When your psychologist asks you to describe this website "politically incorrect" that you seem to spend so much time on

>When your psychologist asks you to describe this website "politically incorrect" that you seem to spend so much time on




I just say it's a site full of people who have fun fulfilling a legitimate purpose on the internet... of teaching people to question the motives and identity of the authors of what they read.

>going to a (((psychologist)))

Good goy. Don't forget to take your medication too.

Its a site of people exchanging truths and half truths with hilarious shit thrown in. better than CNN

>So, what are you doing with your time ?

I teared up while reading this.

>it's like your people torah doctor
but in it's early stage


It used to be good.
At least we have the memories...

My psychologist laughs when I mention things from Sup Forums. Also, he's a Jew.

Top kek

I had a lot of things I couldn’t touch on with my therapist... I googled her and found out she was an activist feminist type, I found myself being less than 100% honest with her.

It's a site where I am free to discuss whatever I want without fear of social repercussions. It is by and large a healthy social activity that stimulates my thought and creativity.

Nearly every human needs some social activity. This is my way of doing it without getting fired. It helps me laugh and relax. Now fuck off!

I want you to try something OP
Buy a stuffed animal, and sit down for a session with it as if it's your psycologist
Speak out loud, and talk about similar things you normally would with your shrink
After the time is up, compare how you feel with when you leave the real thing

I tell them it's just an Indonesian doll collectors website

If your therapist immediately jumps to drugs you have a shit therapist and ought to seek out a new one. Therapy ain't no joke and the most widely practiced and successful treatment is based off Greek Stoicism. It sucks that it's so fucking expensive.

It was never good. It was only less shit at times.

>Therapist is a cuck or a dyke kike

you can even fuck it afterwards
which, take it from me, you cannot do with an actual therapist

>When your psychologist asks you
Yeah...you're shot.
Just sayin...

kek'd at this one.

>Telling your therapist about your revolutionist LARPing on an online message platform

just show >her this thread. it explains it well enough

What else are we genna talk about?

>Having a therapist and believing in their mumbo jumbo.

ask him if he's seen fight club and if he has tell him it's like a real life version of project mayhem

my what now?
>willingly being put on a list

I heard one of the new IT guys at my company drop the word "based" in a conversation. I'm thinking about sending him a work order starting with "Hey nu fag, the printer down here needs...."

hes probably an r/t_d civicuck
