What is Sup Forums's opinion of black nationalism?
>Black people form their own self sustaining society
>Leave the country
>No need for forced removal or genocide
Sounds good, right? Am I missing something?
What is Sup Forums's opinion of black nationalism?
>Black people form their own self sustaining society
>Leave the country
>No need for forced removal or genocide
Sounds good, right? Am I missing something?
Other urls found in this thread:
it's a good idea
Blacks should really embrace it, it's not only good for them but for us too. Blacks and Whites can't live together in peace, need proof? Look at Africa America Europe etc. The only way that we can truly live in peace side by is with ethno nations. Sadly though Malcolm X wanted this but Jews killed.
they shouldn't have to leave the country. some of my best friends are black.
Most black nationalists wish to leave the country for their Homeland.
Honestly Sup Forums should push some psyops in this direction. It's too easy and honestly can't be countered by white liberals. What are they going to do, say fucking malcolm x and all the black nationalists are wrong? Rule one of being a liberal, "POC" are always right.
Of course not they shouldn't be forced too they can live here but not reproduce.
>mfw other people have a homeland
>they can live here but not reproduce.
that doesn't seem right. Why not?
In my opinion, the best place for a white ethnostate in the Americas is cascadia. The geography is similar to that of England, Germany, and Russia. In a perfect world, it would stretch from the bottom of alaska down to the redwoods in California.
It's a fucking stupid and a moronic concept. Most nations in Sub-Saharan Africa are homogeneously black.
Blacks aren't facing an imminent racial extinction likes whites -- blacks don't need an ethno-state like whites. They're undergoing a population boom.
Grew up in mendicino county CA (redwoods) and have lived in Oregon the rest of the time. It's pretty nice desu.
Well let's give an example, america if america was a ethnostate it would be given to whites because they built it, so if it's a ethnostate but other races have babies in it it defeats the purpose.
Can testify, I've lived in Portland Oregon my entire. My grandfather lives in southern Oregon near the redwoods, and it's very nice.
if excluding the rights and privileges of good people is necessary for an "ethnostate," then an ethnostate is morally unconscionable. More reasonably, it's unnecessary. If the only people in your country are GOOD people, they can be of any ethnicity, and have the right (or privilege) to reproduce.
The digits speak the truth.
Because Liberia is a shining successful beacon of just exactly that?
All for naggers having their own homeland. Some place otherwise useless, like southern Florida. Or a pocket somewhere along the border w Mexico. Hell, let's even subsidize it w foreign aide. Stop sending money to the hooknoses in Israel and give it to our new nagger neighbors. If they want to permanently move to the continent of dick washers, let's pay for that too.
One thing I always find weird when I go into a jerk chicken place is that none of them ever had pictures of marcus garvey up. They do all have bob marley pictures up though
Its an absolutely phenomenal idea. The majority of niggers arn't on board because they're addicted to gibs from whitey
Markis has grate filosofees
It’s an utter meme, but getting blacks to support segregation is fine
We're obviously not gonna take away their rights to do anything if they wished to do so they will be moved to there Ethon State of their race and reproduce of they wished to stay here they must follow the laws.
We should push for black nationalism as well as white nationalism
It will be the end of racemixing, and the begining of each race building itself up
Uhhhh can we start this? Would anyone contribute if I made a thread for this?
It's sound nice on paper, but I, as a black dude, have no plans to live with niggers who refuse to get their act together and continue murdering other blacks while "black leaders" do nothing but profit from it.
If this was the 1960s or earlier and we were talking about black nationalism, I'd be on that motherfucking bandwagon with Malcolm X. But now that black women have more power in the current year and welfare and government are like messiahs to the black community, even if blacks become nationalistic, they will still beg for help from white people in some form or fashion.
Umar Johnson is a con artist. This man lied about him being the "direct ancestor" of Frederick Douglass and raised money from his exploitable and easily-manipulated fanbase for an imaginary school. He's a disgrace to the black public.
And anyone who points out these problems instantly gets called a coon or something.
I need to live with smart people, not niggers.
I'm saying they should be able to reproduce without having to relocate. Why would you even want them to relocate?
>black people form their own self sustaining society
Top kek OP 10/10
Indeed. Marcus Garvey, who advocated return to Africa, is a saintlike figure in Bobo Ashanti. Lincoln believed in the return of slaves to Africa. Malcolm X wanted a black ethnostate. So did the Nation of Islam. When will white people listen to the greatest leaders of the black community and just let them separate?
