Can anyone here clearly explain "Microchimerism"
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Can anyone here clearly explain "Microchimerism"
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When a man cums in a woman her DNA changes slightly to keep the body from rejecting it as foreign. Causes parts of the man's DNA to bind to the woman's.
Chimerism is a genetic disorder that mixes chromosomes in an organism. I imagine microchimerism is some pseudo-scientific newspeak related to something gender-related, but who the fuck knows?
Its when u put your fist in your mouth then in your ass then back in your mouth
It means youre a cuck
>explain "Microchimerism"
there's no explaining, because it's just broscience
Lauren is still pure user don't believe the lies
Have you ever heard about wikipedia motherfucker?
Man is a chimerical animal, but numales are only microchimeras
The most likely source of male Mc [microchimerism ] in female brain is acquisition of fetal Mc from pregnancy with a male fetus. In women without sons, male DNA can also be acquired from an abortion or a miscarriage. The pregnancy history was unknown for all but a few subjects in the current studies, thus male Mc in female brain could not be evaluated according to specific prior pregnancy history. In addition to prior pregnancies, male Mc could be acquired by a female from a recognized or vanished male twin, an older male sibling, or through non-irradiated blood transfusion.
{ snip }
Lastly, a few studies have reported an association between parity and decreased risk of brain cancer, raising the possibility that Mc could contribute to immunosurveillance against tumorigenic cells as has been suggested for some other types of malignancy.
In conclusion, male Mc is frequent and widely distributed in the human female brain. Although the relationship between brain Mc and health versus disease requires further study, our findings suggest that Mc of fetal origin could impact maternal health and potentially be of evolutionary significance.
I believe it is the disgusting scientific confirmation of "Once you go black we don't want you back"
This is actually the original definition. My friend's girlfriend does it all the time, that's why we nicknamed her "Mic Chimmy."
blood dna can be slightly different from tissue dna due to early mutations, etc etc.
Wow that was so fucking hard. Can I go home now?
When your penis is smaller than your index finger.
I know it sounds ridiculous and is probably hard to accept, but this:
>Lauren is still pure user don't believe the lies
Tell it to Dr. Murdoch.
I think it's when you have a Chimera and somehow you shrink it.
When women have children, sometimes the DNA of the father can change the DNA of the mother. Regards here take this as some kind of evidence that fucking niggers makes white women part nigger without having ANY clue what the term means. It does mean that women who have half nigger babies might essentially be part nigger though.
Every human is a combination of their mother (23) and father (23) = 46. For every nucleobase in your genome, your mother and father can differ, and if you inherit two different copies you're a heterozygote.
Across your body, your mother or father's copy - formally called an allele - might be better at being a particular type of cell. So in a normal human, what you get is a mosaic composed of the paternal and maternal halves. Freckles are the result of some skin cells producing more melanin than others, for instance.
When sperm cells enter a woman, their DNA infects her cells, and the female body does this on purpose. Entire Y chromosomes become incorporated into her genome;
>Male microchimerism in women without sons: quantitative assessment and correlation with pregnancy history
>Male microchimerism was found in 21% of women overall.
>Male microchimerism was not infrequent in women without sons. Besides known pregnancies, other possible sources of male microchimerism include unrecognized spontaneous abortion, vanished male twin, an older brother transferred by the maternal circulation, or sexual intercourse
>or sexual intercourse
>or sexual intercourse
>or sexual intercourse
This is utterly real, user. Women who had sex with men are in fact men now, genetically.
How long is it going to take this bitch to hit the cam circuit so I can see her boobs?
the real answer:
, here - we can look at the Y chromosome in a woman and place it into a haplotype - we can discern an African A/E Y-chromosome from a European I/J/R Y-chromosome.
The race mixers can't hide.
Yes - this picture. People are chimeras of their mothers and fathers. It isn't nessarily a novel mutation.
Literally, that person wasn't mixed well on a cellular level. Cells migrate through the body, and it seems as if one parent has a disorder of that cell migration when it comes to melanocytes.
>Tell it to Dr. Murdoch.
Hey, the guy's been through enough. All he wants is the wheat fields.
microchimerism is really only known among people who practice animal husbandry
for example people who raise horses for racing want to be absolutely sure a mare wasn't fucked by some slow ass nigga and ruin a decade long investment
Also whites who don't want a wife who's been BLACKED. Remember: if she's not virgin, she has lost the vast majority of her worth as a woman.
