Is it true Sup Forums? Have you ever been discriminated against?
Is it true Sup Forums? Have you ever been discriminated against?
Yes, I was denied the role of Prime minister due to being white and having no jewish blood.
If you apply to college or a job and are white, you've been discriminated against.
*le under represented minority face*
Well 45% are wrong, then. AA is discrimination.
For sure. Never thought we would get mexican honkeys but we have them now.
>hurrrr durrrr we whites gettin upreshed an shiiat
Whilst whites control banking, business and government at all the highest levels. God you fucks are pathetic.
t. Black British visiting Sup Forums for research on a dissitation analysing the Alt-Right
That basically means it is impossible for Trump not to win in 2020
If you're asking this question you've never been the only white guy around a pack of niggers. They're the most racist faggots you've ever met. They will call you racist names and threaten you. If you act like a bitch you'll get jumped and robbed.
On the other hand I've been at plenty of party's where it's all white guys and one nigger walks in and I've never seen the nigger treated the same way as niggers will treat one white guy.
I have. I've been protested and demonstrated against.
Been banned from more forums than I can count.
>inb4 niggers
I hate niggers
>whites control banking, business and government at all the highest levels
You seem to have us confused for the jews. It's a common mistake.
White here, yes quite often. I live near dc and it’s very multicultural. Niggers make rude comments that would be raaayyyccciiisst if I were to say it to them, there are Hispanic bars that will not let you in unless you are accompanied by another Hispanic with approval, and then they will charge you double price of shots because you are white.
I’m also forced to hire unqualified blacks over qualified whites because fuck if I know why.
Those are Jews. Jews do not consider themselves white, you are being fooled.
Actually jewish people only make up a small proportion of those whites. And jewish people are white anyway, Ashkenazis are of jewish origin. As always nazis spouting shit they don't know shit about.
Jews consider themselves Jewish, not white.
White consider Jews to be Jews. Simple really.
>Jewish Anglo mutts such as Rothschild control banking
the difference is, WHITE PEOPLE don't spend their entire life whining about a single perceived injustice and thereby go out seeking it in every interaction.
Jews make up 2% of the population in the US yet account for half of the top 1%, and are grossly overrepresented in academia, media, banking, law firms, and so forth due to their strong in-group bias. They denounce tribalism amongst our general populace while secretly embracing it to advance their collective interests. It is very easy for them to rule over a DIVERSE and MULTICULTURAL country because it is divided and has no strong blood, culture, or common interests worth bonding together for. The West is undergoing the most rapid demographic shift in the history of the world, and we are experimenting with the most advanced and well-accomplished civilizations, putting them up as gambling chips in the game of equality and postmodernism. It's wrong, and the average westerner is waking up to it. There is a fire growing, and a very large bubble is going to pop. People on every side know about it - we're just waiting for a catalyst.
And no, I'm not a nazi. I'm not telling you to agree with everything you see on Sup Forums, however I do applaud you for stepping into the lion's den. We won't censor you and we will do our best to answer any questions you have provided you are earnest. Just remember, at the end of the day, people such as myself just want to be left the hell alone, and the people you align yourself won't leave me the hell alone. I didn't want to defend Nazis, I didn't want the desire to physically remove Socialists from society - but I also didn't want to see everything my ancestors fought, bled, and bred for crippled and destroyed by groups of individuals with nefarious intentions.
I'm not an evil person. Most of us aren't. Your kind just hasn't left us much choice. The fact that England is projected to be 50% non-white in the coming decades is proof enough of what I've written for you, and is reason enough for every Westerner to rise up and remove the forces responsible.
Yeah... Not gonna listen to your nazi conspiracy shit. That shit should've died with Hitler and his cronies in 1945.
Yes I was fired for writing up a black at my one job. The bosses claimed it was because l was prejudice, l said if that had been the case l would have fired all of them. They were worried since the guy was screaming lawsuit. The rest of the blacks told the boss the guy was a lazy nigger, and later they told me they were sorry to see me go since l treated them fairly. I was raised to have respect for those who work for a living, since far too many want to live on our backs. And that is how l live.
kill yourself
Yes, my whole professional adult life. Probably in school too but I was too much of a Marxist lib douche to realize it. Now I I have my own business and treat all with kindness and humility. I'm not going to perpetuate the globalist hate to divide and conquer.
Ignoring that guy's post: blacks do commit more crimes per 1,000 people.
I'm not a nazi, and it isn't a conspiracy. Everything I pointed out is a verifiable fact. It's up to you to connect the dots. Who benefits from this? Why is this occurring? Why is diversity only pushed in Westernized nations? Please step out of your bubble. I am challenging you to critically think, which you should be capable of provided you are indeed writing a dissertation. It was difficult for me to do the same thing when I researched the Black Panthers and black nationalist movements, but I looked past my personal biases and did my best to see things from their point of view.
