Has Sup Forums ever met anyone with AIDS or another STD? Did you shame them?
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The diseased should have "HIV" branded into their foreheads. That disease only affects degenerates anyway
my mother in law
shamed her before i knew
i mean step mother
they should be killed desu
My uncle died of AIDs before I was born. I was named after him.
lol ur gonna get aids
I contracted HIV through needle sharing in my teens. I've since gotten sober and have committed to living the best life I can. I was stupid and made bad choices; the chamber I gambled on was loaded and I was hit. It is what it is.
Nope never met anyone with an STD
> risk catching aids by being around someone who has it because friendship
Why would you ever?
you fucking degenerate
>Nope never met anyone with an STD
Very unlikely. People won't just tell you they have an STD and many STDs are symptomless so they wouldn't even know themselfs.
It was 15 years ago now. Like I said it is what it is. My fiance is an ex-addict and she has suffered the same fate. We're platonic so you won't have to worry about contracting HIV when you ask me to fuck your ass.
I met an irl pozzer in a bar, it was a girl. Some dude warned me away from her, still not sure it was legit but with the atmosphere i think it probablyw as.
Had a friend try to hook me up with a girl that had herpes. I never trusted him after that and only had him around because we had mutual friends. My mutual friends didn't see the problem with it and still considered him a good guy. I have no idea what that means, but I'm not really in contact with any of them anymore.
I did not, but I get blamed for everything so fuck it all anyway.
I don't associate with degenerates
Most faggots and lots of niggers have it.
So if you know any faggots, niggers, faggot niggers or nigger faggots theres a god chance one of them has AIDS
>or another STD?
I imagine so. I've met a handful of black males.
A guy I work with's son got HIV from a blood transfusion in the early 80s. It was before they really understood the virus. He wasn't a degenerate. He was little kid who had his appendix removed.
Funny story, I'm gay and a clique of mine were going to Pridefest.
1. It was in New Orleans
2. They are complete faggots.
I don't dress like a fag, just like to fuck little fanboys. Long story short they got there before us and took an HIV test, all 4 find out they have aids, and then get mobbed outside after the event cause it's in fucking New Orleans.
little fagboys*
Lol fanboys
>Found another Namefag to filter
Nice to know I'll never had to read your drivel again
If you've had more than 5 partners you've fucked a girl with HPV or HSV
Yes. Had a friend die of it. He was a middle aged gay dude, but he never did anything creepy towards me. He told me about his fucked up life but he never mentioned that he had AIDS. After he died all his lefty art buddies had an odd wake, but there were intimations among them that he wasn't allowed to be buried or have a church service. It gave me a lot of insight into how these people think. Was a weird chapter in my life
Thing is, of all those people, he was the most real and still the kindest. I guess knowing you are gonna die will sober you up.
childhood bestie got herp from a tinder slut, i know a lot of nogs, women, and chads so I'm sure I know lots
I had a coworker whose sister had HIV, I met her and almost hooked up with. Settled for a hand job since I didn't have a rubber. I didn't know she was pozzed until a year later. Dodged a huge bullet there.
in middle school sex ed, we had an HIV+ guest speaker. we were doing on a course on STDs, and he was there as a cautionary tale.
scary as fuck. dude looked anorexia and spoke of all his health ordeals.
I wonder where the blood was from.
check out this nurse who got it through his occupation.
you'll never see me going near another person's blood. i'll never help anybody in a car crash or another emergency situation.
i've shared lots of coke straws with people who have AIDS and always worried they cut their nose with them and then i got it in my bloodstream by cutting my nose. also i've had some orgies where gay/bi dudes have fucked the same girls i've fucked and a few of them had AIDS. clean so far though.
also sorry i'm more social and enjoy life more than most of Sup Forums. most of you don't have to worry about it since you never get laid/only fuck other autists.
"Cold sore" is a much more pleasant name than herpes
My wife's powerbottom cousin has full-blown AIDS at age 30, and engages in regular unprotected plowing of his rectum daily with whoever is interested.
At least he moved to Hollywood to "get his big break" and isn't here in Wisconsin working at the fucking Olive Garden any longer. I really, really wanted to call his manager and say "Why are you letting a diseased faggot have contact with food your patrons are eating?", but he quit before I had the chance.
A multi-year worldwide shortage of AZT would be a gift from God these days.
>doing coke
>participating in orgies
>banging women known to have AIDS
Why are you still alive? No worry, you’ll be dead in the next few years, it’ll all work out as nature intended.
Protip: If you care so little about yourself to justify every self-destructive act of hedonism as “enjoying life”, the world can get along without you and you won’t be missed.
No I don't live in California.
One of my Father's best friends contracted it a decade ago and has lived a relatively normal life ever since. He takes a daily medication of a pill the size of the tip of your pinky finger but apart from that, no one would think twice about him having aids.
Unless you're actively looking to infect other people, I don't see why someone must have a stigma attached to them for the rest of their life
25% have herpes. You know someone.
i'm still alive because i eat well and work out every day and are open to talking to all sorts of people and understanding them. which is probably why i've had these opportunities and you're stuck being a jealous faggot in a shitty state judging your cousin.
Mr Degenerate Jr