Why is there so much in the United States and so little elsewhere?
Wealth inequality
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Because we own everything and everyone else owns nothing.
because we have a large population coupled with a high percentage of kikes
More importantly, why is wealth inequality a problem for either the people most well off or the people least well off?
If we live with envy in our hearts the resentment will eat us up from the inside out.
This is where the innovation comes from.
Historically free markets on a global scale and populated by the greatest wealth producers: white protestants
Overwhelming military dominance facilitates this
IIRC wealth inequality hurts growth of the economy.
massive wealth inequality exists everywhere, even in communist countries. our poor have somehow adopted the belief that complaining louder entitles you to more
>and so little elsewhere
What kind of austism is this?
Wouldn't want to hurt economic growth would you?
Almost nothing of ww2 touched US soil. Thereby the end of ww2 we had a full speed manufacturing industry and plenty of men left to work in it with little to no recovery period in terms of war ravaged infrastructure. This also why Europe has a more modern infrastructure as opposed to our own. But at the same time we embraced Air and road travel over HS trains and such
Because us haves don't give a single fuck about you have nots.
I misread the question, ignore
Average american posting, how new are you?
Someday you'll disregard it and realise they're mostly beyond repair.
OP, don't you know envy is a sin?
Oh well, you're a faggot so what's a little envy?
"Wealth inequality" is a bullshit emotionally manipulative buzzword. The poor in America do as good as the so-called "wealthy" in many other countries. Statistically, they have a roof over their head, the latest iphone, a car, and a full belly. So few people involuntarily starve in America that it's statistically zero. Meanwhile in other countries you have fucking skeleton children walking around. "inequality" tells us absolutely nothing other than some people have more stuff than others. Boo fucking hoo.
Overtaxation for the lazy is making it difficult to become middle class. I can't start a family due to low wages. I make 17 an hour with a ccna. I know I need to find someplace better but where the fuck do I go?
Detroit? Recolonize the wasteland??
>they're mostly beyond repair
Soon there would be no France.
Fucking commies, bitching we arn't all the same.
Maybe you are worth less? You ever think that might be why they get paid more than you?
Eh? you fucking tard..
You recall incorrectally