Yuri!!! on Ice

Yurio!!! nice

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baldfat is okay too I guess

Yurio is making me feel better, distracting me from my food poisoning.

ganba user, you can get better
I believe in you

Are stealth threads a thing of the past?

Why do you even want any threads when there's no new content

Guys you seriously need to stop creating threads when there's nothing new to talk about, wait 'till new merch is announced, or a new interview is out. It's tiring to keep track of the discuss this way.


Sorry for the dumb question, but is this merch going to be event only?



Guess I should try and forget about it then, maybe it'll hurt less.

stop bumping ded thread

Best merch of Yurio yet. He looks fucking perfect here.

Don't tell me what to do

Who is that qt girl on yhr right?

>general thread
>no new content

Stop bumping this shit. Wait at least until there's new merch or yoi related stuff coming out

forgive english, i am Russia.

i come to teach skating at Japanese onsen. i am here little time and i am very hard stress. i am gay also and this very difficult for me, i am very religion person. i never act to be gay with other men before. but after i am in japan 6 weeks i am my friend together he is gay also. He was show me Japanese skating and then we are kiss.

We sex together. I never before now am tell my mother about gay because i am very shame. As i fock this Japanese boy it is very good to me but also i am feel so guilty. I feel extreme guilty as I begin orgasm. I feel so guilty that I pick up my telephone and call Mother in Russia. I awaken her. It too late for stopping so I am cumming sex. I am very upset and guilty and crying, so I yell her, "I AM CUM FROM SEX" (in Russia). She say what? I say "I AM CUM FROM SEX" and she say you boy, do not marry Japanese girl, and I say "NO I AM CUM FROM SEX WITH MAN, I AM IN ASS, I CUM IN ASS" and my mother very angry me. She not get scared though.

I hang up phone and am very embarrass. My friend also he is very embarrass. I am guilt and feel very stupid. I wonder, why do I gay with man? But I continue because when it spurt it feel very good in Japanese ass.

What if Yurio's cock was huge


It's re-airing tonight, folks. Tfw you're not in nipland to enjoy it all over again on live television weekly. ;_;

Fuck Yurio


Be a YoIfag is suffering. Never want merch like other series before, I pre-order all figures now I broke.

Don't worry Russia, we're in this together.

Is this the best gay anime since Legend of the Galactic Heroes?

If by gay you mean ambiguous fujopandering, then yes.

Since when Victor is illiterate

Is it the regular unedited tv version or bluray?

I don't think they'll air the Bluray version desu

I probably watched the wrong LoGh, because it wasn't gay.



It's the best gay anime since Neon Genesis Evangelion


interesting weight loss program

I'm hoping we can see more loveydovey BaldFat in S2

I still don't get why anyone would go so far as to install an addon to their browser just for porn

Just get a boy/ girlfriend/ girlfriend(male)

...The fuck are you doing on Sup Forums

Watching anime...?

Someone's gotta be there to get normies into good shows, and while Yuri on Ice isn't 10/10, I've got a few people to start better shows after having seen it. You have to start them somewhere, you know?

S2 with 24 episode could do it.

And then bald dies, leaving pig with lifelong depression.

stop bumping this thread when it's about to die.

I want the clearfiles so much, but fucking event-only itens. Mandarake will have them but for 10x more, no?

What is going on in this picture

Pick you Victor.

First and last is all I need.

He lookslike a bottom

Great taste

He probaly is most of the time.

Pretty sure Yuuri forces him to switch

Which event are we most likely to get a season 2 announcement at, the april 29 Maihama or?

The entire left column

Shouldn't some of the new interviews be out by now?

I'd choose all of them and give each Viktor as a present to Yuuri on different occasions.

笑顔, 思わず声が出ちゃう, イキそう

It's a bottom Viktor artist

From the new Fire Emblem. Coincidence?

Was Pig one of the developers?

All of them!

Oh yeah definitly, but I just see Victor bottoming more often than Yuuri.


Not that user, but: who the hell cares who tops/bottoms more, why do people have to find an answer to everything all the time? Why is it so hard even for the fags in here to avoid gender stereotypes?

fatbaldfags get upset if he's not taking it up the ass or if people don't think he's a woman

It's not that deep and it's not malicious, people like fantasizing about their taste in bed. Gay people often do, in fact, have preferences in real life so it's not automatically 'gender stereotypes'.

I just like to imagine baldfat in bed, I don't need any concrete answers regarding who tops more. Calm down, user.

Victor would be more naked if he did.

One person in a couple prefering to take it up the butt more often than giving isn't gender stereotyping. Go back to tumblr.

>Go back to tumblr
Original and hilarious

I'm serious, your post makes me think you'd feel more comfortable there. It's ridicilous and far fetched to call someone's preferences gender stereotyping.
Stereotyping would be assuming Yuuri takes it upp the ass exclusively due to being smaller/shy personality.


Is that l-elf

Is this BaldFairy mpreg?

After all it's implied that one of the two must by necessity be prone to take it in the ass more often than the other, right? It's like automatic for humans to assign roles more or less pronounced. Victor and his angelic appearance doesn't help, so as Yuuri being the "inexperienced" one,younger and insecure.


It's FatBald's son Alexei


Bald a cute.

>their child inheriting all the recessive traits

Bald's DNA stronk

Ignore fatbaldfags and their top/bottom/man/woman posts.

westernfags can't draw yuuri

Who cares, appreciate Bald's spankable ass

How can I enjoy it when it looks like he's fucking a random white guy

He would never fuck anyone but Yuuri, don't worry about that

Just finished watching it and Is it just me or don't explain the really important stuff all too much about figure skating?

Like they do explain stuff like how they score and all that, but not the techniques like the triple axel (explanations of the sport in a sports anime and the techniques they have should be explained to newcomers and all). I didn't get how people are impressed about skaters pulling off the whole triple Salchow technique and all that until I googled it. A little more explanation would've been nice.

Christophe is best supporting skater. Pritchett is overrated.

>mfw watching all that recycled animation of the audience being used multiple times
>mfw if they kept all those recycled scenes in the Bluray release

You can't have everything. I hate it too;_;

Is Bald more likely to ask Pig everyday if he loves him or is Pig more like to ask Bald everyday, even though they're married, if he really loves him

You mean Phichitt? Overrated? It's quite the opposite I think.

Yeah, something that they didn't do was explaining at least the basic jumps besides scoring system, this sports is very complex and can become "not entertaining" to see in the long run if you don't know how it works.
But after episode 4 the pace fastened, they barely had time to wrap everything up in time for episode 12. I'm glad to see your vote is so high.

Bald is more secure than Pig. Pig is the one with anxiety, so obviously him

Bald asks Pig everyday but one day he stops and Pig is worried.

"So you don't ask me that today?"
"You know whay. THAT."
"I don't remember."

Badl didn't remember because he got alzheimer.

Yuuri would never ask that

White hair vs Dark hair isnt anything new. Now if there was a skit about someone getting preggers or boobs touching then maybe

Because the butt is nice

You're horrible

He's pretty insecure

That's why he wouldn't ask. He'd be too worried that the answer would be no.

>Christophe is best supporting skater
>Phichit is overrated.
Wrong, why do you even think that?

Don't you think JJ deserved to win in S2?

Is Victor's middle name Vladmir or Rasputin

Ra Ra Rasputin lover of the Piggy's D


The best doujin on the earth, I hope it will be scanlated in the future.
Victor and Yuuri swap bodies. Then even Makkachin and JJ.

Victor would be thrilled to fuck Yuuri as Yuuri

His middle name is his father name. For example Victor Viktorovich Nikiforov.