre more mature. I would've made for a way better soldier if I was 28 going in and not 20.

>military goy

Choose both

Thank you kind sir. A lot of the 14 yo's on her needed that.

>How many of you believe this?
Literally the reason why I didn't re-enlist. Not sure how anyone could after Iraq 2.0, especially with how they preach the value of integrity.


I'll be 22 when I graduate, my contract with the national guard will end when I'm 24. I'll try to pick up a deployment or two in those two years but after my contract is up I'm joining the real Army.

11 B, by the way. I hate not being able to ever do my job

pretty good

Join fucking RED HORSE in the USAF, or else go Reserve and be a 12B for two days a month, two weeks a year. I know loads of Engineers, they're true lads.

Why does she have the thousand yard stare?

Ignore the shills goy. Join and fight for us. MIGA!

You probably dont have the ability to serve, but its okay user.


When they will learn

They don't. This is mostly in bootcamp.

Shits going to keep up with deployments, you'll have a shit ton of opportunities in the future. Good luck building respect when you get to your active unit brotha!

Or if you're a constant fuck up.

>probably always will be

Good thing faggots like you are getting less and less of a say in how shit works.

Holy fuck I hope all of those roasties loose everything.

>the world is owned and operated by jews
so you might as well go die for us you dumb goyim

I'm not joining the military because I have many friends who have made a career out of the military and strongly advise against ever joining. I don't take orders from women, or niggers. And I don't work well with them either. Not putting up with that shit. And yes, not fighting for Israel like a good little ZOGbot either, so fuck you. I think I'd rather commit to serving my people at home and abroad through other means. I'll get my desire to fight out when I join the RWDS on the day of the rope.

>why would I be a dumbass grunt
>Id rather be a pog and be surrounded by niggers and cunty women with authority

I'm a young NEET with a bachelor's degree in lab science from a prestigious school but I have extremely bad asthma and stamina. Are there positions in the military for scientists like me?

>Get paid to go to university (including in Europe and Canada), tuition free
Got paid to go to college because of scholarships because I studied in high school and had all kinds of extracurriculars.
>Life long healthcare
VA fucked my grandfather, my uncle and my cousin. My health insurance is stellar.
>Veterans preference for jobs
Being skilled and educated and experienced, I have never had trouble being gainfully employed. Why ae there so many homeless vets?
>Like to drive fast? Get a veterans licence plate and get out of tickets in every real state
I am a granny at the wheel, I'll admit to that
>Learn a trade
I have already learned a few
>Life long friends
I have already made a few.
The military only attracts the absolute dumbest, most incompetent dregs of society and throws these losers away and these idiots wind up on the street because the military didn't make them any smarter or able to carry out basic tasks.

This is what happens when you marry a cock starving slut. Has literally nothing to do with military other than inform you that the government WILL compensate you very well for wounds.

Thanks for sharing that user.


I gave jews half of my dick. I will also die for them. You have a problem with that?

Also hes still receiving a monthly 100-150% compensation rating = 2800 to 4000 a month in gibs.

Can't really feel for him, he knew what kind of cunt he was getting with.

Degrees don't mean anything, except that you might get promoted faster.

If you can't run 2 miles in under the Army's standards (which are different depending on age) then don't bother. There are lots of positions that require 0 running, but only if you can make it through basic training.

America is a multicultural paradise. we can see where sweden got their ideas

>TFW that's literally my old unit, like I know all of those guys

>Do you even realize 80% of military jobs are non combat?
Are you saying I could use my com sci skills to help blow up durkas from behind a screen?