Expanding your notch count

Daily reminder that no women care about how many women you've banged in your past.

So what's your excuse, user?

Other urls found in this thread:


not being an absolute degenerate

Having morals.

Women don't like me.

my boy Logan got good taste

whatever you say, perma-virgins

>no women care about how many women you've banged in your past
Yeah they do. They like it to be high.

They 100% care whom u have fuck, not numbers but the other girls

Having a wife since 17

Because I care about how many men they've banged in the past

When you have a key that opens a lot of locks, it's called a master key.

When you have a lock that's opened by a lot of keys, you just have a shitty lock.

it implies status
they like status

I hold myself to the same standard that I would hold a woman to
I literally turn down women all the time, as has been proven on this board
also this


Spot the nu-male soyboys

us nice guys ;_;

All fun and games until you meet someone wholesome or get an STI.


>I'm a nice guy XD

You'll be greeted with divorce, I can almost guarantee you.

women are sluts only because men enable them

if you participate in slut culture you are part of the problem

STDs don't care either


The most powerful aphrodesiac for women is knowing that you have other women, and that you've conquered and used other women. Anyone who disagrees has literally never had sex.

>what do you care about as an alleged "man" all of a sudden?
that pussies give you tumors?

I'm paraplegic.

That’s just not true OP
My gf told me not to tell her because it would make her upset, but she cries sometimes because I’m not a virgin
We’re Christians and met at church


plus, you really don't get much from it. 15 mins of pleasure just to get praise and status from people who are not gonna make it ever and are going down the failed marriage road

Enjoy your stds

>I'm above conquering women, unlike every generation before me

Smart Swiss. Also shout out to the triggered nigger mutt burger from the last thread bragging about what a lady's man he is

people with the anti diversity flag should get auto shadow banned

>caring what women think
I care, user. I fuck good women and never fuck women just to fuck one.

>plus, you really don't get much from it.

LOL what?

Influencing a woman to let you inside her body based on your charisma and skill set is a beautiful thing

I can still pull women any time I want, unlike leftypol

>putting vagina on a pedestral is conquering women
people in the past were a lot less promiscuous and for good reason. "sexual liberation" is a major component of western decay

Friendly reminder that casual sex is for subhumans.

>and never fuck women just to fuck one.

Fucking this, absolute hypocrites some of you.

looking back at your life and saying you fucked

Also, why would you want to be carrying those memories with you when you marry your wife?
You’ll feel gross and like you’re defiling her
She deserves more respect than to know you’ve fooled around with a bunch of random whores. She doesn’t deserve to be compared to them or for you to think of them when you’re with her

nice devil mountain train video you made there. indiscriminate fucking medicine package

If they don't care, it doesn't NEED to increase. It's an irrelevant stat, like gamerpoints.

I know you are begging me to put my big dick up your loose ass but soon your kind will be thrown off the rooftops

I mean yeah, but at least you wouldn't be a loser

>people in the past were a lot less promiscuous

lol no


>Millennials are having less sex than any generation in 60 years.

"Men" today are emasculated pussies, and studies prove it. Link above related

Throughout history men have conquered women.

Put down the video game controller and talk to a girl, user

I wish I could get an STI

>Implying that roasties deserve respect without earning it.
Shill harder, soyboy.

No, I will conquer whomever I want, I just have high standards

HPV is on the rise my dude.

Some people are wired that way and they are too fragile to get over their overcompensating brainlet arguments


It's called human nature and biology, soyboys

>15 mins of pleasure

God I wish, masturbating with death grip to fucked up scat porn makes me last minimum 40 minutes during sex if I can even cum at all

I know you’re a fucking shill because your response makes no sense
Who said you’d marry a roastie? Who said you’re a soyboy?
I really don’t understand you fucking kikes

ok elliot shimon. nobody poops. youre a giant dindu. vaginas are sphincters and never prolapse and why doesnt he want my jew "dick" and CGI? isis is a vagina cult just like masonry and fake jews. why would i want your bullshit buildings vaginas? hrm? there is fuck all penis related nor masculine about you. dicks are clits on sticks. and you have no stick

>60 years
by past I mean back when family values still existed, before the decay of western civilisation started, you dumb idiot

millenials are having so little sex because they grow up in a shitty environment that feminizes them and makes them autistic beta orbiters, not because they are that much less degenrate than the cancerous hippie culture of back in the day

i dont want to be reincarnated

How is influencing a human to let you inside her not an achievement?

nothing is new under the sun

You must be 14. They absolutely care. Try calling one of them up just to chat. Just to say hello. Thanks for the memories.

