Can someone explain to me Japan's economic policies? I wasn't really able to find any answers on the internetz.
Corporate tax rate?
Income tax?
Public education?
Thank you anons.
Can someone explain to me Japan's economic policies? I wasn't really able to find any answers on the internetz.
Corporate tax rate?
Income tax?
Public education?
Thank you anons.
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Japan is massively in debt and is borrowing more and more money. It's debt is currently $10.46 trillion which is more than teice their gdp
How did their debt get so bad?
They kept borrowing money that they can barely pay back so they lower interest rates and printed money an then repeated for a few decades
But I mean what caused them to need to borrow money in the first place? How could it have been prevented?
Anime isn't cheap user.
Japan has no real is just expanding balance sheets at it's Central Bank. There is no borrowing and the JCB is wiping out the made-up debt. All of that debt is in Yen which created by the Japanese.
If you want to find out how Japanese economy built itself by retaining it's Fascist Policies from before the War and then was Jewed the USA and Libertarian Monertarism watch Prince of Yen
Recently, the Nationalist have re-taken power at the Central and they are beginning to cancel the debt and fixing the economy.
Everything is going well in Japan.
Abe is a very good leader. Thanks Abe.
Bank of Japan printing money endlessly since 90s to buy stocks
Just like what happen in US & Europe since 2008
Japanese central bank is 40% creditors of government debts.
The owner of the bank is Japan government.
>I wasn't really able to find any answers on the internetz.
Because you are retarded. Look harder.
what the fuck is wrong with all you ((free)) healthcare fucks closing on weekends!
Everything is 'go to the fucking ER'
They're under ZOGenomics, debt-based economy.
>central bank is owned by government
that's what (((they))) want you to believe
Clearly didn't watch the videos....sad. The US and the EU are not similar monetary systems. One is monopoly issuer controlled by a sovereign state and the other a Independent Contractor that is separate from the member states all of whom hate each other.
The Yen is only produced by the Japanese. They don't go into debt to any foreignera to get Yen unlike the EU.
Too be fair its "run" by native Japs, unlike most western central banks. But yes, they answer to Jews, Japan is part of ZOG and have always been the kikes gateway to Asia since their occupation by the US.
Japan now
* Unemployment rate is 2.7%, lowest in the past quarter century. Everybody can get a job.
* 74% Japanese are satisfied with life. The rate is highest from the survey started in 1963.
* Lifespan is long, the world top level.
* Birth rate is still low, but it's in a trend of increasing.
* Crime rate is lowest in the after WW2. There is no riots.
* Suicide number is 2/3 against the 10 years ago.
Abe is a huge step towards Japanese renaissance but the LDP is full of traitors and the opposition are either controlled by the US or the Chinese (JCP). As long as Japan remains a parliamentary democracy the threat to their sovereignty is very real.
>Birth rate is still low
And Japan is too homogeneous, that's why you need to accept sexually suppressed black african immigrant men that can't speak your language, won't integrate with your culture and won't contribute anything of value to your society
Japan is overpopulation. Self-sufficiency rate of foods and energy is too low.
That is the reason that Japanese don't care much with decreasing of population.
how is the smart agriculture project going ? can japan produce enough food with it to be self sufficient
do banks in japan hate to give loan for geothermal powerplant too ?