He's going all in, theres no turning back.
Paul Nehlen is reading the CoC
Other urls found in this thread:
I guess this is it. The culture has completely turned around and the Republicans are now literally the party for white men and the Democrats are the party of shitskins and feminists.
Have fun.
Christ, it's real.
I think i've said that atleast 5 times about this guys tweets.
This guy seems too gassed up, most likely he is being paid by paul ryan to sperg out with red pills the normies aren't ready for, before coming out as a pedo or nig fucker just before the election. I hope not, if he wins it will show normies are ready for the final solution pill.
I wish I lived in WI to vote for him :(
Feels kinda good. Even if he becomes unelectable, he is shifting the overton window and naming the jew.
holy fugg this is certainly /ourgoy/ amiright fellow gentiles?
This guy is a madman.
God damn he needs to calm down.
How mainstream is this guy?
Is he a public figure that people are aware of? Any Americans and Wisconites here?
He got about 16% vs Paul Ryan in the last set of elections from what I can remember, and it was his first time running for office.
ya he seems to be waaaay too 1488 and waaaay too obvious about it... im surprised no one has said anything on the news, i suspect they are building a portfolio of crimes so they can just smear and crush him in one news cycle and get rid of him
Literal blatant pandering. He's not doing this properly at all.
98% of republicans dont give a shit about the changing demographics. They are not the party of white men. They are the party of globalism just like the democrats are.
>paid by paul ryan to name the jew
can WI become our first white ethno state?
Republican officials yes, Republican voters no. Don't underestimate the number of people that are hiding their powerlevel or currently waking up. It's a new day.
maybe if we work hard enough. i'm willing to move there if Paul Nehlen takes over the ethnostate and removes the Jew.
babbys first honeypot
So what happens once /ourcandidate/ is not just one sperg on twitter, but many people running for office?
Is Sup Forums just going to degenerate into a hundred muh/ourguy/state/general/ threads daily?
Very few outside of Wisconsin would have had any idea who this guy was before he went all bad-goy. I can't say how well-known he was in Wisconsin as I've never lived there.
dude this guy seems way too good to be real. probably some kind of plant after they figured out spencer was a twat idea
What would you rather it be? Are you looking to save space for blacked and amerimutt threads?
So what's the trap? To be honest about ourselves? Fuck it, I'm tired of hiding about the truth. Riding this into Valhalla or the pits of Hel, Nehlen Time!
Also you concern trolls tried this with Trump.
Not even, Nehlen's just a fucking idiot who knows he has no chance of ever being elected because he's a nobody with no ideas or platform beyond "FUCK PAUL RYAN" (done more because he's an egomaniac who wants to raise his profile). Knowing he'll never win he's just going to try to turn into a full time twitter troll as he fades into irrelevance. Says a lot that not even the left is getting bent out of shape about this. Nehlen's a nobody.
The worst case scenario im being a "plant" would accomplish is taking the primary but being destroyed in the elections because his "racism" gets dems out to vote against him, but in that case he'd get destroyed in the primaries too.
There's no fucking way anyone's stupid enough to do that, he's definitely not a plant. The most likely scenario I've seen is he's recently redpilled and hasn't learned to hide his power level.
*in being a plant
We need to build Paul a suit of space marine style power armor to protect him from Mossad.
What’s up shlomo? How much does mossad pay their counter intelligence division? Is it true you guys have to work out of a cargo container, and are you entirely staffed with autists?
>Being a leaf this hard
This guy is so stupid. So stupid. He's not winning a thing.
Speaking of Mossad.
Double doubles of truth! Fight the concern trolling, fight the 8chaim drive to assume everyone is against us, FIGHT HERE FIGHT NOW AND WIN WIN WIN SO MUCH BABY
i want to have your hwite, school-shooting gaybies, nehlen
>Not even, TRUMP's just a fucking idiot who knows he has no chance of ever being elected because he's a nobody with no ideas or platform beyond "FUCK HILLARY" (done more because he's an egomaniac who wants to raise his profile). Knowing he'll never win he's just going to try to turn into a full time twitter troll as he fades into irrelevance. Says a lot that not even the left is getting bent out of shape about this. TRUMP's a nobody.
Funny how by changing names the bullshit message is the same eh Morrie?
Fuck should I get my copy now before Amazon runs out? Surely this will be a national best seller after this.
damn son
is this dude for real
No goyim, he is a nobody. Go back to sleep goy
That would be awesome. Let’s hope it gets that far!
>Not even, Nehlen's just a fucking idiot who knows he has no chance of ever being elected because he's a nobody with no ideas or platform beyond "FUCK PAUL RYAN" (done more because he's an egomaniac who wants to raise his profile). Knowing he'll never win he's just going to try to turn into a full time twitter troll as he fades into irrelevance. Says a lot that not even the left is getting bent out of shape about this. Nehlen's a nobody.
