Are they based or the car of david?
Redpill me on (((electric cars)))
The ecological merits are disputed; serious pollution is released during production and recycling, or trashing, of the batteries, and to some extent the electric motors. This will improve as the industry grows and technologies mature.
The performance easily outstrips ICE engines in most price ranges. That by and of itself is a good reason to go for electric.
(((((Big oil)))))) and the (((((insurance))))) industries fear Tesla cars.
If i got one id make my own and it would use nickel iron batteries. They are twice as energy dense as lead acid and last for centuries. The low maintenance and operarional costs are attractive but they dont have the soul of a gas powered car. Might have a super powerful sports car for a weekend warrior and an electric daily driver though. Pic related is a (((dusenberg)))
I would consider an electric dual sport motorcycle if it were really quiet. perfect assassin vehicle.
As for personal freedom, in general it's easier to produce electricity than gasoline on your own. The engine and battery management technology is easier to design & assemble, or at least inspect & assemble on your own than in case of ICEngined cars.
Building something like Bollinger B1 at home shouldn't be much harder than building a kit aircraft, possibly easier. You'd need to buy batteries - or complete battery packs - electric motors and power electronics, but the computer could be 100% your own software, or open source software.
Beware of cars with locked down computers and closed-source firmware controlling the engine, brakes and steering - I wouldn't ride any such. Especially if it has any wireless interfaces (WiFi, GSM, keyless entry) which by their very nature are open invitation for remote hacks.
I heard the train in WA was hacked.
(((electric cars)))
This exact thing exists. And it's dead quiet. My local pd has one. It's cool as fuck. Google it.
I know. I'm just a really big fan of the Yamaha WR250R that gets 70mpg. I'll wait 10 years and see if electric is still around.
They're really simple, no air filter, cylinders, valves, exhaust system, gear box. Potentially no axles either, superior traction control. Wait til some decent batteries come around. Right now batteries are absolute SHIT.
There's a good reason the biggest vehicles all use electric drive. Trains, big dump trucks, and some boats use electric drive.
They do that because no gears on earth can withstand that kind of force so they use a generator and a diesel engine to avoid unnecessary wear and tear. If they had regular trannies theyd be breaking down several times a day
Fake and gay
Zero U.S. electrical grids will support heating/cooling all U.S. homes and charge all of our cars.
Electric cars is a fucking pipe dream and the electric motor is only about 25% more efficient than ICE. In fact most energy is lost through the transmission in a typical car
Sage this faggot
Electromagnetic radiation from electric motors forces the body to produce more estrogen, whereas a V8 @ 4,500rpm produces bionic resonance in the testicular region increasing bloodflow and promoting higher test levels.
The most anti jew thing possible economically is "true cost economics"
"Open source"
They're inevitable, but won't be affordable as internal combustion ones for a while.
>Someone out there probably believes this unironically
It's also continuously variable so you're always running at max efficiency. I believe they do actually use gear boxes though, but they can use superior planetary fixed gears axially aligned with the wheels, none of this 6 speed nonsense with all sorts of odd couplings.
>but what about the poor people?
I've got mine and fuck the schmucks. Let them eat the brownouts.
Some theorize electric cars will be used as buffers to handle transient loads on the power grids. The storage would be much closer to the energy consumers than big powerplants, thus sparing expensive build-outs of extra power distribution capacity.
>only about 25% more efficient than ICE
Abstract figure, given you can take electricity from any source of any efficiency, while gasoline is essentially only produced from the crude oil.
You skipped the power distribution losses - last time I checked it was around 40% of production in the USA - and costs of transporting & refining the crude oil and gasoline; I have no idea about the relevant figures.
>the car of david
if that were true they could easily assassinate fags like elon musk or tank tesla stock, but instead neither has happened.
this looks like the special olympics
>converting coal/oil to electricity at like 40% efficiency so you can power your cuck mobile and pretend to be saving the planet
Or you could use oil at near 100% efficiency.
Hello Dr. Jewbakowski
batteries aren't good enough and not enough charging stations
Electric cars are for soyboy pussies
>those trees
Only 100% efficient use of oil is to burn it for heating.
They are fine just don't pretend you're saving the planet if you own or drive one.
I only care about the low operation costs. An electric car would need to cost like 20k for the zero maintenance and fuel to be worth it.
i ride a bicycle and i want a sailboat
Fuck Tesla, it's a 2,000+ kg remotely guided missile. Some brainlet thought it a brilliant idea to install 4 (FOUR!) separate wireless computer interfaces on it, with the computers having full control over throttle and steering, and at least partial over brakes (via the ABS).
This kind of idiocy should land the management and designers in prison for a decade or two, plus permanent prohibition from using any device with a microprocessor inside.
>The performance easily outstrips ICE engines in most price ranges. That by and of itself is a good reason to go for electric.