I thought the exact same thing.
Do I ever have a chance of her feet being in my mouth?
as I understand it the previous baby has an effect on the dna of the next one. posting this so someone can critique my lay interpretation
>tranny feet are better
>besides they are women
this woman's bellybutton is some sort of vortex
It's 100% BS, DNA from sperm does not become part of the mothers genome. A women is born with all her eggs, nuclear material does not pass into gametes/
Lauren is a dumb b-bi... omg she's hot. Picture saved for masturbation reasons.
See ;
>Male microchimerism in women without sons: quantitative assessment and correlation with pregnancy history
>Male microchimerism was found in 21% of women overall.
>Male microchimerism was not infrequent in women without sons. Besides known pregnancies, other possible sources of male microchimerism include unrecognized spontaneous abortion, vanished male twin, an older brother transferred by the maternal circulation, or sexual intercourse
>or sexual intercourse
>or sexual intercourse
>or sexual intercourse
>"Why did you just give birth to a niglet"
>"Don't worry babe, that was just because of microchimerism, don't you remember the doctor bringing this up? He's still your son."
>ctrl + f telegony
>0 results
dammit user
My mom married two guys before my dad, and had a son with one of them. I look like a hybrid of my father and my mother's first husband - I've never seen her second, but something tells me my conservatism came from him, because he was a racist republican bigot supposedly unlike my mother or her two other husbands.
It's real.
>sword art online
Hitler XD
so tragic, no amount of fat tshirt cash will fill that void
false, telegony has never been observed in men or women.
what you aspies need to realise is that there are far more KNOWN and important problems that arise from women being degenerate whores
the most obvious of which being the mental damage they sustain from abandoning the natural path of a mother and choosing the slut life instead.
It's hardly the least important reason when all they're good for is being a cum receptacle.
it has not been observed dipshit
its like saying chameleons can change their skin colour so watch out for nigger girls who change their skin to be white
you are making yourself look retarded, instead focus on what science we DO know because its frightening enough already without the speculation
>has never been observed
if a study has never been allowed to be conducted to see whether telegony is observable in humans, it is inaccurate language to say that it has never been observed. If I prevent you from getting out of bed 7 days out of the week by placing and keeping an obese person on top of you and then announce that you never get out of bed to your family and friends, is this true? or is this an oversimplification of the result that you were you not allowed to leave your bed? This is what you normies don't get about language like that. It's like back when it used to be common knowledge that statistics can be used to lie about anything.
Microchimerism, for the purposes of Sup Forums, is that after sex some of the cells that enter the body will find a way to reproduce and survive in their new ecosystem.
That doesn't alter the genome of the woman, or mean her kids will forever be contaminated. A woman is born with every egg she will ever have already made.
See .
>if a study has never been allowed to be conducted to see whether telegony is observable in humans, it is inaccurate language to say that it has never been observed.
should be fairly simple to prove that this research has been banned. go ahead and provide some evidence, i wont hold my breath
I love this girl. especially those booty shorts she wore that one day...daaang
It's a conspiracy theory based on misapplying attributes of flies to humans.
For what purpose? These e-celeb roasties get all the betabux camwhores do while not having to get completely undressed for it, and therefore maintain an air of respectability. They have the best of both worlds. For now anyway.
>my conservatism came from him
Is there anything more pathetic than people who try to blame or justify all of their actions on their parents/ancestors? Own who you are you little bitch.
>microchimerism is some pseudo-scientific newspeak
this ^, reposting because everyone ignored him
Lauren Southern is a next level attention-grubbing whore that has had more cocks than any of you have dollars in your bank accounts; cocks of all races.
She's a top level exhibitionist slut with 0 morals
So given all the data now and its automatic truth - should we have children with non-virgin females? Will you? Will never be able to get over that child isn't mine entirely. No thanks. Getting a catholic girl from 16 out of the church and courting her then getting her ripe taking virginity and have her mother children from 20 yr old. Ur all fags if u do otherwise; betas
>Women absorb and retain DNA from every man they have had sex with.
uh, no sweetie.
that's categorically wrong
good bait good bait. almost fell for it. lmao
i have to run out for some jagermeister now
You're retarded nigger. That snopes
Looks like that photo was taken in Vancouver
> 7/10
> lousy cosplay
> manly voice
How did Dr. Murdoch even considered?