It was called Liberia and you niggers fucked it up so bad, most of you stayed here.
Hitler wanted each race to break free from the jew and build their own ethnostate empires
Spreading this ideal will be the last nail in the jew's coffin and the begining of a new era
We could colonize space and give each race their own planet
Well its a white ethnostate and the black population starts growing the ethno state isn't really ethno anymore, but if they wished to relocate we could help them out by giving them a home and a job.
>Africa for Africans
The french party Front National use to say about the same thing: "La France aux Français" which roughly means "France belongs to the French".
Although this statement is obviously true it's also massively triggering to everyone that is not "far right" in France, I wonder what they would say about this "Africa for Africans". Actually I'm sure they would think it's fine, I just wonder how they justify agreeing that Africa is for Africans but that France somehow does not belong to its people.
Unironically based. I feel for you man.
This!!! The redpill that will make normies National Socialist
I like you Nigger, you keep it real.
One thing at a time my friend. First we should popularize the idea of nationalism while teaching them to take pride in their ethnicly black cities then push them to move to and build up their original homeland
>Well its a white ethnostate and the black population starts growing the ethno state isn't really ethno anymore
"So what" is my point. What's the moral prerogative, or at least, objective benefit, of only allowing like people to cohabitate, other than "I don't like black people (even well-behaved ones)?"
>a literal cabal of posters with their identities hidden conspire to influence the thinking of African Americans
Well besides the fact that tension will grow and there will more racial violence between Whites and Blacks and the victims will most likely be Black
Niggers can't think for themselves. Just look at Africa. We are doing them a favor at any rate.
>Well besides the fact that tension will grow and there will more racial violence between Whites and Blacks
why though? not only why but that's surmountable, you get rid of people fomenting racial violence the same as you'd get rid of people committing other crimes.
Theres a black dude posting in this thread as well lad
And besides whats wrong with helping them out, i would want the same if the races were reversed
if you've ever had a non-white friend, then surely you know that friendship with non-whites is possible
I think there are some great African American thinkers, but they are extremely far removed from the rest of African society. If these intelligent blacks were able to instill their own morals into the majority of blacks they'd fare much better.
the only blacks that profess to have any sense of civility are those living in white and western societies. Dukumbu fucking that goat behind the grass hut certainly has nothing to declare as valid.
*It sounds nice on paper
Sorry, typo.
It would require a terribly strong leader, mentally and physically with zero democracy. You need strong behavioral controls and maximum eugenics. A dedicated elite with sufficient funding could make a future for their people but it would be slow going and difficult.
I would like to point out these great African American thinkers were educated in a white country, founded on white european ideals. Where are all the great thinkers in Zimbabwe?
>Sup Forums's face when
I fully support an alliance of every kind of nationalist and sovereign collectivist working together to oppose the jews and globalism
Are you me? Also mfw
How hard would it be to convince normies of this? Could we teach them that everyone is better off surrounded by their own people in their own land?
Fair enough, but what if we want to go the genocide route anyway so there's no risk of them coming back?
Yes!! We could give them examples like South Africa Sweden Germany France and America. We must meme this!
Ohhh shit
>that list of countries
>i realise what a terrible idea this is
yeah, no. fuck that
Fuck guys this is getting me excited. Start making propoganda if you have any Photoshop talent
The Black American homeland, remnants of the northern free negro aside, is the American South.
C'mon user we gotta try
> multiracual = black
shit tier logic
Just cite Robert Putnam's study about how more ethnically/culturally diverse societies have more crime, people are unhappier, donate less, etc.
Also talk about how you feel more comfortable around people of your own race, how that it's an evolved survival thing called in-group preference and literally everyone and every race prefers to be around their own kind.
Then mention how people say white flight is a bad thing, but the same thing happens when niggers move into mexican neighborhoods or vice versa, that people of any race move to be with their own. And if a cucked normie talks about how that's just because of poverty, mention the fact that there are all black middle class suburbs of Baltimore and other places. It's natural and morally unassailable for people to prefer to be around their own kind.
[spoiler]we american renaissance now[/spoiler]
Can you feel it? Shit feels good. Somebody make a thread of this
I sincerely believe it is the only way forwards for African Americans
Same here my friend.