Is it gonna last? My car is a 1974, original tranny and engine. I don't even know how many times the dial has rolled over.
i heard someone hacked the train in WA
More energy, more development, more people, more pollution.
Electric cars will not reduce it, they will add to it - because there will always be uses for fossil energy.
They're legit. The model 3 is affordable and doesn't look like a hamster getting assfucked.
How are you supposed to drive one of those things in the Winter when it's ten below zero?
Gas fumes mimic estrogen. You didn't know this? It's why all truckers have moobs.
Soyim man-children have no idea how to do an oil change, much less how an engine works so they cover up their lack of basic male knowledge by being tesla "enthusiasts"
Boring, ugly souless appliances that weigh more than a truck but the soyim do love their electric memecars.
Of course not. It'll be limited by lithium battery technology which still loses most of its charge every few years. You'll have to pay someone to open up the battery and replace worn out cells every year or so, since (((they))) will start implementing checks to not let the car start if it has been user maintained for (((safety reasons))) after a few explode.
Right now the batteries are the weak point, and you want to replace them after some 1000 charge cycles tops. The technology is developing rather fast, expect improvement, with the caveat that all relevant battery technology we've seen so far is prone to cascading failure; read BIG BADA BOOM.
Batteries aside, I guess the only thing that's gonna fail is the power electronics? But those should be cheap to fix or replace.
No transmission, or at worst a simple reduction gear. The engine is pretty much indestructible. Drive shafts should be getting higher mileage than on ICE thanks to smoother torque.
If you go for some flashy crap like Tesla, you'd probably be limited by the software on the computers being out of maintenance at some point in the future.
>zero maintenance and fuel
Batteries need to be replaced every five years or so and the cost to recharge them is pretty high.
Im not the one paying for electricity
I like midgets and red rose tea.
Ooga booga, new people don't know basic male things like riding a horse.
Then you've got a solid plan if the prices come down. Congrats Nazi. Hitler's old limo is going up for auction soon. Start saving.
>engine is pretty much indestructible
unless you fuck around with the computer to exceed the rated power
Talk about crashed electric cars that give you instant cancer with the fume
>brew own biodiesel
>the jew cannot trap you
>have electric car
>tethered to (((charging stations)))
show me an electric car that can charge off solar for emergency use at least and maybe ill believe you
Every time I do some significant car work I pray for the day affordable electric commuting appliances exist
Would do it if open source electric car computers become a thing. Im thinking of buying a used leaf and adding some in cabin tech enhancements
We're making sandnigers nomads again by ending the petrodollar standard
A little bit of both, user
>Higher initial MSRP
>Range can sometimes suck
>Need to wire garage for high voltage plug
>Zero emissions is pointless if your electricity was made by a coal fired power plant
But also
>100% torque off the line
>insane reliability c/o no oil/filter changes/tuneups etc etc
>tax credits AFAIK
>Breaking away from Abdul and pals @OPEC
This is also a great idea. Im also considering buying a vintage muscle car and putting a diesel engine from th 60s in it and running off fry grease. That solves the fuel problem but not the maintenance.
Im buying used and i dont give a crap about the environment. All i care about are the low operating costs.
What does "I like midgets" even mean?
It's really a longshot whether they'll be able to replace all vehicles with electric. Like really really long. I personally don't think its possible, and even if they did they'd still need fossil fuels in the manufacturing process.
That said, I really wish they'd stop touting it as the solution to climate change. That's ridiculous. It's just another source of pollution, and best case scenario enable people to pollute even more.
>cut off terrorists' financing
Best argument for electric car so far.
Note you'll still need significant oil extraction for medium- and long-distance air travel, for ships, and for chemical plants.
>soyim detected
It's not like you can afford even the most poverty model Tesla, Wiktor, which makes you the worst kind of car soyim , one who bench races memecars he'll never own.
just remember on the ebikes and emotorcycles. crotch cancer. probably full body cancer in the cars.
It is going to be cheaper than oil, nothing else to discuss. If people were worried about the ecological implications we would not have cars in the first place.
>What does "I like midgets" even mean?
If you have to ask a question like then there is no acceptable answer for you.
>cheaper than oil
Most of the people will be charging their vehicles from oil burning electrical plants. How is the increase in demand going to lower the price?
i dont disagree.
I know how gasoline engines work, and know how electric motors and semiconductors work. No engineer will tell you they want something more complex.
There's a good reason we use jets, not prop planes. Simplicity and power density. Why have 500 moving parts when you can have 1?
1 single point of failure is a bad thing.
What? You don't want to make all those Muslim fuckers run out of money not buying gas or oil ever again?