All I ask is that you do the same for us, it will help you grow as an individual, even if you disagree.
The state of the left current year
The flame has been set.
He's just an idiot.
Black people are over policed. Same is true here in the UK. I'm a black male attending university yet the police have search me for knives and drugs multiple times whilst I know white kids who always have cocaine yet never get searched. Definition of institutional racism. Of course black communities will be over-represented in crime statistics compared with whites when we have racist cops on us all the time mean jews shirley
>oooga fukn booga
t.nigger, fuck off faggot
Wrong. The crime victimization survey is hardly a new project. You're straight up lying, and expect us to buy it, you dumb nigger.
Come back to me when you have a 1st class degree in Sociology and actually know what you're talking about pale boy
>White identify politics
Kek. You faggots have become liberals
I'm not from america but don't you guys have some diversity quotas where people of color get a job over a qualified person because they are people of color? Isn't that basically racially discrimination?
>nigger is proud of a meme degree
lmao, stupid nigger
55% only?
The other 45% were obviously too afraid to admit it.
That explains why you won't pay me attention. Thank you for demonstrating your useless certificate of indoctrination, and reminding us why liberal arts majors are incapable of thinking critically about foreign ideals.
Sincerely, a computer engineer.
>died with his cronies
And you shouldve died with your ancestors to malaria you sickle cell carrying nigger.
Ah yes, blacks are over-represented in crime statistcs due to over policing, and over-policing isn't a result of intelligence led policing identifying higher rates of criminality in black communities.
We all know what happens to your communities when the police disengage. Lets not pretend otherwise.
>Apply for scholarships for college
>KEYWORD BLACK: 800 scholarships over $1,000
>Type in Italian, Polish, Russian, etc.
>8 scholarships under $1000
>Type in Italian, Polish, Russian, EXCLUDING WOMEN
>2 results
>Type in WHITE
Nah, nah, nah, one word settles this entire thing.
Affirmative action is racism and sexism, 45% of the people polled are just factually incorrect.
P-Paul Nehlen?
>1st class degree in Sociology
>1st class degree
Many times. If you live in an inner city it's impossible to avoid.
>that pic
mark my words, 2018 will be a very, very interesting year
Jeeze what ever happened to British humor? Your shitposting is just horrible
Don't forget to count how many times people call each other names
>business insider
of course i haven't been discriminated against, i'm a straight, white male without a criminal record.
i can't be discriminated against.
the absolute STATE of nigger intellectuals
White goy here, lets have a story
>early twenties, college dropout and ex-stoner
>finally get my life together, kick drugs and begin working full time at a restaurant/grocery store
>work for a period of 6 months, become proficient in most areas of the store
>store changes managerial staff, a black woman named Jakeeta Taylor gets hired
Now at this time I had not a single racist bone in my body, I was pretty much an egalitarian
>Jakeeta continuously hires almost only blacks, ghetto trash mostly
>promotes her cousin to the shift leader position I had been working hard to earn
>bust my ass figuring hard work is rewarded
>finally get placed in control of the grocery section
>then get removed since they need someone to cook and I knew how to
>cash ends up disappearing in the cash registers
>inventory comes up short
>eventually Jakeeta is fired
>quit after getting burned at work
It was my first true insight into black America. It has only gotten worse from there with every year.
This has to be a troll
Even real blacks arent this ignorant and proud
Those are some good news.
Was probably better than 99% of the niggers in HS who applied to my 1st and 2nd choice unis. 4.2 GPA, way higher SAT scores (1440), plenty of extracurriculars and community service (made varsity baseball soph year, varsity swim team jr year, homeless soup kitchen server for a two summers in a row and volunteered for local (D) congressman's campaign).
So in the end, what did it get me? MIT? Nope. Stanford? Nope. Ended up at UC fucking LA. The dumbest nig on our football team who could barely read beyond a 2nd grade level got into Stanford. So did two other nigs whose claim to fame was getting arrested on school grounds for dealing drugs freshman year. Unsurprisingly, none of them graduated and I heard during my last HS reunion 3 years ago that one of the 2 drug dealer nigs died in a drug-related incident. These were the kind of human garbage that would remain human garbage no matter how many opportunities you give them. Was bitter for a few years but then I see things like
and realize that most of these schools are a liberal joke.
>This autistic Asian kid I know got into MIT. Tutored me in AP calculus and physics, knew all his shit, had this weird thing where he randomly scratches himself raw in public. Still totally deserved it
By getting in? Wait you actually didn't get in and you're going to blame it on race? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>Whilst whites control banking, business and government at all the highest levels
It's the Jews, noganon.
