Good going, fuckfaces!

>When you realize you elected a complete shill for Israel, Russia, and any ((Major Corporation)) willing to suck him off.

Wow. Somehow, degenerate American culture found a worse candidate than Hillary Clinton. All of the other candidates weren't spicy enough for you retards? Well, good shit, you elected another fucking reptoid. And if you think Alex Jones isn't a reptoid, then you lost the real Info War.

It's a shame to be an American now, and it really has been for a long time. I'm not here to get into a heated argument with any uneducated chump or zealot, so have a pleasant evening, and try not to become: overweight, broke, in debt, murdered, in a psychiatric emergency, or imprisoned for possession with no intent to distribute.

Nationalism is for suckers, and so is being a level 80 scapegoating witchhunter who mounts a red herring into a battle against strawmen, but you retards wouldn't know anything about that.

Kudos if you're the rare 4channer who isn't psychotic, a weeabo, and a soyboy. It doesn't take a genius to realize anyone at home on Sup Forums is either a friendless polysci major or a mistake.

lol didn't read

tl;dr: Shariablue REEEEEEE


You're a blind and stupid rat watching cartoons in his fucking head.

Shut up you traitor. Weren't you fags supposed to go to Canada?

Can you say anything that isn't 100% trite?


you're welcome, we appreciate your incompetence nigger faggot

You talk like a faggot. How is that for trite.

Nothing to do with the topic.

How can you hear me talk?

>people who disagree with me are *lists a bunch of insults*

whoa really riveting thread there, user. couldn't have made a better argument.

Why should I spell out the obvious for a bunch of dirtmunchers?

What caused you to make this post? Trump has been in office for nearly a year already. Late to the party slowpoke.
>4channer who isn't a weeaboo
The site is literally called 4 *CHAN*

Advanced critique, but everything said in the OP is still true.

So much for not sticking around to argue.
>doesn't know himself
>thinks he knows somebody with a genius level IQ that managed to become president without being a politician
I bet you're posting from your phone in a night club waiting for girls to walk up to you on their own.

>Shilled for Russia
>There are more sanctions under Trump and Obama
>Shilled for Israel
>Trump escalated the Middle East so hard by doing something Israel´s asked for that even the Israelis are being forced to back down
>Can´t even be fucked to name a major corporation in his post

Tired bait/10

>It's yet another OP is a fag episode

This is just for everyone's entertainment, including mine.

What's that about the club? You projecting, bro?

>Weak excuses that aren't even a denial


>everyone here posts from home
>"you at a club being a antisocial fag?"
>You projecting, bro?
Yes, I live at the club.


Antisocial =/= asocial

>everyone misuses antisocial, confusing it with asocial
>just like everyone confuses sociopath with psychopath
>its my job to go around correcting them

>shill for Israel and Russia
you realize how absurd this sounds, right?

>When you realize you elected a complete shill for Israel, Russia, and any ((Major Corporation)) willing to suck him off.

Wow. Somehow, degenerate American culture found a worse candidate than Hillary Clinton. All of the other candidates weren't spicy enough for you retards? Well, good shit, you elected another fucking reptoid. And if you think Alex Jones isn't a reptoid, then you lost the real Info War.

It's a shame to be an American now, and it really has been for a long time. I'm not here to get into a heated argument with any uneducated chump or zealot, so have a pleasant evening, and try not to become: overweight, broke, in debt, murdered, in a psychiatric emergency, or imprisoned for possession with no intent to distribute.

Nationalism is for suckers, and so is being a level 80 scapegoating witchhunter who mounts a red herring into a battle against strawmen, but you retards wouldn't know anything about that.

Kudos if you're the rare 4channer who isn't psychotic, a weeabo, and a soyboy. It doesn't take a genius to realize anyone at home on Sup Forums is either a friendless polysci major or a mistake.

"Psychopath" and "sociopath" are flexible, whereas "antisocial" and "asocial" are only flexible in popular culture.

Whoever pays, so to speak. Both pay.

>.02 has been deposited


What? Wait hang on, fuckin what?

You didn't know? LOL You thought this was all because we thought he was going to be a good president? Ass, we did it because we knew it was going to be hilarious!


you must be fun to be around

hmm. do you think the amount of ironic and saboteur votes were enough to turn the tides?

>nationalism if for suckers
>4channer instead of user
Go the fuck back to plebbit pseudo intellectual fagot. Seriously, no one wants your pickle rick flavored dorito dust staining this board.

No, and I didn't say that they did. I'm saying that we helped to shill and meme a man into the whitehouse for fun. Our votes would not have been enough, but our shenanigans changed the whole political discussion.

This pic pretty much sums up the thread.

You guys made it 33 replies without mentioning Rick and Morty or Reddit. That's slow progress, but progress none the less. Pat yourselves on the back.

Well congratulations on graduating middle school.

Right. There are a lot of real supporters here, too.

I'm not sure how I feel about the saboteur sadfrogs. Is it interesting? Terrible? Both?

You have to go back

Maybe I will go back to Sup Forums. Anything is better than sharing a space with scum like yourself.

On second thought, I'll probably go outside and get laid while you continue to shitpost.

Jesus bro it isn't like your choices are difficult: either pack your shit and leave or simmer down and go back to sucking immigrant cock.

Your partisan bullshit is exhausting, and your ability to assume things you have no idea about is foolhardy.

Anyway, goodnight all.

OP is a humungous faggot