Did you really think Sup Forums was immune to American programming?
Good job, you hate people who are literally on the same side of the fence as you, and as the people lining their cross hairs towards you all you're asking them t fire quicker.
Did you really think Sup Forums was immune to American programming?
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Sup Forums is not smart enough for this pill.
It's the red pill I hope Sup Forums takes eventually. Fighting the (((oppressors))) alongside the other races and then allowing all races to separate themselves without social pressure.
I just want humanity to go back to the stone age
I love Malcom X though, other than the muslim stuff which is always a bit cringy coming from Africans who got enslaved way worse by them and are literally still being enslaved by them.
I don't love (((them))) because I hate niggers and shitskins. Traitors and (((them))) go first but you follow directly after.
>you can't hate someone if you already hate someone else
Also are most people just so exhausted of your shit just kys
And you think that will happen with Arab Muslim and Niggers? They will just try to go back to fuck with us in the same fashion just without a puppet master.
Yeah but fuck Malcom X and LBJ too race relations might be different if not for a militant nigger and a jackass democrat who gave them dem progamz.
Why can't a race worship one religion?
and what makes you think a group of assholes enslaving a group of people makes it taboo for that entire race to worship the same thing? read up on the crusades, many of those "cultural enrichment" were Christians fucking over other, poorer Christians for not paying their tifs.
Regardless, So many posts on here sound like teenagers tryung to be edgy. so much of the information here sounds like most of the posters treat muslims as this new entity in America, when Islam has been in America for a long ass time.
I just wish this place was purged. I want Sup Forums gone. it is an actual stain and tire pit to any progress to social cohesion and progress to suing the corrupt.
Two thousand years ago the Romans said the same thing about the Germans. Remove the poison from the well and the water will taste great.
>progress to social cohesion by lowering social trust to a minimum in decades through "diversity"
Here a (you) for you!
You've been told to hate people you don't know or understand because you want savage change in the most mindless way. you think violence is the most effective and you look at people who have only just arived due to complications coming from OUR leaders and committees. You blame those that come from the result of the decisions of these leaders.
and pining it all on a race, generalizing and over simplifying everything just makes you sound even more shortsighted and rediculous.
Again you think arabs and niggers will
a) get their shit together,
b) fight (((them))) with us and
c) after all is done segregate out of Europe and parts of America by their own account?
Sry that is something I will believe when it happens.
I hate them based on experience you idiot roaches are here forever. Our system is fucking collapsing while we have politican who scream "Deutschland verrecke". You can they your civic nat and ask your great leader to fuck you with in your shithole.
1) They must be red pilled on the true enemy keeping us both down. Many blacks will call out the kikes but there's too few presently. Through dialogue, we can change minds.
2) If we can prove to them who the real oppressors are, the (((people))) that are actually keeping them poor and hungry, then yes.
3) No. Now that they're born here they'll have to self segregate into their own communities, towns, cities, nations, etc. The damage is already done, and amputation the best we can do.
I hope it's something you'd like to see happen, at the very least. We're stronger together.
>American cops report every Arrest
>on purposely Arrest minorities for minor infractions
>plant false evidence
>extort leaders and social groups trying to change the community
>feed guns and weapons into gangs to escalate the environment
>finally give minorites a fair chance to be accepted into schools despite coming from poorer and sub standard public schools
>News outlets and racists exaggerate this into "THEY ARE GIVEN AN UNFAIR ADVANTAGE" despite it being the complete opposite for centuries
>black people needed to take notes standing up in hallways during lectures not 60 years ago
>suddenly create an advantage for them to combat Education budget cuts
The entitlement from this place reeks of insecurity and the lack of perspective one would see in a man who never leaves his home and silently judges
I hate the liberal elite, I presume you're not saying they're on my side.
We are not stronger together and the notation that they are here and cannot be deported is hilarious. Let's say a) and b) happens what would stop us in killing all that don't want to go on the spot?
