Why do blacks like embellishing their history?
Why do blacks like embellishing their history?
Because they have none
This is without a doubt the stupidest nigger alive. I hope someone ruins his life.
When your history consists almost entirely of tribalism and zero progression this is what happens.
Also checked
Someone post that ancient dickwashers pic
they literally have no history because their societies were illiterate until colonialism
you know how stupid people don't realize they are stupid so they never improve because they don't see a reason to?
times that by ten and sprinkle in some baseless pride and you have an average nigger.
why do they feel like they have to steal everything? Saint Maurice was actually black.
>Them digits
They have a massive inferiority complex
Wow. Impressive, my friend.
Tariq is brilliant, honestly: trolling you and exploiting the most gullible people on Earth - niggers. If I were a black man with an ounce of moderate intelligence I would do the exact same thing.
That is a 3D face reconstruction from his real skull..
It's actually circumcision, reposting better quality
>brown eyes
might as well be black then
If Blacks have no history why must you guys constantly mention them? If niggers are so dumb why must you guys constantly talk about them as if they're a threat to your very existence? Sup Forums is nothing but a collective jerkcircle for unaccomplished White men who blame Jews for their problems and project their weaknesses on to Blacks.
Because you're a cocksucking niggerfaggot
It’s true
Apparently niggers are more likely to describe themselves as “good at math” than any other race despite the fact that the data we have shows they are the worst at it by far
When you understand the implications of this, their political behaviour and “WE WUZZING” makes perfect sense
>in a museum in Italy
nice source nog
Major inferiority complex. Almost every black you'll ever meet has this. Hence the constant we wuz kanging, muh dikking, blaming whites for the current state of Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, Newark, Memphis, Flint, etc, despite all evidence to the contrary.
You're main piece of evidence supporting your superiority over Blacks (and by extension Arabs, Australians and Indians) are average IQ scores, am I right? Therefore doesn't that naturally place Jews and Asians above you? If Jews are the smartest it makes sense that they run the world, am I right?
he doesn't really look black. Nice wishful thinking Tyrone
Tariq perpetuates the we wuz meme to another level. Biggest troll of the modern internet.
Wait I noticed that some US niggers have Arab names.
Why do black americans embellish their history?
Ssh, don't make them express their cognitive dissonance.
Having someone who was actually black doesn't satisfy them because it's a drop in the bucket compared to the number of Caucasian historical figures. I think it's part of the reason they try to black everything.
>Developed and formed by the 'trusted' cult.
People having been pointing out that niggers are fucking retarded long before the European empires.
But you Kikes have known this, how else would your slave trade with the Arabs of been so successful.
what history?
>why do blacks steal
good question
Eventually all history is going to be embellished like this, the generations coming up are going to eat it up and propagate lies to make themselves feel good. Feelings will trump everything.
Polish people do the same saying they they never lost and saved Europe and that they were the first tribes that talked in Europe lmao
Cus they were literally Kings yet you guys won't accept it.....
The africans landed here in their pyramid space ships until evil whitey fuked ereyting up.
we wuz europeans 'n sheet
the cognitive dissonance of the white man is astounding considering he invented the word
What % of black people actually believe this shit?
It's like making threads demonizing all whites because a few retards think the earth is flat.
>we wuz europeans
it's funny I can post proofs and images of euro blacks but you just NEED to feel superior to blacks even though you're ruled by jews and in debt to chinks, that your pride can't handle the fact that blacks had their history taken in the reformation just like you
checked and keked
>muh Jews
>dumber than Europe's shithole
Europeans are superior for building great countries and having great culture
>retards think the earth is flat.
>centuries old
WOW guys that must mean it's real.
>dumber than Europe's shithole
>own all of Europes banks
>literally own your media and governments
>genocides and replaces you in broad daylight
whites of Sup Forums will ignore all these, so i'l post some WE WUZ for whites to make them feel good.
he looks like one of my uncles
Blown out of proportion, only the 3 big cities have an actual migration problem
Everyone knows there were niggers in Europe, what's your point?
THIS. Africans never managed to invent a written language (or the wheel), and therefore recorded nothing about their hundreds of thousands of years of wandering around jungles, naked, eating whatever they could catch.
btw tariqs wife is part kike part nigger
>Why do blacks like embellishing their history?
Because they're black. What history worth a fuck do they have, except what they can steal from other races?
It's funny cause no Africans believe in this garbage. This is basically just an African-American phenomenon and New World Black phenomenon in general (i.e. blacks who are descendants of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade) and the reason for this is because they suffer from a deep-rooted inferiority complex of slavery and severe identity crisis so they turn to revisionist history and pseudoscience to make themselves feel better in some pathetic attempt to try and rectify their past ancestral disgrace and make themselves feel more secure.
I mean I've talked to Africans about this stuff and they just laugh at the notion of black Ancient Israelites, Olmecs, etc. and all that other garbage in general.
You're talking about the Ashkenazi Jews, Jews that have significant amounts of European blood.
Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews don't run shit. They don't even run Israel, despite being the majority there
>What history worth a fuck do they have
very easy to disregard the history of others if it's not forcefed to you eh. I bet you think all Africans are Bantu from east africa that expanded in the 15th century
so they wuz european.
>black people existed in the past, therefore they ruled Europe
Niggers didn't. Some africans had a rich history
>Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews don't run shit
25% of Israel is arab though