Ooooosh. You are a strong 5-10 years too early.... You have to hide your power level bro, right now is the time to act like a Trumpian nationalist and not to go all Fourth Reich until you are elected
He's not shifting shit. Most people aside from NEETsocs are going to think he's a fucking idiot.
Who will be the next politician to go 14/88?
The arc of the universe is long and it bends towards counter-semitism.
I hope that is what happens.
It's the same spergs talking about optics and shit.
It doesn't matter that he doesn't win the election. He's buldozing the Overton Window, and it's fucking glorious.
Found the Jew
Trump jr
So when is he getting banned from twitter?
Even if he doesn’t win shit this is good news. Just having a politicking in the rebublican party being open like this will expose a lot of people to this red pill.
he's right. the overton window concept is an outdated concept. only something like 30% of population cares about politics and of that percentage only like 5% actually understand anything beyond left vs right
When he appeared on FtN he said his twitter was shoah'd (his own words) for 12 hours for telling someone to eat a bullet.
what are the chances he shoots himself twice in the back of the head?
>outdated concept
lol are you retarded? look at how the left has been shifting the overton window over the past few decades. ask anyone in the 80s about gay marraige and they'd laugh at you, now we talk about trannies on national tv.
HE'S OVER 9000!¶§¥¦|£€¬°°°°
Sup Forums Nehlen trying to free the shabs. Our sides are fucked.
Barron at age 12.
He'll start bantzing heebs on Twitter and the mask will come off as they rage against a 12 year old.
red pill me on this guy
can i vote for him?
i live in baltimore
He's not even a white nationalist afaik, but he knows the U.S. has been operating under a Israel/Jews first policy rather than America first and is open about it now.
It's a good strategy IMO because other races don't really give a shit about Jews or they see them as a subset of whites.
Porn requires nudity you brainlet.
that's why I said pseudo, the girl has a very child like face
Is it bad that i first thought of Corruption Of Champions when I saw CoC?
No one is forcing you to jerk off to the pic, britbong.
juden raus
If you guys had any doubts about the absolute madman Paul Nehlen being /ourguy/ you can cast them aside right now.
What a loser. You have to be I M P L I C I T. Thats how Trump won.
you can't be implicit about the jews, the ordinary person won't understand, they will think you are another alt lite alex jones type talking about the "globalists"
name the jew
No, it starts with implicity, then we become clear, then we take action. It is a progress; a struggle; a noble cause. Jews will fall. White Christian Europeans will rule, like we should.
What do you advocate we do then? Call any form of resistance to the Jew World Order “muh honeypot” and stay home with tendies?
Wisconsinite here, never even heard of him.
I live 20 minutes from him and I had never heard of him in my entire life. I voltuneered for his campaign, but I highly doubt he's going to win.
I will say, if he were to win in any state, it would possibly be wisconsin. The people in this state are basically nihilists with dark humor, many normal wisconsinites would probably find him appealing just because of how edgy he is.
But yeah, the lefty media doesn't even seem to be sperging out too bad about him. If we seriously rally around him during his campaign, maybe we can get some serious media coverage and redpill some normies/gen-z
Sup Forumsocks from around the midwest should come out for his rallies. I'll be at quite a few of them probably.
>Is Sup Forums just going to degenerate into a hundred muh/ourguy/state/general/ threads daily?
Yes. Sup Forums is changing, and that's a good thing. It's a source of our strength.
its not like its super expensive to move here and the internet is pretty high speed too.
I moved her as soon as I found out about Paul Nehlen. Didn't have anything else going on really.
>what is Shall Not Censor
besides, even if 'Fuck Paul Ryan' was his only platform, it'd still be enough to garner my vote.
He's a good lad. I hope his presence shifts the window, at the very least.
>calls Paul Ryan a cuck
>2nd coming of Christ confirmed
>Republicans are now literally the party for white men and the Democrats are the party of shitskins and feminists.
>completely turned around
How? From 1860?
Honestly promoting political candidates to get elected is 1000x more useful than the metric tons of bait threads that get put up on a minutely basis.
Steve King
>He's going all in, theres no turning back.
the uprising has begone lads , get your ar-15's and your frying pans
We should all travel to Wisconsin en masse to illegally vote for Paul Nehlen. When the the liberal faggots realize this then they will be tricked into advocating for voter ID laws to stop nonresidents from voting.
t. larping faggot
Then the normies watching the jewtube would wonder what 'culture of critique' is. What does he mean by 'the goyim know'? Why does he keep refering to jews? What is Sup Forums?
Then we'll have more people on our side.
fuck off to Sup Forums if you don't like it
Better than constant asian women are superior and BBC threads
>act like a cuck
>kike slave
>don't act like a cuck
>kike slave
>100% of non-anons are kike slaves
I guess the white race is doomed hahaha, hail Greater Israel, amirite?