Nor Obama
nor podest
Nor Soros
Nor Seth Rich's killer
Any other 'pedes given up on Trump? What happened to lock her up? I've lost faith fellow /Pol mates.
Nor Obama
nor podest
Nor Soros
Nor Seth Rich's killer
Any other 'pedes given up on Trump? What happened to lock her up? I've lost faith fellow /Pol mates.
Who cares? Trump is the worst thing to happen to Jews and that drives liberal snowflakes INSANE!!! Bwa Hahaha!
This is a shill thread meant to demorale us! Never! MAGA, we'll never give up on President Trump!
>mfw people think a president is going to actually accomplish what they say they will accomplish
I honestly hate Trump, but I wan't to see all those people in jail
why does Trump only keep the bad promises and forget the good ones, like Locking her up and leaving Afghanistan...
>democracy works
Hillary’s in her own personal hell
Major investigations take time, you shartblue faggot.
>Hillary’s in her own personal hell
that's not good enough....
Fear not, young 1-post-by-this-ID shill. We can't just throw Hillary in prison without due process. America is not a dictatorship, after all.
President Trump's executive order against human-rights abusers targeted about 50 international players who were ALL contributors to the Clinton Foundation.
That's not a coincidence.
Now I post sage in all fields.
>I've lost faith fellow whites.
To lock someone up you have to have compelling evidence to convince a jury they committed a crime.
There's no evidence Hillary committed a crime.
Nor Obama.
Nor Podesta,
Nor Soros.
And though Seth Rich's killer committed a crime, he's yet to be identified.
Donald trump is the antichrist
7 more years to go, faggot. Fuck your shill thread.
Ever since the election there has been endless LARPs too. Tell me if these sound familiar:
>Big news in the next few days
>I cannot say anything now but pay close attention
>Indictments soon
>The Clintons are fucked!
Then when nothing happens:
>Things actually did happen that day but they won't be known for some time!
>Don't lose hope guys
>Mass arrests soon!
Trump is the best thing to happen to the US and its only year one (of 8). DOJ is looking into Uranium One which has Killary's fingerprints all over it
Seth Rich's killer needs to be arrested. Who would want to kill him because he gave the DNC to Wikileaks? This is crucial for the future of the Trump presidency.
Hillary and Podesta should be investigated. As for Soros and Obama we're really talking about longshots.
nothing will come of uranium one, nothing. it sucks
Jesus Christ. Just release the 9/11 files and be rid of the jews once and for all
None of that happened because no crimes were committed, you dolt. Stop with your fantasy shit and come back to reality, which is shitty enough now thanks to trump.
he didnt promise any of those things, BUT its not like they dont know what we want so something should be happening and isnt.
Not even pol is ready for the reality check when it all comes down. You can't destroy everything, and I mean EVERYTHING the Americans believe all at once. Remember, once you go down the rabbit hole you may fall to far.
Trumps got as much dirt on him and skeletons in his closet as shillary. Only person out of the 2016-17 election scene that probably is clean record would be mike pence... ive never heard anyone bring up potential dirt on pence. Do i like his politics? Hell no. But to be honest hes probably got the cleanest history between bama, trump, and hillary.
>how to win game
clear the mob first then the boss
How will calm before the cuck larpers ever recover?
fuck off mccabe
Too many newfags on Sup Forums. Please kys, you got 7 more years.
This is a shill thread
Shill threads are created by shareblue shill faggots
Whenever you reply to a shill, the shill gets paid
Do not reply to shills
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Sage and ignore
Yes he did idiot
>any other 'pedes
>anyone not a complete faggot ever referring to themselves by a label 1 letter away from pedos
>these people arent in jail yet therefor all is lost
Id rather watch them squirm until there is no squirming left for them to do. Plus, the second the icons of the supposed iconoclasts are arrested they will go full bolshevik and their army of spics and niggers will follow suit. I can't wait for that to happen but loose ends need to be tied up first... The US having to deal with a full scale civil war leaves too much room the international kike to kike. Their financing and leaders need to be fully contained before such a thing or we would have to turn our backs on europe while dealing with an insurgency of faggots bolstered by an almost guaranteed attempted offensive by mexico. And as fucking insufferable as eurofaggots can be we cant just abandon them to the fucking jihad they invited.
shut up beaner why would you even care about Trump
The jews are still shivering, deep state is falling, we will win, white, Christian people will rule once again and never lose the just power we have to have.