>Massacre had been coordinated by the 27 Army of Shanxi Province, whose troops were described as “60 per cent illiterate and called primitives”.
>Students understood they were given one hour to leave square, but after five minutes APCs attacked.
>Students linked arms but were mown down. APCs then ran over the bodies time and time again to make, quote ‘pie’ unquote, and remains collected by bulldozer. Remains incinerated and then hosed down drains.
>wounded female students were bayoneted as they begged for their lives and a mother was shot as she tried to go to the aid of her injured three-year-old daughter.
10,000 people died in Tiananmen Square massacre
Other urls found in this thread:
I honestly had no idea it had been this bad.
>10 gorillion students
I wish every day was t-square day!
I'm amazed that they were able to kill exactly 10,000. Did they stop at that number because 10,001 was overkill?
10000 is a nice round number that makes people feel good
It wasn't even so long ago, just about 30 years. The same exact commie party that ordered this rules China to this day.
And libs and globalists have no problem kissing their ass and saying how glorious China is while Trump doesn't have a right to do diplomacy with Purin because he "was once a KGB" and that's so evil he should be banished from the world forever.
who cares? China can shit out 10 000 chinks in half a day. Literally nothing.
is the guy in the photo having a fucking boner? what a lame way to die
Interesting to note was that Beijing garrison units were initially called in but refused to fire on them. One reason anyone even knows about it was because Soviet leader Gorbachev was in Beijing for a state visit and Western media was there covering it.
This is why controlling the media matters. We cannot trust the past because it was fully controlled by the government.
It's the Chinese, tell me the real difference between 10k dead chinemen or 10.8k dead china men. Pro tip there is no difference
There would be a slight difference in the price of pork in the Beijing markets
>Pro tip there is no difference
Asians are good at math, dipshit. Try again.
if 10,000 lefty/antifa/sjw were protesting in DC and they were handled in the same fashion as Tienanmen square would anyone shed a tear?
Thank God no actual people died.
And look how far chinas come today what were those faggots crying about.
true communism has never been tried a true communist nation would never massacre their own people for threatening the power of the judeo-marxist elite ruling party.
I want to have a chinese wife.
>Bringing your child to a protest
Chinks are degenerate sociopaths and can never be trusted. All Chinese residents in foreign countries are either proto-colonists or spies/espionage agents for the CCP.
Chinks are always more loyal to the China than their host countries.
They need to be purged from every western country and we need a new Chinese exclusion act.
>T. Zhou.
Suck shit chink. You get purged on the day of the rope.
yeah but there are billions of them
This, I might have some sympathy for the older generation run over by the thousands but any Chinaman under the age of 40 is fully brainwashed now. I don't even know why the government still hides Tiamemen, modern chinks would praise it and laugh as if they were torturing a living fish while eating it alive.
Chinks are shitty and there are way too many of them. I only feel bad that more weren't pancaked.
Destroy all third world countries
>It wasn't even so long ago, just about 30 years.
I recall it like it was yesterday. I'm only in my mid thirties. I remember seeing it on ITN six o'clock news. China back then was implicitly viewed as a third world savage land. The only thing that changed is the western propaganda which implicitly conveys China as not a third world savage land when, in fact, it is still a third world savage land.
Dated a bunch of Chinese chicks in Germany. They all hated China with a passion.
>China as not a third world savage land when, in fact, it is still a third world savage land.
China webm's in 3...2...
So, what you're saying is that a bunch of college kids got their teeth pushed in by a bunch of rurals? Color me shocked.
Bless you user
Fucking bumb and this
kek. Like not even in an alleyway or behind some bins, just right there in the open. Stay classy PRC.
Since the thread is dying I guess we could turn it in traditional webm posting.
damm they will need 3 whole days to cover that many deaths with births.
>no one will see it here
atleast she didn't give birth...
>designated shitting wagon
>10,000 people died in Tiananmen Square massacre
The problem with killing 10,000 Chinamen is that an hour later you feel like killing 10,000 of them again.
That's how we all die, user.
