What's your opinion on Metapedia?
/ourwiki/? Too much biased? Too much kike hating?
Any editors around here?
What's your opinion on Metapedia?
/ourwiki/? Too much biased? Too much kike hating?
Any editors around here?
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Never heard of it, but it looks like it could use a little more content.
Related: Rational Wiki isn't actually "rational", the website is far from the anti-conspiracy nut archive it pretends to be; it was created as a left wing alternative to Conservapedia, which was created as a right wing alternative to the already biased left wing Wikipedia.
I'm not pro-Jew at all, but this wiki is so biased against Jews, it's ridiculous. Half of the info about them is totally false and the other half is presented in a dishonest way (I studied the Jewish question myself for a long time and my position now is the same as in The Culture of Critique). Also, it's very funny how they try not to offend neopagans and Christian fundamentalists at the same time.
>I'm not pro-Jew at all
I encourage everybody to read The Culture of Critique for understanding Jews by the way.
No thanks rabbi.
Are you implying that The Culture of Critique is Jewish propaganda or something?
>I studied the Jewish Question
Your conclusions?
I am implying that by saying the phrase "I'm not pro-Jew at all" it makes you look very pro-Jew.
This is the only good wiki. All of the other sites are run by (((them)))
Like I said my conclusion is the same as in the book The Culture of Critique (I came to this conclusion in my own way, but once I found this book it was an epiphany).
>leftists try to subvert the wiki
>get btfo and forced to make cuckpedia in search of refuge
top kek
The Jew is responsible for everything from the stubbed toe to the market price of magic cards
RationalWiki makes Wikipedia look like Sup Forums.
>jews are responsible for stubbed toes
Where do I sign up for the SS?
Since October 2014, these changes have occurred:
Metapedia removed the George Orwell quote, "The people will believe what the media tells them they believe."[12]
Metapedia hides the fact that the proxy-invasion of Syria by ISIS was a war for Israel.[13]
Metapedia hides the Freemason influence in the world.[14]
Metapedia altered their article on Angela Merkel to make it sound positive about her and they even kept out any mention of her destroying Germany with migration, a fact even Donald Trump says[15]--Metapedia of course doesn't like nationalist Donald Trump. On the Merkel article, Metapedia also removed "Jewish lackey" as a category calling it "ridiculous" even though it's obvious she has been destroying Germany to promote Zionism.
Their article on Black Lives Matter which has been around since October 2015, does not mention supervillain George Soros as being behind it. This is known as a mainstream fact.
Metapedia now denies that Zionists were behind a lot of the bad stuff in the Middle East like the overthrow of Libya and the Arab Spring.[16]
Metapedia removed all of the evidence of white genocide from their articles on Norway[17], Oslo[18], Finland[19], United Kingdom[20], Italy[21][22], Denmark[23], and even Stockholm[24] and Sweden[25] where Kimmo and Anders live, meaning they don't care about the natives of their own country. For Greece not only did they remove evidence of white genocide, they removed content about The Golden Dawn[26] and in the Golden Dawn article, they removed all the positive things like humanitarian food drives that the party does.[27] They even removed the redirect from humanitarian to Golden Dawn.[28]
Metapedia deleted their article on "europhobia", their buzzword for anti-white racial hatred.[29]
since 2014, when Daniel daniel friberg bought metapedia, the site has been excluding articles that expose Jewish Supremascism and Zionism. for example, the article "Zionists promoting Islam-hysteria" denouncing the Jewish abduction and subversion of European nationalism, was excluded.
This, you don't need to peddle false info about the jews when they are doing a damn good job of painting a bad light themselves.
>owns arktos media
Those connections are definitely suspect though.
Care to elaborate?