Is it something white people should be proud of or is it a stain on society
Biker culture
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It's a stain on the pavement
absolute degenerates
Like most of American life during the past 20 years the biker "culture" has been damaged beyond repair. Fucking middle age crisis machines.
Knowing how to work on your own machine has been forgotten by the new "biker" pussibois.
>Meth heads convincing old fat women to get naked in public
Sign me up user
Harley owners tend to be faggots. I own a mid 70s Honda CB and I love it. I can do all my own work on it, too.
>Knowing how to work on your own machine has been forgotten by the new "biker" pussibois.
Shame, I've never taken mine to a shop, the work is too easy.
But then again, I'd never ride a Harley made in my lifetime, either. They don't seem like shit I wanna work on.
Mein neger. Best inline twin.
New Harley owners are mostly shit.
I used to respect all riders no matter the brand, but the posers ruined that automatic gimme.
complete degenerates
Why is everything so black-and-white with you people? That's not how it works. I know there is a name for this logical fallacy but I don't know what it is.
How about this..
>Is the BLM movement rooted in a good cause or should we genocide all blacks?
Didn't the Harley brand die since boomers became to old to ride them? Also, pic related it the future of American Motorcycling.
One of the last bastions of white masculinity. Would definitely be an asset during an all out race war.
Why do they hate niggers so much if they act like them?
its in its death THROES and us rice burners will be there to help with the transition but will be hated for it
I actually used to go to biker rallies about 20 years ago. Talk about drunken debauchery. All the instigators got old and died and all of that were young grew out of it. Motorcycle culture is dead.
Stealth rare
Even the weekend warrior Harley types don't drive like total assholes like those shitheads on their rice-burner crotch rockets.
I almost hit one of those douchebags while on on the freeway at 10pm. Faggot flew past me doing a wheelie going 70mph.
its not dead just being ruined by reddit types. AGATT faggotry with chicken strips
They are like libertarians with brain injuries mostly. They actually excise their rights to be depraved and selfish. Avoid them. Ultra degenerate.
And Americans make shit bikes.
>70's CB
My nigger. '72 CL and '73 XL reporting in
It's nothing like it was when I was young and stupid. These days you'd be hard pressed to find someone younger than 60 doing the "biker" thing and the parties are mostly toy runs and shit like that.
Hello Bert.
Biker culture dying is a good thing. Motorcycle culture is not dead.
I hate them both if it helps.
Here enjoy this biker rap video.
Hell Angels made one years ago , it was so bad that it disappeared from the face of the internet. Anyone uploading it got death threats
Weird flag, nobike homo.
There was a review on a resort vacation website where a guy said he was at a party with american bikers. Won't name them.
He asked the dj to play because I got high, dj said he could not play it. Why ? Because it was a black "artist".
He said they we're cool guys but, they did find some bodies near-by not long after.
As shit, nigga. '74 550 here. I love it.
You know spy vs spy ?
Its like that although nig vs nig
to you
But thats easy user, blm is in no way legit and we certainly should genocide all blacks
Bikers run stuff for cia nggers apparently
Old fag here. My first and only bike was a 1975 Honda XL 100. Complete piece of shit that never ran right. Bikers down the block used to laugh and throw Old Style beer bottles not exactly at me but at the pavement around me. So I gave up motorcycles and bought a Commodore 64.
>piece of shit
Did you try cleaning the carburetor?
They made a south park episode about biker faggots
You would like it
That's a great explanation.
It didn't start out that way. Biker culture emerged from disgruntled, 1000 yard-staring, ww2 vets that just couldn't back into normie life.
>Hell's Angels
Name of the ww2 air squadron that formed the original club .
I only did the bike thing to see all the naked chicks at the rallies. Google Laconia or the Abate Boogie if you are curious. Good excuse to get drunk around whores.
chafe your clit too much? Back to the vintage cuck Yugo or LeCar?
The Indian Scout is the only good "American" bike currently in production. Someone's really gotta kick Harley out of the market.
I'm more of a car guy these days user. My clit is very sensitive.
Kawasaki KZ1000 CSR
Honda CB700
: ]
Do my own work. Clean my own road rash.
350 or 750? You get a pussy on there and it's gonna be like a vibrator!
So? WW2 vets were just as degenerate as Nam vets. HA are faggots that can't even Oregon.
I noticed you put American in quotes. I'm guessing it's "assembled" in America. I imagine the only good American bikes are cottage builders now. Probably expensive as fuck. Old Jap bikes FTW.
Motorbike mechanic here, AMA I guess.
The "American" biker culture is absolute degenerate trash. They do some good here and there but for the most part they are absolute cringe. As for the 1%ers, they are absolute scum. And the Lebo/Arab bastardised biker clubs, they are worst of the lot.
Entrenched organized crime now primarily involved in high level narcotics distribution. Drug dealing business people, happy to extort, pimp, assault, kill for a buck. What’s so rebellious?
I was just sharing arcane knowledge, you mouth-breather.
Classic British is God-Tier.
I live in the desert southwest, trust me boomers are riding even more than when i was growing up. Those faggots are everywhere on their Harley's. So uncool
I dig that mod shit a lot. Note on my budget. I do have an old Lambretta I love sometimes.
probably since the lack of any cheap but american made motorcycles as well as harley davis just making overpriced look-at-me machines, kills anyone wanting to get a motorcycle.
I think motorcycles went from being seen as utilitarian rather than cruise machines for going to the local "dive" bar with your friends
>faggot blew passed me doing a wheelie at 70mph on the freeway
>blew passed
Either you’re a slowfag on the freeway or a lying faggot. I will go with the latter.