If you doubt the criminality and hatred the black race holds as a fundamental aspect of its character then I suggest you go to the hood and get to know some. You'll find out real quick. But I agree that they should be educated as to the nature of their true oppressors. As fate would have it, there are already currents within the black community which are catching on to the truth, which is one of the reasons why academic noses push the white privilege meme so hard. But why should we just let this aspect of black culture alone when we can help it to grow? Pic related.
>you hate people who are literally on the same side of the fence as you
Jews are on my side? SHEEEEEIT
Would you kill those that fought alongside you if the both of you faced the exact same misery from your shared abuser and only gained from their demise? War binds people. The Irish in the US were only considered to be fellow whites after they both bled on the battlefield in the civil war. A similar situation would occur.
When you control earnings with IQ the income disparity between hispanics, whites and blacks goes from thousands to hundreds. Blacks have a average IQ of 85 in America.
Criminality controlled with socio-economic background shows that blacks are way more criminal when compared to poor whites. Same goes for rich individuals.
Yada, yada, yada. I could go on and on. Race is real and goes way beyond skin color. Now kys.
wtf I love non-whites now!
>NIgger X
Into the trash it goes.
fuck off nigger lover.
(even though i love hot black chicks with giant asses)
>thinking programming is what makes me hate shitskins
I hate shitskins because I've seen the kind of garbage they pull in real life
Niggers in grade school went around the playground in packs bullying and starting fights with people only to get slaps on the wrist whereas the people who stood up for themselves got expelled
Spics invade once white areas of my city and turn it into a gang ridden hell hole while pumping out litters of children
Muslims aren't that bad that's probably because I've only ever known like 3 or 4 of them and they were mostly Americanized
It would not or to give an example see the allis in WW2. The moment the axis were gone the tension rises and the Cold War follows. I would give them reparation and help for being on my side in their given ethnic homelands but they have to go nonetheless.
>I hate shitskins because I've seen the kind of garbage they pull in real life
exactly. the media's story just doesn't square with what i see in real life.
>The Irish in the US were only considered to be fellow whites after they both bled on the battlefield in the civil war.
>he doesn't know that the Appalachian Scotch-Irish basically won the Revolutionary War due to their shooting prowess.
And then the brand new American government promptly fucked them in the ass by levying a huge tax on their favorite thing in the world besides shooting guns, whiskey. Which then started a little civil war, the Whiskey Rebellion. A lot of people like to talk shit about the Irish around here, and they're probably mostly kikes, but one thing about the descendants of the Celts is that they'll fight and die for things they believe in, they don't give a fuck.
Fuck off, nigger lover.
I've always believed that although (((those in charge))) of the USSR detested the US, that the people in both countries were closer than it seemed. When the Berlin wall fell and the Russians were no longer enslaved by the Communists, along came the nationalists to better represent the people. Trump fans and Putin fans get along very well.
you are a nigger lover by definition you dumbass
Here's a better Malcolm X redpill for you guys:
>flags of all colors marching against the Empire of Babylon
They did not really fought side by side. Look at the race to Berlin Stalin literally sacrificed hunderthousand just to be the one gaining the win. You are right on a personal level. As an quick example (on the phone) take gimmli and legolas. But for that to happen many when not most have to forge such warbands. Still they have to go.
As "black sheep" coming from a home raised on black culture, I can tell you race isn't a factor, at least in America, it's the culture and the mannerisms of that culture that's big at the time that play a big role in how people act. In black pop culture you're shamed for reading and wanting to learn and praised for causing fights for accidents and from being """disrespected""".
But Sup Forums isn't ready to accept that they aren't born special snowflakes.
I has nothing to do with being a unique little snowflake and everything to do with the fact that blacks bring all kinds of problems with them whenever they concentrate together. It's like this everywhere on Earth. If you can't recognize that pattern then you're a fucking retard.
Your genetics define your potential. They literally define character aspects like aggression. So no it is not only about culture.