Becoming a tranny and marrying a man and becoming his perfect housewife is one of the most noble things you can do...

Becoming a tranny and marrying a man and becoming his perfect housewife is one of the most noble things you can do these days. Real girls are basically jews and if you don't agree then have fun getting cheated on and having your home and car taken by them.

turn or burn sinner

traps are gay tho

effeminates are reprobate, beyond salvation

you should just put a bullet in your head

>you should just put a bullet in your head
Religious people are disgusting, first off you are all sexual deviants and you promote death and violence and pain and bloodshed, you're basically niggers.

turn or burn

What's gay? I'm a woman in almost every way except I'm infertile, most people don't carry around a mass spectrometer in their pocket so you can't use the cop out "hurr durr muh x chrosmosmes"

Words faggots can't use: "deviant" "moral" "Christian"

Words faggots should use: "What is a lethal dose of bleach?"

Don't have to, also me and my husband hunt and have a collection of firearms so I don't worry about defending myself from coward bigots like you. Unlike most of you conservative Christian mindless buffoons I believe in the value of kindness and of life. Don't need ancient sand nigger lies to be a good person.

>tfw you can't decide if you should marry a tranny, or become a tranny

turn or burn


Well if you wanna transition then do it. Just don't be like an sjw and ur good. Also get a weapon and practice with it for your own protection.

I’ll happily spend my life alone before I ever do much as touch a fucking faggot that pretends to be a woman.

Hell no. That's not right. What are you doing?

>women are jews
They are evil, yes? They are different from men in how they are evil, but in the end we all are. Don't confuse reality with your constructed fantasy. You're falling for the very well laid out plan of (((them))) by doing what you are. Face it, you're cucked. Compromised. You're no ally of ours.

Hey cool, enjoy loneliness and crippling depression all because you want to facilitate bigots that harass you. Or you could man up and date a tranny and realize we make god tier waifus and cook and clean and love and don't cheat on you.

Man, you guys would rather be fucking miserable hateful fucks all because shit jews say, sad world.

No, I don't want to. Just leafposting.
Transitioning is too big of a commitment for me. Playing dress up is fun though.

You tranny fags will end up doing the same thing to guys who are stupid enough to marry you. Plus you can't even have kids with a tranny which is one of the main reasons to get married

Fuck off you delusional faggot.

Well this seals it, Sup Forums is filled with completely spineless people who don't even practice what they preach.

kill yourself

agreed, trap waifus are the future
roasties will burn

You’re a fucking freak

Better then being married to another guy

Post boipucci with timestamp or btfo

Who pays you?
They will be killed and their family enslaved for generations soon.
Just wait, you'll likely meet the same fate.

>which is one of the main reasons to get married
The earth is full to capacity, selfish fucks and niggers who don't understand we are running out of resources have kids, smart people don't. Also getting married is for tax breaks and cheaper mortgages.

You cant have babies, faggot.

Tfw no trap wife gf

>who don't even practice what they preach
I don't understand how this applies to me. Should everyone who has ever put on an article of women's clothing transition for life? What are you saying?

>mfw some mentally ill faggot who worked at my company for four years came out as "Sky" three weeks ago and was promptly fired

This is literally the most jewish thing I've ever heard.

"Men need to transition to become women, who are weak and easily manipulated by groupthink"

Simple fucking question: What's to stop a tranny woman from doing the same thing as a normal woman? (i.e. cheating then stealing your shit?)
You solve no problems because that question above remains unanswered, but you add problems by turning men into weak-willed and weak-minded creatures who believe whatever garbage people post, whether on this website or in MSM.

As for you, oven boy, you'll get what's coming to you.


Artificial wombs and sexbots are the final solution to the woman problem.

Nope, and don't want to. Me and my husband like to travel and having a kid would be a dumb fucking idea, also we are real conservatives because we like to conserve, having kids just makes resources that much strained.

Something about a qt girl with a hairless little dink gets me so hard. I just want to rub her little peepee until she makes her cummies all over my lap

Pipe dream

There's this old trope that says
>never stick your dick in crazy
that needs and addendum
>...esp in festering wound-hole where dick used to be, or asshole, or wherever crazy thinks is good

I like women because I like people. Even sluts can be very agreeable if you have the right attitude with them.

lmao yall niggas mad cuz i got spermatoids brewin in a baby llama

>hairless dink
If you mean penis, then there's ways of getting that without having to resort to a tranny. It's easy enough to remove hair. Even pubic hair. Just find someone willing to do it.
