If Jews aren't white then try to guess who is the Jew from one of these caucasian males
If Jews aren't white then try to guess who is the Jew from one of these caucasian males
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4 definitly
2 probably
All of them. Especially the Asian. Also, saged.
Every one of them looks like a Jew besides the Chinese guy.
1 - Looks like a cryptokike . 2- Looks like Beaker. 3- Looks like a faggot. 4-looks like Harry Potter
Right one is 100% kike.
Only one of them is
Proofs Habersberger isn’t
well its 4 then, 1 looks like he gets fucked by his wife with a dildo and 2 drinks way to much soy, 3 tries way to hard to be white
no its 2
That nigger looks like his last name is "Cohen"
It's the 4th soymunching fag
Easy 2 is a true Jew rest are convert
so is this gonna lead to anything? maybe another round of spot the kike?
1. looks aryan (german or scandanvian)
2. looks like an anglo
3. looks like a jap
>brit bonger (honorary gay)
>asian masterrace
>gay jew
One on the right
2 is obviously Anglo and 4 is obviously ashkenazi jewish. 1 would look decent with some facial hair and 3 actually looks pretty dom even with the stupid elvis hair. Too bad he's a literal faggot
it's hard to say since they are all faggots
They're all Jews, even the Asian fag.
All of them
Guy on the right. I know because he was in the video "Jews do Christmas".
"White" is down to dna, you fucking moose knuckle.
Huurr look this albino nigger is white!!! Mouth breather.
1 looks like your typical east coast hipster faggot from Boston
3 is Asian
4 is le 56% face
2 is the kike
This guy's on top of things.
>gentile(fake jew oy vey)
lol at this thread. Goes to show you can't judge ones race from looks alone. Sup Forums BTFO
all of them but the asian look like they could be jews, the last guy looks a little more ethnic than the others
2nd from the left, for sure.
Came here to post this, kraut post best post.
But if only one is, then its 4, 100% sure of it.
The fuck are you talking about, the consensus got it mostly right. Nr 2 threw our kikedar a bit because he looks like a complete faggot.
the 2 white dudes get "native" and "african" while the kike gets other european but zero middle east
Seems legit
I guess it depends on how far back they measure it from. I don't even know the origin or migration history of different races, do some races predate others?
2 is the heeb.
at a glance i would say its the one in the blue shirt but upon further inspection in going to say the on on the left at the end. his nose is convex. doesnt mean hes a jew for sure but if he aint a wop he might be a jew
Your gut instinct was right, user.
right is obviously jewish (eyes, ears, nose, mouth)
left is also jewish
2nd from left is hard to tell, but I'm gonna say jewisj anyways
I used to work with (for?) those guys. Shit sucked. Betas everywhere and they were terrible at giving direction.
Whats with the stupid retarded expression on the white guys faces. O30
Jews are white don’t listen to these bluepilled fags, the ashkenazi Jews want you to think they are middle eastern so that they can invade Palestinian land
The one on the right, though the other ones look kind of jewish too. Are you sure they don't have kike ancestry?
Khazar isn’t Israel. They would love for you to believe they came from Israel even though they are really just a bunch of khazar gypsies larping as gods chosen people