Who's the best: Lawn darts or Jarheads?
Who's better: US Army Paratroopers or US Marine Infantrymen?
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Scar mounted army rangers.
neither, you'd be fighting for an anti white government
or maybe Salacots
This is Paras vs Marine infantry, not Ranger Dan vs Rickey Recon
>be most powerful military in the world
>constantly shit on canada and canadian military
>tiny canadian military have all the top sniper records
USA is so pathetic... Sad!
Who cares?
Both fight for their Jewish masters.
Would have to say Army paratroopers in an actual paratrooper unit, since those are a step up from normal army infantry. Lots of other airborne qualified who aren't elite in the lowest definition of it. Back in the day airborne meant something but today unless you're in something like the 82nd you are just average infantry.
Then again, average marine infantry is pretty much same as average army infantry, the MUH USMC is the worst meme of the 20th century and was shown in OIF and OEF in the 21st century that there is no real difference. Each unit in both sides has their ups and downs mainly due to leadership changes through the years.
i cant find a vid of former spec vet from us and of a where he speaks "why you should not join military", search that term and you will him. i dont know the guy or his beliefs but he seems on the spot talks about fighting for the corporations and zie them. but if i was you and had a natural calling to be noble and defend my people i would pick paratroopers. this shit burgers push as zie elites marines seems overrated. go do one solo jump from 1k and see how it is. then try higher. it is cool.
Marines are better warriors.
82nd FOR LIFE! Broke Knee brothers, are you in the house? When was your last drop and how'd it go?
Shut up you weak faggot
Nice to see guys busy sending more refugees in here
these are women probably training to be nurses lmaoo. women dont belong on the frontline.
Whoever kills the most innocents for the greater expansion of our greatest ally, Israel, is clearly the best.
triggered, mutt bitch?
Holy mutts
The Canadian military hasn't done shit, Rob Furlong and 2 other cunts did. Don't slide this thread faggot
Sums up our relationship with the USA. Us - strong, experienced, intelligent. Them - mutt bitches.
if you ain't Cav, you ain't shit.
>Doesn't know that Marine boot camp segregates males and females
>Doesn't know women all wash out of Marine infantry school
>Likes dicks because poster is a faggot
niether both are welfare queens
As a Marine, I can recognize a slide thread when I see one. Shills putting shit out to divide and conquer from within Sup Forums. OP is SSgt Sage.
I said fuck off you syrup nigger, this isn't your thread *looks for spray bottle*
Army is 95% niggers and women doing it for the bennies. Marines is majority white doing it to be a part of the marines.
as a marine you are a huge faggot
>this damage control
the state of mutts
like leddit soy i should correct this to make it readable. but fuck that.i know you are not stupid. know one thing burger - having to kill another human is a serious matter, even when you are defending yourself.and no consultation or words will help you with that.
checked, and as a faggot I'll fuck you till you bleed
Death from above always wins
>As a Marine
My last jump was Hollywood in early 2016. Landing sucked, riser got wrapped up around my neck and i got dragged about 100 meters across Sicily DZ. air fucking borne
>Posts another pic from boot camp
Show your faggot leaf. Also here's your SF; maybe if they didn't have fucking MUFFIN TOPS they wouldn't have died?!?
>6.1% of the Coast Guard can't swim
You post that muffin top shit in every fucking thread. You really think that's funny mutt? If a real JTF2 operator showed up at your door you'd shit yourself. Pathetic.
Thats not true user. They finally had a single female complete infantry officer school.
So the US military give the citisenship to all Latinos who want to go in war
muh wall. topkek
I know a guy
>He wanted to make coast guard
>He scored a 15 on asvab
>He make Marine
>He pulls out stress card week 1
>Muh JTF2
One of the 100 that actually do anything? Sad
Real Marines ain't made at Quantico son; I'm sure they will grind her into the dirt in the fleet anyways
>neck wrapped and dragged
Ah, I cringed. That sucks dude. My last jump I landed in a tree and had to do a short land nav when I get separated from the rest of the jump group.
How many jumps did you have? I miss it sometimes, but I don’t miss the “airborne timeline” haha. Fucking 8 hours of bullshit for a couple mins of glory. I should’ve gone back to selection.
I have selection 4/2 any tips besides foot Care
"Take care of your feet, do as you're told, and try not to do anything stupid; like getting killed."
bullshit. you can not pass boot camp if you can't swim.
