Is acne a sign of bad genetics?

Is acne a sign of bad genetics?
If so, why do a lot more white people have acne than other races?

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Never had acne in my life.


I'm as white as they come and I never had acne
I break out in a red rash if I stay in the sun too long tho

I don't think that's acne... Are you certain you didn't suck nigdick last night, user?

You haven't seen many niggers if you think cystic acne is just a white issue. Scraggly thin ingrown patchy beards and cystic acne is common among black males.

i licked my monitor

acne is a sign of SUGAR.

Jesus fuck people are getting stupider ever eYear

part genetics part slob
get accutane 6 months and you're clear

The person in this photo needs to change his diet. No milk, cheese, yogurt, no beans and try to cut off the fats

I wanna get a knife and skin that pimply area and see what's under

This. Accutane was one hell of a bitch to try and get on, with the blood tests and side-effects, but nothing got rid of my acne better than being on that treatment. I see people with acne 10x worse than what I had and wonder why they aren't getting a prescription.

Damn that looks like herpes! Its herpes is it not! Lol.

1. Yeast and sugat equals inflamation within the body hence acne, heart disease, joint...
2. Makeup also equals acne.
3. Washing with warm water, then cold then apple sider viniger before bedtime helps reduce them!

And 4. Hairy face, ingrown bloody hairs! :s

Simple and yet I dont follow all the rules, lol!

stop the dairy
stop the junk food

i was always under the impression that acne could be the result of dirty pillow cases?

Niggers has just as much acne. Nigger acne is black, so it's less visible

Asians have the most acne by 200 million.

> cystic acne


Is partially genetic, but largely dietary.

I don’t think so. My brother who’s a year older than me had really bad acne. I on the other hand had next to no problem with it.

90% chance your skin will become clear
50% chance you will have bizarre and negative personality changes

just stop eating fucking sugar is it really so hard

Acne is the mark of the Soyim.

>fats and oils are bad

ummmmmmm 1990 called it wants its meme back

sugar, or high fructose corn syrup?

>If so, why do a lot more white people have acne than other races?

they don't.

havent spent much time around asians and other races have you?

Reminds me I need to have me sheets fumigated then washed tomorow.

Environment is a factor bad diet, poor hygiene and genetics play a role.

thats fucking cancer

>fructose isn't sugar
you have killed me x_x

when adult person has alot of acnes, its a sign of liver dysfunction

People who have acne are smarter. All the white people at my university have at least some acne.

that's not acne that's herpes

>50% chance you will have bizarre and negative personality changes
Nah, worse case scenario is you have some depression. I didn't experience any when I was on it.

That affects it too, so do dirty towels.

I only had the odd spot during puberty. But rightly said with a face like that hormones are definitely high on the Richter scale.

Acne is more a sign of puberty and bad eating habits or shit food or a combination of the three

they're two completely different things

you remind me of this stupid commercial

Not really if you are eating fry chicken and lots of fats you will develop acne. Diet plays a huge role on how the skin looks and ages.

if you just wash your face if everyday and take a shower every other day or so, you'll never acne
those are called shave bumps or something like that, whites get them too but its mostly a black man only thing
t. barber

Drink water assholes it fixes everything, still not working drink more

You know my secret to having a good immune system with a nice unblemished face, eat the dirt off your face.

Shitposting on Sup Forums is a sign of bad genetics.

I think stress contributes greatly for acne. White families raise their children in safe and nice environment and when they leave that environment, i.e. puberty, they get acne.
Whereas non-whites are accepting hostile environments for the norm and they don't get stressed, they actually thrive.

That's herpes, bro

KFC chicken is 11% sugar you FUCKING RETARD cook it at home

I never had acne but then again I'm probably half jewish half sandnigger.

For me the cause of acne is sugar. If I have too much, and I only have too much on holidays when I buy sweets for the family, I start breaking out. No sweets = no acne in my experience.

it is hyper autoimmune cuz u idiots wash ur hands and shit too much

Why said i was talking about KFC plus you can't be this stupid you most be a troll

No it's a sign that you're poisoning your body with "food". get rid of grains, dairy, sugar. eat an all meat diet like our ancestors and I guarantee unless your acne is caused by some genetic mutation it will cure up quickly.

Carbohydrates were never a majority in human diets. think about it, harsh winters of the past, the only food available is what you could kill, all of the vegetation would be dead and any vegetation or fruits you could find through the summer would never be enough to sustain you, supplement yes, but the bulk of the diet would come from animals... protein and fat.

We've been jewed into thinking eating too much meat is detrimental to health and we should adopt a "healthy diet" of carbs and a small amount of meat, when the opposite is true. humans throughout the past have consumed mostly animals with a minority fruits and wild vegetables.

most modern fruits and vegetables have been bred through selective breeding as relate nothing to their wild ancestors. keep that in mind. hunter gatherers wouldn't have stumbled across a broccoli or a watermelon. they may have stumbled across berries and some other wild things but not nearly enough to sustain them for any period, if they were hungry they would hunt. we are hunters more than we are gatherers.

sugar = acne
das it mayne.

do intermittent fast with only protein as a power source and you'll be golden.

You mean you get fucking sunburnt?

Wash you fucking face and lace those blemishes before they turn into zits and wash your pillow cases like you wash your clothes.
It's not hard.

There is a genetic component, yes.

Of course, since blood is red, it's easier to see inflamed skin on people of fairer complexion. Some very severe skin problems are difficult to see on black people.

Pubescent acne is relatively normal and usually not very severe. Hormones causing overproduction of oils make the oil glands expand, and bacteria like to live there. Serious cases of acne are the result of two things:

1. Exposure ('dirt', bacteria-containing debris)
2. Diet (simple sugars)

You see, if you eat lots of simple sugars, some of the saccharide content from your blood plasma is reflected in your sweat. The sweaty, sugary, urea solution at body temperature is just bacterial heaven. They quickly trigger your immune cascade and your body has to kill several hundred million before it's on the winning side of the war.

So for anyone who is wondering here is the completely free, 100% effective antidote:

> 1. eat real fucking food, not HFCS, purified cane sugar, diet sugars adults with acne eat like they are 11. put the mountain dew down. also, you may not be able to digest artifical sweeteners, but your gut bacteria can. put it down.

> sleep on a CLEAN towel at night. every night. stop putting your face against that giant snotball of dead human skin, you havent washed your pillowcase in over a fucking year, give up.

> wash your face you fat fuck (2X/day) -- every morning and night, any bullshit walmart soap with X% salicylic acid will do

> in the morning, after face is dry apply a fat-soluble antimicrobial. tea tree oil. 5-6 drops in a cup of water will make you enough solution for weeks. cotton ball. pat dry. the oil will stay in your skin and make you bacterially inhospitable for like 6-8 hours.

acne isn't caused by bacteria dumbass. the follicle becomes blocked BEFORE p.acnes feed upon the sebum. The blockages are caused by systematic inflammation due to dietary factors.

changing your pillows or washing your face does less than nothing.


I had really bad acne when I was in my late teens, my parents barely fed me so I'd eat dollar menu items at McDonalds all the time

Around the same time I had a bit of a mental breakdown

I don't recommend eating McDonalds, it's literal poison

Fructose is a poison to humans.

Actually whites have it a lot less

Doesn't Accutane absolutely destroy your kidneys?

Unless he or she is rubbing the milk, cheese, yogurt or beans against their face they will have no effect.


It's your liver and that's why you need monthly blood work.

I was on accutane for 6 months, then the effects of semi clear skin lasted maybe 3 months before I started breaking out again.

Now I keep my skin clear by eating a keto diet, 99% meat.