We need a daily thread for this
Fuck that. The more I think about that list of countries, ethnostate are a much better idea.
You're all a fucking joke. Blacks are nothing without White governance. All the proof I need: Africa.
>Black American
They're just fucking African's. Pilgrims settled America and there were no nigger pilgrims.
but if we can convince all the blacks to go back to Africa to "govern themselves" they won't be our problem anymore, they'll be their own problem.
T. Scared jew shill
This nigga hasn't heard of Malcolm X
Heh. I got this joke.
Both white and black nationalisms are worthless.
Anglo exploits whites.
Niggers include mulattos, pooloos and all the asians in their ranks.
In historical perspective history is worthless. Anglo killed Prussia and did bolshevism, but now everyone is guilty other tgan the anglo. Blacks embrace kangz, which is as retarded.
Guess what jew faggot its happening, cry more about it
Nothing bad can come from this. It is a win win for all races
What did Putin teach you in school?
>Black people form their own self sustaining society
>self sustaining society
There's the problem
Some of my best friends are white, and they beat off to black porn all the time.
Imagine if you are in a jew body.
Getting trapped by Nazis to only torture every inch of your body.
What would your suicide type be?
I mean you are already fucked.
Suicide Belt. Acid Blood. A hidden mini pistol.
>Black people form their own self sustaining society
Not going to happen. They cannot function on their own. Everybody knows this. I'm not saying extermination is an option either. It's not. Adjust your premise, because it falls flat on its face.
>Both white and black nationalisms are worthless.
oh so what's good then?
>What is Sup Forums's opinion of black nationalism?
Support it. Just like I support ALL forms of racial nationalism.
Personally, I think many folks on the "alt-right" could find common ground with Black Nationalist elements within the Black Lives Matter movement. The jews would lose their shit if a faction of BLM decided to align themselves with people Like Nathan Damigo.
They have no cultural affinity with Africans, 25-33% European admixture, >15 group IQ, no genetic adaptation to African ecological biodiversity, and a cultural derivative of the southern yeoman.
Alright Wh*tetoids Niggers Spics. Let this thread spawn Operation Final Solution we will make Poster and images showing Blacks And Whites working together fighting Globalism Jew and for a ethnostate, anybody here good with Photoshop?
Black nationalism has no basis. Even blacks don't believe that the countries of Africa are legitimate, because the borders are arbitrary divisions pieced out by various colonial powers. There is not and has never been a black nation, anywhere.
> >15 group IQ
Points above the average African, to clarify.
Any artfags in here? Someone should photoshop black panther teaming up with a nazi superhero
Or black nationalistand nazi flags onto the black panther movie poster
>being this fucking stupid
Tell me what blacks have accomplished without White governance? Am I missing something? Is Africa the jewel of the world and everyones vacation destination?
>malcom x
He made uppity niggers think they were equal to White's. Hilarious.
Here here!
Onwards, faggots!
Lets be realistic here, geocoding them would be a whole lot easier than convincing them all to create their nigger ethnostate the dream of. They want America, not Africa.
>addressing the fact the niggers can't govern themselves makes me a kike shill
You're so fucking adorable you gaslighting faggot.
You acting like White Supremacist isn't helping jew.
Fuck off divisive shill faggot
Ignoring your id now
If you want to go live with just black people there is a whole continent full of them.
If you form a lil army I am SURE you can carve out some territory.
> ncaap is a political machine to turn money into public opinion
The only intelligable thing in the whole text.
The only people on whom blame claim works is people who are not to blame
> you are racist
Means for all non-racist to shut up.
> you are hate group
Means for every peace seeker to shut up.
> you are exploitator
Means for actual positive progress seekers to shut up.
When meeting political machinery be the racist. Be the hate. Be the exploitator. Fuck human race, fuck humanity.
Africans disagree with the way the borders were drawn, but do have a sense of territory and ethnic homelands.
There are, however, well-defined ethnic regions that are acknowledged in a similar manner to nations and often have nationalist movements associated with them. Igboland and Yorubaland are good examples of this.
African Americans don't really have any sort of territory-based nationalism, beyond a belief that America is their home. Most legitimately don't care about Africa, and those who do tend to be kooky LARPfags.
The tatar speak.
Hate the anglo and their servants.
You don't have to read to understand Bob Marley