Families in 2017

>families in 2017


>LANs in 2017

Why would someone exploit the death of their own mother for internet points, what the fuck.

If I found out one of my siblings did that I would beat their ass.

>playing console

have you ever done a LAN PARTY BRO its fucking radical i had like 20 people in one dude its the best thing ever

This, would be nice if they didn't share this for the leddit upboats

>If I found out one of my siblings did that I would beat their ass.
Understandable for brothers, but even your sister(s)? You'd hit a woman?

What the fuck I think that guy in the forefront is my twin.

>my mom died lmao lets play videogames
reddit what the fuck

Probably just yell.

>Posting your own family
>Complaining about families

The state of Sup Forums and their mental gymnastics

The only thing that's wrong with this picture is the fact they're playing on consoles/gamepads

Oh god, their addiction to technology fucking sickens me.

>continues posting on Sup Forums
>jerks off to anime
>plays video games


Modernity is a fucking plague. I pray to God there’s an EMP that wipes out the grid. These dumb animals will die like flies.

Why the fuck not? Are you a cuck or something? If a bitch needs to be smacked, she must be smacked. Equal rights and equal lefts, hoe.

LAN parties are amazing. a lot of newer games don't gave system link as an option, you gotta get every system online if you all wanna play together

I'm sister thinks she's a man, so I guess, I don't even know anymore

The only bad part about this is him whoring his mother's death.

>numales having any decency, honor , self respect

Answer your question?

My mom passed away back in April and I never used her death as an excuse to get sympathy points. I hope the faggot that posted that gets terminal cancer

They're all playing the same game, it's a LAN party.
>5 brothers, 1 with his wife and kid
>all with mutual interests
That's not so bad, seems like a nice family.


I guess I'm an oldfag or something, but I don't get sharing moments on the internet, especially ones as uninteresting as this

Like I've pointed out with different pictures in other threads: the only "wrong" thing here is posting it to reddit for attention from strangers.

Otherwise it's clearly a bunch of dudes enjoying a LAN together; no worse than a family sitting around a table to play a board game together.

Pretty much this. I visited my parents hoping to go out shooting, going around, seeing places, visiting extended family, and instead they just wanted to do absolutely nothing but play video games.

What a horrendously boring lifestyle. Video games are a cancer upon the Earth.

Looks fun as shit. Wish my family would do that.

Stop bringing reddit ourt of reddit.

ITT : Fucking losers who are too retarded to get to do anything with their families.

Seriously Sup Forums Im going to reddit. I am over every single one of you cunts. "WAHHH THEY playing VIDYA wahh. They should be listening to Bach or Mozart." Sup Forums You are no different to a radical liberal, every. single. one. of. you.

Is it really any different than playing a board game or cards together?

Nobody cares.

Don't worry. I will hit your sisters for you.

did you consider the idea that its most likely a L I E

>I'm a gamer.
Fuck off.

>why exploit
Karma system
Thats literally it