Could Chinese challenge Poo's as the top street shitters?
holy shit
that was one quick shit
that was the fastest shit i ever saw
the fartest shit too
it must have smelled real bad
and was displayed in the open for all to see.
at least she did not stop to pee.
lel the way everyone slowly notices the smell of ding's pork friend rice from the night before and walk away one by one
goddammit ding
The PSB's in the large top tier cities should just send out pairs of officers with AKs and have them ride buses. If they see some peasant shitting like this on a bus, they oughta drag them off the bus and empty a mag or two into them up against some brick wall. No questions, no interviews, no arrests. Just quick violence. I imagine the whole "I need to shit now so I'm going to shit on this bus" idea would end very quickly.
who cares
Does China need to take the poo to the loo?
This post was very poetic, it has copypasta potential.
That's a shit joke, but the flag makes it acceptable.
Lol Chinks poo more in the loo than you guys.
>Students linked arms but were mown down
My fucking sides. Based China
It does have a nice rhythm to it
Why is the hanging chink's dick hard?
When someone is hung, their dick tends to get hard cause all the blood goes to the lower body
His name was Wan Hung Lo
Communist regime’s own internal assessment believed 10,454 people had been killed
You fucking retard, you didn't even read it did you..
> 10,000 people died
Did they protest the deaths?
Funny thing is, factored into something like 50 million deaths on the hands of the Chicoms, 10000 is practically noise in that kind of figure.
Notice how fast this thread died? Shows you just how cheap life is in China.
extremely underrated
I hate the Amerimutt meme but holy shit, the crying woman on the right, She's him...
Jews killed 100,000,000 White Christians
I'm amazed how retarded one can be
We haven't been hearing about this in the last several years.
>how many layers of subversion are you under
Probably not, but I might wonder if paying taxes to have it done is ethical.
Probably the actually number was in the millions. No one really knows, because they didn't count.
make it into a haiku, and watch it conquer the internet.
There was never an actual full video footage of the dude getting run over by the tank was there?
At least when they take over, they will do the same to the niggers.
Angel lust, look it up
>tell me the real difference between 10k dead chinemen or 10.8k dead china men.
like 800 kilos
This needs to happen to all the brainwashed college students in the US as well.
>this thread again
>same comments
Who is doing this? Chink revolutionaries? Angry Nips? Australians?
>didn't even look at what she shot out
sad 2bh
Work with a Chinese National who was there with friends the night before shtf . She even took photos of the protests , but she said she felt ill and "had a bad feeling" and went home the next morning. That night her friends who stayed "disappeared" and she never saw them again after that. She had photos developed of the protests but because of her paranoia of big brother she burned them all in a trash can.
Easily one of the most interesting people i've met, especially when you talk about communist China.
>the West continues to care about human rights while keeping China afloat
lmao his dick is like 3-4 inches
Didn't even wipe!
>wounded female students were bayoneted as they begged for their lives
Does anyone else get kinda horny thinking about this? You will NEVER experience a woman begging you for mercy before you sink four inches of steel into her soft innocent flesh.
thread theme
So you're telling us that in every execution by hanging, their dicks were hard?
>Does anyone else get kinda horny thinking about this? You will NEVER experience a woman begging you for mercy before you sink four inches of steel into her soft innocent flesh.
I know the feel my fello ryona-fag
A black dick that is only 2 inches long while erect, take that niggers!
It only cares due to Pax Americana and cuck European countries safeguarded by US Armed Forces and Turkey and Russia at bay. UN hq and bureaucrats are in New York protected - the same for th Eu bureaucrats at Brussels and Strasbourg.
for those wondering about his willy
The question is...why the fuck was he naked and hung to a bus like that? Did the soldiers decide to do that to him instead of simply sticking a bayonet?
Nobody was wondering about hes cock!
Had to be a Brit !stop focusing on cock!
No one other than western intelligence agencies and therefore high ranking politicians knew how brutal it was. There were all kinds of pronouncements at the time about how we would never forget and the Chinese Govt. would be a pariah. Hahaha. Turns out no one in a position of authority in the West actually gave a shit and not long after everyone eagerly scrambled to do business with China. What we are told is the truth and what is the truth are almost always two different things. If the leaders of the West were able to convince their militaries to engage in these types of brutal slaughters and they were confident there would be little to no serious social blowback they would do them. When you consider the itentional effort to swamp the west with mass immigration it really just another slow moving form of slaughter.
history is going to repeat itself here.
nvm I think this was one of the soldiers who was killed by the mob
nice quads leaf
That's only because there are a lot more of them. Let's have the percentages.
not this one - youtu.be
Kill another yellow man
He didn't get run over, he got arrested and executed in private.
Thank you.
>students died