In front of your new gf or wife.

See what happens.

Why would you do that in the first place?

Do not use that type of nigger meme on pol. That is Twitter tier cancer. Go back to Twitter faggot.

stop begging. bark at someone else's leg little doggy

>t. I require eastern european boys to protect my women.


Fucking embarrassing get off my bord you virgins

Women don't find me attractive


Okay bro.

As you shitpost on Sup Forums I'll be influencing and conquering cute girls.

I'm sure it isn't obvious who's wasting who's life here.

Oh, and when I'm done i'll settle down with a traditional and talented/educated woman.

Stay mad.

>Purposely try to make them jealous.
>That will should you that they care how many people you've been with.
You are an idiot.

Thats not the point of that example.

those who suck off their dicks with herpes at birth are called dogs. coincidentally you are also circumcising dogs now. circumcision is inward. you are comparing men to dogs now. congrats. i want nothing about you you slag. men are speaking.

That's just next level nu male cringe.

Please teach me the ways of getting a gf. I’m this close from getting a waifu and I wanna avoid that.

Fucking CBTS 3.0 larp thread

Piss off

>I'm above sex with a woman that I'm not in love with

>and the woman that I will fall in love with will love me till the end of time and won't think I'm an inexperienced boy

I'm 25 and smashed 31 girls starting from 18y old. I guarantee you that they love it if you slept with a lot of women. They want a feminiser and more practice makes you better in bed.

*womanizer is the term

it's "womaniser". lol. you came across like a fairy. oh well. what do they smell like? like death?

Dude, your ID is searchable.
You are on this board buttmad all day
Nice LARP tho

lol another feminist Asian rights activist gets COLONIZED fucking hell like clockwork

This should tell you everything you need to know.

How do I overcome my fear of going to clubs?

Because trashy women let you inside too easily. The easier they are and the more they make themselves available makes the deed less and less of an achievement. You're just another participant in mindless degeneracy with absolutely deferral of gratification.

>I guarantee you that they love it if you slept with a lot of women.

Pretty much.
>Why don't guys express emotions like us wamen?
>We aren't wamen and you like that.
Roasties. Not even once.

can't realistically stop it. too many men, too little coordination. Besides, i want sluts to be around. I just also want some cuties not to be sluts so i can marry then.

Find a fetish website, see what happens.

This. All the faggots calling people virgins are fucking idiots. Would you want a leader who gives up his values and betrays his cause instantly for quick gainz? Of course not. So why would you as a man, the leader of your household do just that and embellish a life style? That’s straight fucking cucked. Sounds like we have some nu-fag betas from the tinder subreddit who haven’t been redpilled on how much women respect dominance instead of cuckery.

Yeah, don't waste your time if you're not a fucking lemming.

How soon do you think they'll divorce? I can't believe they'll be together for very long.

>if you have anything negative to say about cumbucketeering ur a virgin

To the American Chadniggers, you, yes you, are directly responsible for suppressing white birth rates and accelerating the spic takeover.

And pic related is the type of guy who will cry when his worldview of women preferring nice guys gets shattered.

It's not that women don't want a nice guy or aren't attracted to a nice guy...But imagine being a nice guy that's sexually experienced.

And in all seriousness, Logan Paul is probably some type of a nice guy, I'm sure of it

Dude, I slayed so much gash this weekend.

My dick does not work.

when youre doing penisvagina you are a woman in that moment. all male mammals start as girls. you need to go back

Absolutely zero deferral of gradification*

>tfw killing someone is better than sex