I was once told in college by my teacher (white female) that I should stop participating in class. I asked why. She said with a smile on her face: "because your a white male".
claim to be jewish, she'll shut the fuck up immediately
Sounds like you could make some money suing for obvious discrimination
Oh nevermind, its clear you are either mentally challenged or lying.
Hitler did nothing wrong. Research it, don't believe me. We were the real monsters in WW2.
that's just the tip of the iceberg. once you're actually in college there is also a shitload of internal scholarships/funding opportunities/support groups/organizations for shitskins and 0 for whites.
my piece of shit university has a "Minority Engineering Recruitment and Retention Program" which means that they throw money at and provide answers to homework/old exam solutions to shitskins just so that they don't drop out. what you end up with is borderline retards graduating with engineering degrees, further saturating the market, and actually having an edge over you because they get to pull the minority card while being completely useless because they were incapable of learning anything.
and no, they don't get weeded out in the industry. it's a cardinal sin to fire a shitskin.
>be told by blacks and jews that whites need to die out
>this somehow isnt racist because "the whites are the ones in power"
>after 8 years with a black president
Just take it then lol
>Higher the testosterone the more the crime
Feminists are right. Masculinity is toxic.
We need to be like Asians.
its not just whites. Asians are literally suing over affirmative action.
I'm honored, and I wish
A lot of people don't have direct experience with blacks, which is why they defend them so much.
>a fucking leaf
60-IQ sub human detected
you'd be surprised
Yes, but I have better things to do than worry about it.
No, I was just trying to bait him back
I'm from chicago, so i basically have a degree in understanding advanced coonery
My white child was a year late beginning her attendance at primary school, because all the places were taken, the school has %40 disabled or foreign children. She will not forget this.
even psychologists look down on sociologists.
>walk into classroom
>80% shitskins
>repeat for 12 years
>go to college
>walk into classroom
>60% shitskins
i have never had a white bully
i have never had a white person treat me like less than a fellow human
it's only spics and niggers who do this shit
Yes. When I was unemployed I filled out job applications where I did half saying I was white and half saying I was black. I had ninety percent call backs for the ones saying I was black and about five percent for being white.
You literally are denied employment for being white due to diversity quotas.
>writing a 'dissatation'
>doesn't engage with competing ideas
pic related
Eh, they do but the idea of saying something is incredulous to them. I now work in an institution with a degree, and this insitution's orientation had a massive message of "diversity is our strength". I'd say 1/3 of the workforce employed is black, all of the lesser skilled jobs of course, and people notice. I've brought it up and a few agree, but still were incredulous that I said it and shushed me. There is an inherent fear of losing one's job or being ostracized, enough blacks made it into middle management (obviously from hiring practices) to make anyone's life hell if they voiced anything remotely critical of the black community.
Please show me an "underrepresented minority"(i.e. nigger) with a 3.8 gpa. then show me pictures of the lochness monster, big foot, unicorns, etc.,
Would you rather be the only white kid in a black school or the only black kid in a white school
Who do you think would be treated worse
Also these are kids, so we’re assuming they’re not going to pin the “””systematic oppression””” of their race on another kid because that’s too complex of an idea for them at this point
>degree in Sociology
top kek. here's your (you)
Human resource departments are a blight on the face of the earth. If I am ever the head of a corporation or in the position to make hefty decisions, I will not tolerate the existence of an HR department. Hiring should not be based on colorful adjectives and bullshittery. Only qualifications.
Come back to me when you have an actual degree nigger
Yes. I was told i shouldn't need welfare when i was homeless with no job because i was white by someone like this Now i advocate for hard line politics against ethnic scum.
>commit huge percentage of crime
>get searched more
evil white man keeping me down!
I’ve had a black, spic, and white bully
The nigger said the most fucked up nonsensical shit to me every day, the spic always tried to beat me up, and the white just pointed out I was weird a lot.
Oh, and a white girl spit at me once, but her family was meth-addicted trash, so seems unrelated to race.
I pretty much hate everyone. But in general niggers and spics have been way more crude/physical to me. Especially outside of school. No white stranger has ever made me feel threatened. Can literally not say that for anyone whose skin is any dark than coffee creamer.
You got the cart before the horse there bud. Black communities aren't over represented in crimes because the cops check you constantly. Cops check you constantly because you commit way to many violent crimes.
That is because whites are unironically the least racist. Ever seen a chink vs nog? Gypo vs nog? Nog vs nog? Even spics are slightly more racist than whites
You're wasting your time with your current research.
Maybe you can find a correlation between the average nigger's inherent low IQ, and the way they act.
Guaranteed Nobel Peace Prize.
I've been turned down for a job due to being white, "Unfortunately you won't meet our recruitment quotas, from your name an resume we thought you would be of color." Since my last name is French, they thought I would be creole.
I'm half white, half mexican. I have NEVER been racially discriminated against. Ever. Take that as you will.
I be dissitatin an shit