Airborne infantry units used to have LRRP capabilities, but since big army forgot the lesson taught in vietnam decided to get rid of them. Still, the ability to rig up, get on a plane and fall into combat is highly useful in the strategic sense. Marines are lucky in the sense that MEUs highly beat airborne brigades in terms of weaponry. While they have better damage capabilities, they use outdate equipment. Airborne can get air to ground assets but they need JTACs or go through brigade command lines to approve air strikes n such. In a battle, marines would win due to having their amphibious tanks n shit. Best airborne has is air dropped humvees, if they're lucky, as well as foot AT.
Aside from that rant, i would say the airborne has better history, esprit de corps and camaraderie. Also all the cool guy shit needs you to have your airborne cert so I guess theres that.
How many are in your class? Dude, it’s a mind game. I’m sure you know this. Make sure you are mentally ready more than anything. Physically, the hardest day for me was downed pilot. BE READY TO STEP UP AND BE A LEADER. Don’t let your emotions get to you. Don’t be a dick to anyone. Basic shit. I don’t know how much has changed but hopefully you’re comfortable with land nav by now. Don’t try to standout, just be efficient with everything you do.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
back to reddut
>8 year old original copy pasta from /k/ that's been redone 100+ times in different forms
You need to go back
He literally got it from /r/copypasta you stupid fucking american. Man you fucks are dumb.
The jump into Bashur was rad broman
When was the 82md's last combat jump again?
-T. 173 Fag
It's situational really, Paras don't take beaches and Marines don't take airfields, it a straight up fight I'd take Paras for raw agression, and ability to maneuver in open terrain. In a static fight, like Helman, marines can fight.
A fuck load
A lot of dudes that shouldn't even be infantrymen tho.
It's copypasta that originated in Sup Forums before reddit was even a big thing. The fact you only know it from reddit means that's where you belong.
In arms maybe.
Parachute Infantry, always; more specifically the 2/503rd Parachute Infantry Regiment.
they have the same name
2/503d here. Fuck the 82nd, the elite Paratroopers are in the 173rd these days.
173rd could take on an entire Marine Division and wipe the floor with them.
what company? were you there for OEF 8?
They both suck donkey balls.
LOL it's hilarious how cav think they're hot shit. Bunch of spur wearing dorks.
>airborne has better history
Marines were started in a bar.
>esprit de corps and camaraderie.
Army mimics Marines esprit de corps hooah
>10th Mountain
They can't even make it into the Rangers, how are they going to take on Marines?
si pedro, of course we do
They'll probably be drunk when they do it. I was a leg myself but airborne contracts went to like the top 10% of each graduating class in basic. Better raw material and multiple rounds of selection counts for a lot.
In my class about 1/2 of them couldn't make it through the 30th AG at benning. The rest of them thought they were gonna be snipers lol
I was in the 82nd. My vote is for me.
Nice bro, I was in Battle Company
>Sky Soldier! Senpai
Yeah, for Kosovo, Iraq and OEF V, and VI too. I loved Vicenza. It fucking sucks Art Cafe is gone, Blue was the shit though.
fake ass combat jump into a secure dz so some general could get a mustard stain. kill yourself. you realize that jump is a meme now right?
The newfaggotry...the misinformation, I remember where I first saw it, on Sup Forums spring 2012, I even copypasta'd it because everything is a repost of a repost of a repast et cetera ad infinitum. It was played fucking out by the time reddit found it on r/Sup Forums.
I know it's a Meme the mud did suck though. 3rd Group had lawn chairs and beers at the RP.
meme-tier airborne division. shine my jump boots bitch.
Thanks for handling Kandahar so well, faggots
>15 on the ASVAB
God damn, how can one be so stupid?
This guy 173ds
Must've misunderstood the instructions
Which, the 82nd? If you're talking shit about the 173rd you should know it's only a Brigade.
>Let's see how far away I can engage an enemy while still being considered a soldier
Yeah old school Battle Co. 10 years in 2/503 173 ABCT
The 173rd, a Brigade, has more MOH winners than the entire 82nd AB Division. I know a couple.
You know Manuma?
Yeah I know two from OEF 8.
At last count the 2/503rd was more decorated than any other light infantry unit in the Army. They were handing out silver stars like candy after that shit show.
>Let's see how much territory we can control with the smallest amount of manpower possible
But keep being jealous
>Controlling anything
Their women moan that I am, while I fuck them as their beta providers are away on deployment.
in my experience (navy airframer) marines are pretty chill, airborne are really obnoxious. just my anecdotal evidence.
You get 10 points just for putting your name on the fucking thing. A 15 is some next level shit that California would have trouble producing.
That's no shit as well. His name was Mario. The recruiter looked shocked. He looked like he was telling a mom her son had cancer