The European union will be a superpower by 2050

The European union will be a superpower by 2050

i thought they already were.

It will be an irrelevant appendix in the annals of history by then.


EU will be a third world nation by 2050. Thanks angela merkel! Thanks refugees!

Tell us more

The EU will have collapsed far before 2050

>The European union will be a superpower by 2050

Yeah ok.

By 2050, the area formerly constituting the EU will be a smoldering battlefield.


Not enough east asian cuties in Europe, it's doomed without a fresh supply.

fuck off. east-asians are a dying race, just like whites

Obviously bait. But if for some odd reason you truly are retarded and believe that then no, no it will not. I'm not joking or meming here, my own country and western Europe will fall if your leaders keep doing what they're doing. It is human nature to group and want to protect one's own culture and ethnicity - studies have proven this. You can only go so long before people begin to oppose those who suppress human nature. This is why nationalism and right-wing parties are on the rise across Europe.

Either two things will happen.
1. The EU will fall due to major cultural clashes and ethnic replacement.
2. Nationalism and right-wing governments will form with maybe a possibility of the EU surviving.

I'm dying too, and before i die, i will have a chinese wife.

east-asians are for east-asians. keep to your own women please

At least they aren't letting their countries be invaded by shitskins. In 100 years, they will have a smaller population, but will still control large amounts of land, have lower population density, and will have an advanced society where manual labor has been automated away. Meanwhile the West will have third world conditions and be like living in India.

I want a chinese wife, i dont want a white whore.

The EU was a super power, then the muslim invasion happened and then Brexit. Now the EU will collapse. The Jews have been successful at completely decimating a European super state leaving it open to influence from the US, Russia and China. 10 years ago, the EU had quite a loud voice. Now everyone laughs. Thank Germany and Sweden for being so gullible and vulnerable.

Congratulations goy.

Blaming the jews for what europeans themselves did... Also chinese women are the best in the world. Slave your ass off everyday and night just ,to impress a chinese girl, maybe she will marry you.

then fix your women. white women are your own responsibility

faggot replied to his own thread sage

chinese women are horrible. if you must, go for japanese

That's funny.
You mean Germany, France, Britain and Italy ARE superpowers.