Anyone want a Chaika? We have an overstock

Anyone want a Chaika? We have an overstock.

Other urls found in this thread:!vsgwgaSR!xUiZWYLlI26JDoIv3zuwYw

Do you have any in yellow?

We got a few that have a manufacturing defect where they colored the hair yellow and fucked up the eye tint but otherwise, it's a working Chaika.

I've heard that model has some issues with durability. What's your warranty situation?

You can return for a full refund of an unpenetrated one within 30 days or do an exchange (other colors included) within the first 180. Penetration voids warranty.

But inadvertent penetration is the entire reason I'd want a warranty. I've scene too many horror stories with this model.

Don't worry about it, the newer models spawn a chibi version that eventually grow back into size.

You might even like her better that way.

Sounds good, but what sort of extra maintenance does that involve? I don't want to bring this thing back into the shop every thousand miles or decapitation.

Just feed her gallon of semen a week, she'll use the protein for rapid growth.

What sort of frills do you guys offer? I'm willing to splurge on any extra features.

Did I stumble into a stealth Freddy thread?

Shut up, he's making a sale.

Well, what do you like? Red frills? Black frills? White? The outfits vary, we've got a large selection.

You know what, you've been a great host. Give me the full wardrobe and all the transformation options and take that commission on me. How soon can I take it home?

Wonderful! They'll be ready tomorrow, I'll even toss in an Akari for your generosity.

Aaaaaand scene.

Damnit Johnson, I told you those things were defective. Stop trying to palm them off on customers.

I want a refund from this scam!
I requested for a purple chaika and instead I got this redhead instead
care to explain to me why?

Her hair color is clearly silver.

>ln never translated

It honestly seemed pretty interesting and cool. Would have loved to read it but oh well.

I would like one green Chaika please.
Maybe we'll get to Volume 3 in 10 years

There's also these old translations of Vol 1, 2, and the first chapter of 3!vsgwgaSR!xUiZWYLlI26JDoIv3zuwYw

Just add one tablespoon of mental trauma and your Chaika will look as advertised

So was this actually worth watching, or was it just flavor of the season? Red one seems cute.

It's a good adventure anime. The first season is good and sets everything up well. The second season is not as good, but this mostly comes from the ending being rushed.
Definitely worth the watch. And it's not like you're doing anything else important, watching two seasons of anime is not too much.

I'd like a Red please.