Julian Assange
Has anyone managed to find out with absolute certainty which twitter account is his? Why the fuck doesn't he just go live as that would settle it once and for all unless he's dead already?
Julian Assange
Has anyone managed to find out with absolute certainty which twitter account is his? Why the fuck doesn't he just go live as that would settle it once and for all unless he's dead already?
Other urls found in this thread:
why is he still inside the embassy?
He hasn't actually been physically seen there for ages. Remember when he used to hold press conferences from his balcony?
That account could also been taken over by CIA
but he does interviews you shlomo
Either he is gone or is very fucking arrogant. Do you mean to tell me that no one has leaked anything interesting in the past year?
Julian Assange was killed October 16th 2016
Show me a recent interview within a year
>stops using his PGP key that only he would know
>has yet to address the absolute confusing mess of last October in anything but a fleeting comment
>all those post-October interviews with his shirt collar and face morphing
>Kerry, Ecuador, UK DMS
>Wikileaks' Twitter account completely changed its writing style
>How should we prove Julian is alive guise haha here are some old pictures of him
Seriously, what the fuck. Someone tell me why you think he's alive, because I don't buy it.
I think he's dead as well
Agreed. Either he’s dead or captive at some black site.
Idk but it's probably the biggest troll account on Twitter.
I don't think he died that day. I think he was taken to a torture facility then. Could still be alive, or could be dead. It's really a damn shame, either way....
The question is why are we not arming and mobilizing to find out?
hes dead.
he was only as useful as the information and reach he provided and he has provided nothing, to nobody in over a year. wikileaks may still have a purpose but that guy is at best benched.
what the shill is going on here?
now you're being blatant
I will bump this thread however, as it is a wikileaks thread
his name was seth rich
All the spooks are trolling on purpose because there were 10000+ posts about Wikileaks and Assange yesterday. Thats why no one is responding to them except other ones
His official twitter account is twitter.com
He got out safely during a decoy set off at London City Airport. telegraph.co.uk
Dec 25
More WikiLeaks Retweeted U.S. Navy
Despite some oddities from the US Navy and Twitter today and increased physical surveillance @JulianAssange's physical situation at the embassy remains unaltered--confined without charge in violation of two UN rulings requiring the UK to set him free.WikiLeaks added,
U.S. Navy
Verified account
Replying to @aavelle
This morning, an inadvertent keystroke by an authorized user of the U.S. Navy Office of Information's Digitial Media Engagement Team caused the trending term "Julian Assange" to be tweeted from the Navy's official Twitter account (@USNavy). (1/2)
(Swissbro on GLP, circa Nov. 2016)
Wikileaks is an Intelligence psyop & confession tool to openly absolve government crimes without judicial consequences (its all "illegal" hacks?!) and therefore cannot be processed for prosecution of war criminal government unofficials.
Wikileaks is like bloodletting or intestinal flushing, to free misleader and elitist war criminals from dangerously fermenting and poisonous liabalities and slags to prevent negative side effects and consequences for their careers, to ready them for new lies and crimes of the rapidly fading old world order ...
Its like when Churchians go to their churches and confess their sins, to continue the same sinful way next day ...
Its also used to distract from the real culprits in shadow government, the inner most secret layers can never be exposed, because it would be a real disaster for the puppet masters of the west ...
These leaks further increase the consciousness of dictatorsheeps in limited and homeopathic doses ...
Just my 2 ounces
I'm awfully sleepy.
It's Christmas, maybe we should get some rest.
Kill yourself FBI
@JulianAssange is him, @RealAssange_ is an impostor that twitter lets exist because it's politically advantageous for them to do so
You're the fucking shill, retard, unwilling or otherwise. What makes more sense:
>the government captures/kills Assange and compromises Wikileaks but wants us to think everything's fine, as keeping it running as a honeypot allows them to catch future leakers
>the government wants us to think Assange is dead, and him not doing anything whatsoever to refute that is 4D chess that we just don't understand
>He hasn't actually been physically seen there for ages.
Nigel Farage visited him recently.
His real account was @JulianAssange.
Even if dead he has a dead man switch set up.
that doesn't even look like him... this is an impostor.
I've sussed out some shills in the 'activist" community. 9 out of 10 days these people hold to journalistic sourcing guidelines and vet all info. Wikileaks puts out that dump last night and they share the shit out of it sight unseen. I think JA is dead but but they're afraid of activating his kill switch. At this point, its inevitable though.
My guess is he's dead
The CIA is pretending to be him
Find all his contacts
Clean house
I can't blame people for not wanting to leak stuff to a group very powerful people and organizations have spent a few years now trying to discredit.
If you have noticed all the recent highprofile leaks like with offshore tax havens have been though more typical avenues like journalistic groups. Having wikileaks release them would unfortunately add a taint. Also if I was a leaker I wouldn't want the heat wikileaks would naturally bring (even a small leak will have organizations searching for you in order to get to high level wikileaks people)
I'm surprised no one has leaked to both wikileaks and another organization to be certain they truth will get out. In fact it seems rather foolish not to do this for all leaks.
Other wikileaks staff would know. It would be next to impossible to kill the guy or hide him away without someone noticing.
I suspect all wikileaks members have dead man switches - some might not be anything more than a email that says something is wrong if you can't contact me or prove your identity - and until someone sees you in person even if they are cryptographically signing shit you're going to be skeptical until you confirm in person. That sort of system is going to be in place for all the small fish.
