me: BITCH i AM in MY country!
me: BITCH i AM in MY country!
So, some Indians are living there...
The French sell a big Chunk of it.
Then the Spanish claim it is theirs, but they can't hold it because it's just lines drawn on a map.
And then a bunch if IQ 85 retards from Central America think it's really theirs...
Funny as hell.
*steals your land and heart*
what was that, taco?
you won the mexican american war? oh wait you didn't and got destroyed and lost that land and only exist because we didn't want the land south of the rio grande cuz it had too many spics in it.
libs and spics think mexico is an older country than the united states
You already have Texas.
Everyone there loves you.
Reminder that the green belongs to the Muslims because that’s the logical conclusion of your argument.
>what is the Alamo
>mexico declares war on jewSa because muh texas
>gets BTFO and jewSa pays them for the land
buthhurt paco?
A battle the texians lost
San jacinto is a better example
Sorry but you didn't own shit.
The fucking indians wanted to be apart of the US not apart of Mexico.
They already knew the superiority of the white man.
>me: BITCH i AM in MY country!
Take your country back beanerbro, I fully support your initiative. The deal is you have to keep all of the niggers though.
>fucking indians wanted to be apart of the
dumbass you don't even know your own history
What I was just talking about what they thought that I had read recently.
It was also old as fuck so I think it's true.
Whats the point it will just be shit like Mexico is now
Actually, once the Louisiana Purchase happened, you were no longer in your country.
Which tribe do you belong to Juan Negro Obeso del Desierto Dominguez?
Two completely different events
Notice all these Dotards saying "muh conquest" when I bet these same blumpftards would be all for the conquest of Istanbul.
KYS namefag.
Depends on how far west you are. They overlap:
>tfw my father in law unironically talks about how the US stole Texas from Mexico
>ignores the war
>ignores the treaty and money exchange
>ignores the fact that the Spanish came and did the exact same thing to the natives except the part where they gave them money, they just fucking offed them all
It hurts to listen to it sometimes, but then I remember that I fuck his daughter whenever I want and it makes me feel better.
>Over 90% chose American citizenship. The others returned to Mexico (where they received land),
Holy shit, your people were offered land in Mexico. Wtf is wrong with your ancestors.
*blocks ur path*
*Sends you to a concentration camp*
Not your country anymore spic.
Must be from socal fucking retards are the only ones buy into that atzlan bs
Negative. You were conquered. That nice area of prime real estate has belonged to us for a very long time now.
The butthurt is this thread is amazing since they know this will be true in a few decades kek
We stole it fair and square.
Mexicans in denial they lost the Mexican American War.
Maybe it's because I live in the northeast but I really don't have a problem with this map so long as all immigrants from mexico move to the green area. Plus no more West coast :)
>We fought for it fair and square
>During my many wars with the Mexicans I received eight wounds, as follows: shot in the right leg above the knee, and still carry the bullet; shot through the left forearm; wounded in the right leg below the knee with a saber; wounded on top of the head with the butt of a musket; shot just below the outer corner of the left eye; shot in left side, shot in the back. I have killed many Mexicans; I do not know how many, for frequently I did not count them. Some of them were not worth counting. It has been a long time since then, but still I have no love for the Mexicans. With me they were always treacherous and malicious. I am old now and shall never go on the warpath again, but if I were young, and followed the warpath, it would lead into Old Mexico.
it's okay to be white
no you arent there was only empty land and 100k mexicans no more,
And the fany think mexican speaking about writh or wrong fucking hiprocryte zoo animals
You all lost the war
it is true that the land was stolen. and if you want to say US is your country or even Mexico thats cool. but the territory has different rules and laws. and thr 4 you cant call it Mexico or something else. at one point when the population and people get to big both countries will have confused hybrids. so the next step is 1 country new world order with a good constitution and new rules or laws or keep the same. but to decide how or what and how many will have your back thats the problem.
Mexicans cant run Mexico. How are they going to run the USA