American here, probably Atlanta or Baltimore
What is the shittiest city in your country?
If Baltimore, Chicago, and East St. Louis are removed from the statistics the US murder rate drops 50%.
Chicago or Dearborn
I actually like the nice parts of Baltimore, there are a lot of good music and bookstores and it's nice by the bay. The nigger sections are fucking terrible though, I had to piss at a shell station there last time I went and a wheelchairnigger started to ask me something so I ran to my car.
Baltimore is sad.
So many quality brick townhouses. Sitting there, empty, rotting away - by the thousands. Miles of them.
That should be a really nice city.
Here's a list of the top 10 most dangerous cities
My theory is that soyboys should go to those cities at night to become tougher.
St. Louis is the worst. Baltimore atleast has some nice places. St. Louis is a lost cause. Dearborn does have a muslim problem, but I would rather deal with hijabis then with dindu nuffins.
Jew York City
Dearborn is normal american middle class, with a lot of lebs for some reason. If you're scared of dearborn you follow too many boomers on twitter
Atlanta is okay. St. Louis is probably the worst big city, but there's minor cities like Gary and Camden that are absolute holes
Camden NJ
Most of Philadelphia
the bright side: these cities are shamelessly segregated.
everybody knows niggers are bad news and are to be kept out of white areas.
Los Angeles
As a good old New Jersey boy with roots in Michigan, I can say with certainty that Camden is the most awful place I have ever been.
any city with a MLK boulevard
Have you ever been to Detroit?
>those beautiful townhouses ruined by niggers
this is the future of america
Baltimore is super segregated and the white areas are some of the best in the country. The area around Johns Hopkins University is home to most of MDs politicians and millionaires with homes ranging from 1-10 million dollars.
Jersey has the Trifecta of Trenton, Camden, and Newark.
I challenge any State in the Union to beat our triple threat.
I guess if we aren't counting Detroit as technically a "city" any longer Baltimore with Chicago south side
Source: Lived there since 2012
coming from the south, how would Baltimore compare?
every shitty american inner city ghetto looks the same.
Canton, Fells, Fed Hill, Inner Harbor & Harbor East, Little Italy & Hampden
Burn the rest. Twice, just to be sure
Most of the homes that are rotting away aren't actually the quality homes. They're cheap homes built en masse to resemble the homes from the areas such as Fells Point, Canton, and Federal Hill. They were built by companies later to house workers and once the industry left they become desolate.
Baltimore here, too. Negros will beat you and your family up in broad daylight in the Inner Harbor.
Chicagofag here, about a third of the city is still nice, even the gang areas are full of people who still keep up their house nice, etcetera.
Go to some random part of Chicago on Google Maps and compare it to a random part of Gary Indiana or Camden New Jersey.
Mt. Vernon is acceptable.
Why wouldn't Detroit count as a city?
Tyler, Texas.
East side is fucking depressing. Entire blocks of rotting vacants probably some with a dying dope fiend inside
Winnipeg or Quebec
Except I've lived here my entire life. Fuck off transplant.
Only if you're homosexual
st louis
or any other nigger city
I saw a documentary that focused on how it was built by the Gulag and was essentially one massive prison to mine nickel if I remember, looks like a real shithole in the middle of fucking no where, freezing as fuck most of the year. One of the woman in the documentary was a prisoner in the gulag there for like 15+ years, and still lives there, went through hell in the prison.
Anyway why is it a "closed city," and why does Russia still have closed cities? Seems pretty weird.
Fairfax Virginia here, in the country it would have to be Baltimore, in my state, Hampton Roads. The common theme is niggers run them both.
Frankfurt, Cologne, Hamburg and Berlin.
90% of the white people in Baltimore are transplants
Without us you are Detroit
Failed af
Because it's Detroit.
Dearborn is pretty middle class/working class desu. There's just too many arabs. It's a lot better/safer than Detroit
None of the quality white people are transplants. You're all shitty college bros shitting up the town every Friday and Saturday night.
Dearborn is actually pretty nice. I thought it would be a shithole of hijabs, bacon and alcohol prohibition, and third world nonsense.
I actually stayed there for a week and found it to be pretty nice... actually probably more vibrant than your typical Michigan city. The Muslims are there but they keep to themselves and aren't trying to infiltrate the rest of the city.
Downtown Detroit's gotten better in the past couple years. Baltimore is shittier now desu.
A lot of good bars in Mt. Vernon, and there's no many homosexuals there anymore.
Bucharest, Sfantu Gheorghe , Caracal and the list is mostly composed of cities where there are high amounts of retarded gypsies, UDMR supporters and PSD lovers ( basically old people that loved the communist era ) or an combination of all of them
Checked. You're right, Dearborn isn't bad at all. People seem to think it's Baghdad or something.
when you walk through the garden...
It's fucking sad. A couple months ago my friend was playing Pokemon Go in the harbor & had to fight off a group of teens until the cops arrived.
