Are they losing ground, or is the 2018 blue wave real?
>Trump cuts taxes
>somehow he thinks that democrats have a chance
Press D to Defecate on their party
Who cares? Trump is the worst thing to happen to Jews and that drives liberal snowflakes INSANE!!! Bwa Hahaha!
>Cuts taxes
>One top 1% primarily
>Average American paying same if not greater tax rates than before
>Wildly unpopular
>Increase national debt
How will the Republicunts stand a chance??
>Trump is the worst thing to happen to Jews
Are you fucking stupid?
Awwww we found a triggered faggot smowflake! Bitch more! Snowflakes are melting!
Fuck off to Reddit, snowflake faggot
>Trusting media ever
Shill harder
Hell, you need working more in your Photoshop.
Tempest in a teacup. Much ado about nothing. Get ready for more voter fraud though.
I didn't make it you spic.
You need working more in your English.
user, I've seen you post this in multiple threads now.
You gotta stop. Get yourself together.
Should the U.S. annex western Canada?
It is my honest belief that Trump is gonna send snowflakes like you to camps, along with faggots, atheists, journalists, liberals/communist/socialist, californians and niggers too, and that hopelessness drives you fucking snoeflakes INNNNSAAAYYYYNNNEEE hahahahaha!!! Snowflake! Shill! Liberal!
How much are they paying you?
Democrats ae so disenfranchised its unreal. Its still the party of Nancy Pelosi & Anthony Weiner, nothing has changed. They have no money in the bank, and no real leadership.
Who they got? Elizabeth Warren? Joe Biden?
I'm talkin about those tax cuts. I'm talkin about that consumer spending, IM TALKIN ABOUT THAT DOW - UP AT 25,000 . Who the fuck cares about democrats, they're an endangered species, soon to be extinct -- like dinosaurs.
Bush Jr only scraped to a second term after big tax cuts.
Not, I see my mistake, but I'm lazy to fix it.
Clinton's made off with all that dnc money and contributions are at an all time low. They had a difficult time pushing through a D in Alabama who only made it because Rs didn't show up to the polls to support a bad choice, not to mention the sexual allegations.
All their political maneuvering is backfiring big time. From sexual aligations to 'fighting' curroption. The party has some reinventing to do this next year if they dont want to lose big this midterms or next presidential race.
Republicans should have a big advantage since Midterms are a lot Whiter then regular elections and White People don't vote Democrat anymore.
That being said I am a little worried that they will have better turnout now that the media has people worked up into such rage.
I don't know what is going to happen. I do think that if Trump keeps the Senate and House he will easily win again in 2020.
the only difference is at least dinosaurs will continue to live on in popular culture, wish we coul say the same for democrats.
>Average American pays more taxes.
How? The standard deduction was doubled.
Republicans are likely to lose some seats but that's only because historically the Presidents party in power typically loses seats. If it does Trump is gonna have a bad time. He doesnt seem like the compromising type.
Minimum wages jobs went from 10% to 12%
>doesn't understand what the standard deduction is
Traditionally midterms are a reversal of a previous election. But with who is up for re-election it truly is up in the air. Especially swing states such as PA, where it's gov. has been scrutinized for blowing taxes up.
just admit that you're a welfare nigger who doesn't like tax cuts, but there's no need to lie. even Bernie Sanders admits the tax cuts will benefit the middle class. you're just pissed the rich also benefit because you're entire political philosophy is based on envy. you'd rather punish the rich than help the poor.