The left won't be able to attack her because, you know, she's a women.
The left won't be able to attack her because, you know, she's a women.
Other urls found in this thread:
left won't attack because she's a woman, right won't support because she's a woman. loss loss
does she do her own makeup? I can tell.
>The left won't be able to attack her because, you know, she's a women.
op thinks the left plays by their own rules.
another Jew puppet. WOOT! Gee, I am so glad.
Like they are not attacking the fat White House press secretary?... oh wait
The left will attack no matter what.
Might as well vote for Yeb or Shillary.
lol fuck no
might as well vote for shlomo shekelstein at this point
>the left won't attack a woman
Ask Palin, Fiorina, and Huckabee Sanders how their vaginas have protected them .
Lmao, that cunt is mentally deranged, constantly threatening other ambassadors at the UN with sanctions and unilateral invasions for not following the good goy line
The left had no problem attacking Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman and Carli Fiorina. When they say they want a woman president they only mean a democrat woman.
>(((civic nationalist)))
Into the trash she goes.
I would consider it, if she wasn't a poo
>non-white neocon woman
Its called joking. You = too stupid to live. Kys.
She was a Never-trump'er you moron.
Right now she is just doing everything she can to suck cocks and climb the ladder.
Yes they will, just like they attacked Sarah plain, and any black man they don’t approve of
The left is the most sexist and racist group when the race or gender doesnt align with their politics.
>She’s a women
I like her. She is very strong against the schmucks at the UN. The UN is literally useless, and doesn't promote Trump's Jerusalem position. America First and MAGA bitches.
lol Haley is a greedy power hungry elitist piece of shit. Perfect for running for president. She's too much of a piece of shit to get it done. Oprah doesn't approve of Haley.
Haha funny joke. XD
Say No to Nimrata!
Fucking puwhore cunt.
why not, i too wish to see the world burn.
Good goy
>giving an entire nuclear arsenal to a woman
Just kys, amerigoy.
Ah yea, a woman that doesnt even use her real name, rallied against the Confederate flag, was a globalist anti-Trump shill as little as a few months ago.
Shes totally the perfect candidate.
She's fine where she is, running her mouth in a useless talking shop, yapping that neocon fuckery that nobody cares about.
Nikki Nimrata Haley (born Nimrata Randhawa)
> civic nationalist
Wat, Haley is a neoconservative.
Yeah, not like they accused Palin of hiding the fact that her son was secretly a product of incest between her daughter and her husband and faking a pregnancy or anything.
What's the difference?
Yes they can,they attacked Marine Le Pen all the time.Being woman doesn't mean anything for them if she isn't feminist too.
What about Carly Fiorina?
She has a great track record in the public sector as a proven leader, is a fierce debater, a strong independent women and easy on the eyes.
I mean come on, the Democrats wouldn't stand a chance.
When are you going to realize that you have to play the same game that the kikes have? If you just go balls deep into "ethnostate now!" even people on board with it are like "Yea, nice idea, but impossible with things as they are." New precedents make other precedents more possible. Odd analogy, but it's kind of like sex. You can't just go in ready to pound for all your worth at the start. You got to warm that motor up first.
no way, she pissed everyone off at the UN
She's perfect to whip the faggots in the UN back in line, so as ambassador pushing Trump's agenda she's great. But she's a neocon hawk who'd keep us fighting wars in the middle east forever so no thanks.
I'll save this one.
you lie. this is the essence of the american dream. lies. lies. lies.
She's dumb as rocks
Women with no upper lip ain't right.
> Left won't attack her because woman
Someone isn't very familiar with the left.
First, it will be accusations that she is just a token. Repubs will mostly bite and loudly insist that she's not a token, that she's the most qualified and perfect ever. Her errors and misstatements will be dug up and played to make her look incompetent.
Then they'll put up their war on women narrative. This is two-prong. First, that she is a republican and therefore enables anti-woman policies (implicitly abortion and free birth control, but they'll lean on anything that feminists get worked up over). This is how she loses her woman card. Second, they'll force her to condemn or defend republicans accused of sexual misconduct. She's a loyal party member and will defend rather than going on offense. Expect a few of her facebook photos of her home life to be played as "she wants women back in the kitchen", which is nonsense but it will play. Expect attacks on her parents, children, husband, all of it.
Then they'll roll out the slogan. "I am not her." "She is not my voice." Something like that. The killing blow.
If she has Trump's skills, she'll go on offense and turn all this into free advertising. She'll ride the hate like a wave. But that's not her. She's the same two-dimensional thinker as most republicans. Punch and counterpunch, not "turn their punches into money". All future republicans should take lessons on that shit, but they're not willing to learn that lesson because they don't have the leftist mindset of victory at any price.
neocon woman who'll turn hard left and sperg out at white men.
Sure, she's taken the white dick and has had a son from a white boi but she's a POC and a woman.
She'll use the first false flag to do a 180 on guns and dial up the nanny state nagging mode.
they will just say shes not a real women dumbass
look at how this bitch reacted to Trump during the 2016 campaign, look at how she responded to Moore, look at how she responded to allegations about Trump, look at her reaction to Charlottesville.
She's a career politician.
>anti Trump globalist pro-asylum
and then people wonder why usa are only 56% white?
>there might seriously be a day when USA has a female president
Blood chilling
Poos in security council chair
didn't she cvck her husband? Can anyone verify? If true, I'll vote for a strong womyn like that. Even if she's a poo. She's a powerful poo.
That is no makeup, she uses her different shades of poo.
Maybe you could for once prosit a woman that men can respect.
Fuck this neocon Nevertrumper Bush clone poo in loo.
Rick Wilson we know its you.
Shes not jewish dumbass, and she's a Clemson grad!
Haley is a sikh by birth and upbringing
>B-but she acts like an evangelical retard.
>i speet on her 2face cunt
Yes they will. Because they'll say she's not ethnic enough, or ashamed of her ethnicity. I doubt most people know who parents wear turbans. Also, I think they'll probably say she lightens her skin.
I wonder who she sucked off to get the position she has. Her background? - an accountant in her mother's dress shop.
Women should not be leaders
Agreed, this article is pure ball Fanning, Nikki Haley will never be president
>If she has Trump's skills, she'll go on offense and turn all this into free advertising. She'll ride the hate like a wave.
> Megan Kelly: You used "fat pigs," "dogs," "slobs" and "disgusting animals" to describe some women...
> Trump: Only Rosie O'Donnell
That shit won him the Presidency right there.
Do you think her milkers taste like curry?
The milf election.
Current generation of women should not be leaders but then neither should a lot of the limp men these days. Well-raised daughters of intelligent NatSoc fathers might give you some challenge in future though, we shall see.
>let’s put the half Indian bitch who cucked South Carolina out of it of their flag and lied about her heratige up as President
Death to civic nationalist cucks and shills like OP
She’s full poo