They burn coal. I can just stick the cord in anywhere including those outdoor outlets at the park. Im not gonna be paying the powerbill where i live anyway so even though i like gas powered cars better i cant afford the upkeep so a 5000 dollar used nissan leaf that needs zero maintenance or gas sounds like its the way to go.
Uh no. Piston planes still use engine tech from the 1920s. Seriously. They use air cooled, carbureted magneto igniton engines that habent changed much in 80 years. Hell airplane gas is still leaded! Jet engines are the most complex powerplant on the planet. Look at pictures of them its insane!
theyre the ones selling the gas and oil. the jews want to take it all over for greater israel.
Volume production muhnikka. The more you make of a certain product the more the price goes down since the costs of development are already covered. Ever notice how a DVD player was like $1500 when they were brand new and now you can go to a drugstore and buy 3-4 different brands for $35 or less?
Im def going electric now. I hate seeing sandniggers in bugattis
How fast do you need to go? You could get an electric or small gas tuk tuk off of Alibaba
They made for great truck stoppers.
There wouldn't be any jihad if it wasn't for the Saudis and others funneling money to terror groups. They'd still be living in tents and riding camels en route to stab and behead each other over petty tribal beefs without the advent of selling oil to the rest of the world
Not politics related. Board has a rule against 'redpill me on x' threads too.
Comparing fuel oil to brand new tech while reaching back several decades is hardly an accurate comparison.
reason they are stagnating is because no one has 1+ hours to wait until it recharges, when someone comes up with instant charge battery or at least make it as long as it takes to fill up your gas tank is when Electric car revolution will take off. As of now it's a meme car to ride around your block
Buying a used gas powered car is the next greenest thing to do: via keeping an existing car alive you prevent another vehicle from being built. In a sense some old assed Land Rover used as some savannah hoopty in Botswana is about the greenest car of all. It likely prevented 10-12 tinny Jap 4X4s from being built in its timeframe
>reason they are stagnating is because no one has 1+ hours to wait until it recharges
Wow, charge it while you sleep
you're welcome.. may moto police are switching to these because they can sneak up on their targets without being heard.
Baseload vs peaker plants. Electric cars can charge with baseload at night and level out demand.
Lol. Engines have like 10 single points of failure. Crankshaft, any cylinder, timing belt, plus the gearbox to an extent.
Jet engines have literally one moving part. I guess to a non engineer they look complex, and they are certainly difficult to build, but the concept and execution is very simple and they're very tough.
Well fuck you then if you can't understand the basics of manufacturing and the economy of scale
>Unironically claims that all V8s are similar enough to vibrate the same way
Okay let's take the 660 hp engine out of that gt500 and put in a 140 hp V8 from an old Cadillac land barge. Bet there will be no difference.
Based, massive upside and investment potential, become electrical engineers, design the future, subvert the talmudists, genocide the weak
Retarded. Lithium would run out. It takes oil/gas/coal to make electricity. Unless you have nuclear. They ruined Teslas good name.
once again, if you only expect to drive around your city block then sure, it's a fine meme mobile, but if you want to take it on a trip around continental USA or go from Los Angeles to San Francisco or Las Vegas then it's a shit option because you'll have to recharge at least once on the way and with gas it will only take you 10 min max while with electric it'll take you 2-3 hours until it's fully charged. No one has time for this bullshit, and until you can recharge your batteries at the same rate as you can put fuel in, no one will take them seriously.
nitpick time?
>Uh no. Piston planes still use engine tech from the 1920s. Seriously. They use air cooled,
Liquid cooled ones are out there, too, but air cooling is much more practical in a slipstream than in a car.
>carbureted magneto igniton
Fuel injection and solid state ignition with ECU is a thing in general aviation, even on small units used on motor gliders.
>engines that habent changed much in 80 years.
Diesel aviation engines are making inroads (admittedly WW2-era technology)
>Hell airplane gas is still leaded!
Only for old engines that haven't been re-built and re-certified for unleaded. Airworthiness certification is a costly thing.
While the basics of ICE haven't changed much, the materials, internal geometry and accessories are improving all the time. It's just slower in aviation due to lower volumes and more stringent certification.
Electric and hybrid planes are already in serial production.
i'll take it.
Top level tesla can traverse your entire country in a single charge you moron
They have a shitty maximum operating range, and they rely on the powergrid to function. Oil can be transported, power can not. This means that people can be more easily controlled once they are forced onto the smart car grid.
>forgetting about solar panels/wind turbine power
Fuck off. Shitty comparison is shitty comparison.
faster than wind travel turbine car
this is like shrink wojaks plus troll physics
That electric plane is a propeller plane... Is it possible to make an electric jet engine? I don't know much about engines.
Once cars go electric, shouldn't we see a massive drop in cost? The company that can sell you an electric car for less than a gas/diesel one while also saving you over the lifetime cost is going to be yuuuge.