I'm half wondering though if the whole assange nonsense is a attempt to generate awareness to wikileaks / keep people engrossed in him. If he signed some messages waved to some people from the window - confirmed he was alive and uncompromised we would all forget about him since wikileaks and by extent Julian aren't making the news these days. After the wave of negative publicity they had with the Clinton emails / Trump / Putin they probably aren't getting as many credible or highprofile tips.
He gets way more attention and cred by hiding in the embassy and pretended he's some international super criminal wanted by the FBI.
Even Sweden dropped their investigation on him though (and he wasn't even wanted for a crime, just questioning).
He literally has no reason to be there except attention. He stays there so people like OP keep making threads about him.
Also, he lost a lot of credibility among whisleblowers when it was discovered he was taking sides during the American election by timing his releases to target Clinton, and failing to release things that might be anti-trump.
Sup Forums may applaud him, but actual people in dangerous situations don't trust him anymore.
you shills forgot he was on the balcony giving a speech a few months ago?
Yeah and it's a fair complaint. I do wonder why leakers wouldn't choose at least two groups to do this with. All major news organizations have secure drops you can access only through Tor. There are a few other less notorious wikileaks like groups.
They wouldn't kill him ourright probaly mk ultra him or detain him.
If that's legit wtf are people going on about?
Is WL legit? DESU they a psyop senpai:
he must be ready to release some files, shills appear saying he's a hologram before every release
In spite of the high profile tips the cattle kept grazing. Himself as well as Snowden are irrelevant. Cattle just want to eat, they have no regard for the future
he also did a Democracy Now interview 2 months ago where he talked about events going on the day before
Assange is gone. Last year he was doing a panel with live cam on him for Q and A and talking about wikileaks. Although the panel was meh, the premise was to continue doing panels like that.
Ever since October, he never since did another panel. How convenient
The only true way to know if assange is still alive is to do another live Q and A like that, imo.
>Why the fuck doesn't he just go live as that would settle it once and for all unless he's dead already?
He did one better, he made a public appearance outside of the embassy and gave a speech to at least 100 people on the street below, and shills explained it away by claiming it was a clone of assange. At this point there's nothing he can do to prove he's alive.
it's the one that says Bad Motherfucker on it
To bee honest, i dream on DT's last yr in office 2023, JA becomes president (or sec of state) of either Liberland or FreeSociety,
How does WikiLeaks verify leaks? Couldn't the CIA just flood them with fake cables? All it would take is one or two fakes passing their quality assurance to destroy their reputation but this has never happened. How?
I believe they find people who can verify them. So people who might have seen them before.
>9 months ago
Can't you just go to the embassy and see him? Probably doesn't got a lot going on, if your not gonna hassle him he's probably down to shoot the shit over some drinks.
More recent than >Julian Assange was killed October 16th 2016
Over 100 people watched the speech live, you fucking brainlet. You can't explain it with CGI
b-but m-muh larp!!!!! noooooooooooo
>Over 100 people watched the speech live
He tried to download the entire Anthony Weiner computer data last night and then it disappeared after the first minute.....his twitter account was deleted....
They got him....he's dead now. :(
RIP Sweet Prince
Why is the embassy balcony door so short?
the same question could apply to your cock
Anyone ever notice the Julian is dead shills only pop up when he releases a shit load of documents? Best part is when they ignore he has been doing live interviews.
Red Rover Rack The Trolls
The Big Pickle
This. Dude is dead as fuck. I like the part where "assange" did a Reddit AMA except he said he would only answer the top rated questions and then bots and moderators made sure to sweep under the radar all the critical questions that he refuses to touch. Reddit is cuck paradise and even they realised it was nothing but a farce.
Nobody who believes he's dead is allowed to respond to this thread until you fucks explain his public appearance this year when the Swedish government dropped their charges. That is hard evidence he is alive. Unless you can prove that was a clone or a hologram, you have no leg to stand on.
>implies that the man can't create a perfect body double
He's probably got AIDS after mashing Pamela Anderson
no i didn't shut the hell up
excuse my ignorance, you lost me...new to this thread
Body double and makeup... It really isn't fucking rocket science...
As far as I am concerned, this is more likely than Assange going full retard and not using his pgp key for reasons that make no sense whatsoever...
This - all this talk of ‘yeah he’s dead’ ‘hes dead or being tortured’ ‘dude is dead as fuck’
It makes more sense that Assange's image/voiceprint/writing-style has been impersonated by whatever propaganda machine currently has the balls to use it.
Didn't these threads used to be deleted?
I was once on infinity and saw an entire thread talking about Assange as if nothing was awry. It was one of the only times I was confused into silence because I had seen some awfully compelling literature that he was no more. This is a very hard redpill to swallow because body doubles and indistinguashable CG reproductions that have had interviews with such seemingly 'opposition' people like Hannity and Garage makes a very fucking deep red pill for Normie's. It's another op designed to further isolate those concerned with the actual truth. Not like fucking Jonestein.
Reminder that assangetards are shit like pizzaniggers
Assange is an attention whore and when he does not whore for some time assangeniggers get uppity
you don't understand Australians at all
welcome to current year.
He's dead.
CIA Nigger I deem you officially BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
Someone who would believe that this clip, without a doubt, is the smoking gun, will believe anything. He isn't fucking dead. He is just isn't relevant. If he had anything, it would have been released. If they are deleting twitter feeds to gain notoriety, then to what end? People don't make money off of twitter do they? He can't go anywhere or do anything and has no need for money.
They killed him over a year ago get with the news.
Megaanon talked about it here
I agree
If they are emails they use DKIM keys