Had to punch a girl ffs. They still stole his bike during it.
I have literally never had someone try to fight me in the inner harbor, even when I was younger and smaller.
Shit in West Baltimore you can see trees actually growing out of the center of abandoned houses. Blocks upon blocks of boarded up doors and windows and people still hanging out in front of them. People doing drug deals in front of houses that look like they came straight from Saving Private Ryan, that one scene with the little girl and Vin Diesel getting shot by the sniper.
The most dangerous place in America is the bad areas of Chicago. It's murder after murder.
It's not hard, all you have to do is charge higher rent.
It looks beautiful, but I don't have any friends there so I'm going off of reputation. Haven't been in years.
When did it straighten out?
> pretty much anywhere that isn't majority white and westernized is an absolute 3rd world shithole by comparison
Christ, it isn't rocket science people...and anyone who says otherwise is either too naive to know the difference or flat out lying to themselves and everyone around them so they can either sleep better at night or justify taking advantage of them.
Can confirm: West side of Baltimore is far worse than East side
Because it has slums?
>Playing Pokemon Go in nigger neighborhoods.....
Why do I think this would be a ratings bonanza for a TV show?
Look, I know Baltimore is a shithole, but Detroit is the only real answer.
They say Baltimore is the worst and there is slums a 10 minute walk from here but, it's alright in my book
Used to be Berlin now it’s probably Chicago
Southside Chicago is probably the worst.
It's been happening more and more. Some of it even made national news
That's what I've been saying. People that shit talk Baltimore are either transplants or just parrot what other idiotic posters say.
I'm stuck between Toronto and Montreal, with third place being Vancouver. Honourable mention goes to virtually any "capital" city outside of those three.
He said city, not province/state.
>stole his bike during it
Absolute state of niggers
The shit about trees in abandoned houses is true. Can confirm
I'm not quite sure. I lived in Mt. Vernon for a few years. It's always been pretty decent, except for the loads of fucking bums. Can't even walk into Chipotle without some smelly minority begging. I sometimes go to the bars there by myself -- or it's a place where I bring dates. Hipsters, lots of them. But they're not bad, and I fit in, because I look like one.
>when detroit is so terrible at being a city people dont even want to classify it as one
If not detriot, then chicago.
>tfw even captcha agrees with you
Edmonton or London, ON
Inner harbor, where my friend was attacked isn't a bad neighborhood.
I have gone to the edges of bad neighborhoods for some of the legendary raids, but only in large numbers.
This time he was just grinding stardust alone when he was attacked.
Do you live in one of those little liberal enclaves? The ones where you're driving past block after block of straight nigger neighborhood and all of a sudden you're seeing white dudes in long sleeve button up shirts and khaki shorts with flipflops and chicks in yoga pants jogging with their iPod armbands. Fucking Irish Pubs and Ma & Pop pizza shops and VWs everywhere. Then it's back to passing nigger areas and you're left wondering if you passed through some alternate dimension.
The niggers here don't bother you if you don't buy drugs and don't go in stores they sell drugs from
That's why I pointed out that the EXTREME level of segregation makes Baltimore fantastic. The white areas are top tier and who cares about the black areas because why ever go there?
And he said two cities, you fucking retard.
Toronto is awful. Montreal is fine. Never been to hongcouver.
You almost sound proud of how shitty is here.
Rent is fucking $800 for a STUDIO in fucking nigger infested shit-hole newark.
fuck man niggers are pure scum, but so are the fucking white yuppie soy boy faggots driving up rent that their fucking faggot-raising parents pay god fucking dammit
Of you are in Baltimore and your bike is stolen, go to the 600 block of North Luzerne good chance you will see someone riding it with a shitty fresh coat of spray paint
Not sure, the one that has the most blacks in it probably.
No, but I know exactly what you're talking about. I live on a nice street but statistically the area is a warzone. No one fucks around here though there's a lot of big houses and old people.
It's like homes like this, but one of them has a giant tree growing out of the center.
Palembang, the criminal capital of Indonesia
Chicago or Detroit. It's surprising that an area like the Midwest which is still overwhelmingly white hosts the most violent, blacked cities.
Be me.
Be from Carroll County.
Family is from Baltimore city, going back to the 1750's.
Have to admit, Baltimore city is the crappiest city in America.
Sorry pops but Poly was the shit when you graduated in '45; but thank you for moving from the city to the counties in the 60's...
San Francisco
You have to have never left atlanta to think atlanta is the shittiest city. Even new orleans is shittier than atlanta.
they'd go for a million apiece in brooklyn
There's a bunch, depending on who you ask.
Memphis, Philadelphia, Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, DC, Birmingham, Cleveland, New Orleans, Detroit, & countless others.
Jesus, typing out all of those cities made me realize how much this country has declined.
Do most Americans go to the bad areas of cities like this to visit them?