I believe I did. I remember doing the old "soak it gasoline overnight" routine too which was conventional wisdom. It was lame in other ways too. It would not want to grab second gear. One down, three up as I recall. Just ride around in first gear with engine missing, looking like a complete faggot while bikers had legit Daisy Duke broads. Done.
>Muh greatest generation
You mean common? Fuck off, partisan cunt.
>white people
Aside from some very niche meme groups I'm pretty sure this is an exclusively American phenomenon. Not surprising considering the nature of your territory.
Could be worse I suppose, at least they're not fruity mods
Organ doners.
A shit stain of the boomer generation. Google rolling thunder. Literally geriatric biker gangs "honoring" veterans at funerals. A fucking disgrace.
Little bit of trivia I picked up;
'Biker culture' traces back to WWII pilot culture.
Pilots came home rattled with PTSD and broke near homeless, little to their names except their leather pilot jackets (hence biker fashion). Because they were broke, they used the most fuel-efficient transport possible at the time- motorcycles. Because of their survival training, they would group together with other trained veterans, hence 'gangs.' Normies tried to get rid of them by enforcing helmet laws, and a lot of them didn't have any helmets except for the German soldier helmets they brought back as souvenirs (why you have the stereotype of bikers in pointed Wilhelmets).
That's a long way past from present day, though.
>fucking caveman rocker
Fuck right off. They got all the pussy.
550, my dude. Perfect blend of power, size, and weight.
Are you familiar with the Katyn motorcycle club?
Fascinating. But why did they kill Tom Wolfe Brando Kesey?
Fucking bikers going around, destroying my property, shooting my Vietnamese, and para dropping in my back yard
There was a Sturgis bike week show than ran a few years until the fucking place burned down during the off season.
Watching that will give you an idea of just how fucking trash biker culture is.
>this is an exclusively American phenomenon
there are hells angles chapters all over europe (and Canada), but honestly I don't care, they import drugs to kill degenerates and run strip clubs, who cares?
Motorcycle culture doesn't seem to be white culture at all, those motor groups seem to take in every thug they can find.
correct. it's a legitimate subculture that's been bastardized to sell motorcycles and leather chaps
Genocide all blacks desu
>I know there is a name for this logical fallacy but I don't know what it is.
false dichotomy
How do i learn about bikes? I know its a dumb question but i just dont know where to start. I dont know jack shit about engines in general either. I need some pointers because my dad's useless and all my mates are surf rats who cant fix a car to save their lives
Fun fact:
No 1% MC can wear the Oregon bottom rocker. Total war would follow. Even wearing one without a club affiliation is risky/good IRL fight troll.
Here in australia it has been taken over by arabs and muslims who use their meth money to fund terrorists overseas but of course the limp dick police refuse to do anything about it
Every fucking leb and wog in the country is part of some biker gang or knows some biker fuckwit. It's all a big mess
buy one
I thought you guys just rode Kangaroos.
Bikers started out as drug dealers that preyed on hippie sluts in the 60s. They made themselves admirable by doing charity shit so other whites wouldn't snitch on them. Since those days bikers degenerated even further into a mix of meth heads and yuppies trying to reinvent themselves as tough guys. One time I saw a group of them on a mountain tour in the Adirondacks. They talked shit to the staff, and at one point one of them told an 8 year old girl to "be afraid".
These people are degenerates with the mentality of a schoolyard bully and a head full of drugs. They're the niggers of whites.
What's so special about it user ?
easiest way I found was to just buy one and learn as you go. Not sure what the markets like in kangaroo land, but you can probably find an old Honda for like $500. Parts are readily available and there's tons of info about working on them. Also buy a clymer manual.
I thought they made up with emus and rode them now
2014 Triumph owner here and I cant fucking stand “biker” culture.
Infested with numales and thots who all want to be motorcycle models. They see what men have in motorcycles and want it for themselves, being attention whores and getting beta soyboy cafe racer orbiters while doing it. These self absorbed cunts ALL have an amateur modeling career AND take fucking selfie videos in the middle of riding, wearing no armor of course because looking hot is super important. All these cunts are a ride away from nearly killing themselves in a crash and then appearing hilariously on facebook using recycled posts about thankfulness and shit and plugging their gofundme because they’re too god damn dumb to have proper insurance.
Bikers these days are 1%ers alright.
1% bikers and 99% instagrammers
>They're the niggers of whites.
This. They even have the same excuse to justify violence; "being disrespected." Some 1% clubs are okay and just hang out and ride. Jokers are okay. Knew a lot of them.
tfw used to rail against degeneracy
tfw became sportbike degenerate scum running from the police 3x a week because its fun
>total war between a bunch of old, fat Boomer slobs and maybe some skid mark tier beaners and nigs.
This is like how niggers take themselves out of the gene pool with regular gang shootings and general niggardry.
It's too bad white bikers aren't this suicidal.
In Canada, the Hell's Angels are the dominant crime syndicate. Canada is a big place and they're the supplier for countless local gangs because of their ability to traffick and have bases hundreds of miles from the nearest law enforcement.
All other states are "owned" by an MC and they war over it. Oregon was declared no-man's land way back in the '70s. No violence here, like CA, WA, AZ, etc.
who else can afford a 20K bike? Anyway. We still have all the drugs and guns and girls, but like any good criminal organization, they keep a low profile. It's 2017 and HA is a corporation.
>sportbike degenerate scum running from the police 3x a week because its fun
I've done that with my GMC Sierra and my Charger of peace, and lost them both times while drunk as hell, probably easier on the rice rocket though, but I imagine your chances of death go way up
The Boomers bought Harleys with money they didn't have, then the 08 recession hit
Bikes were the first to go
No, I just obey the traffic laws and don't cut through lane like a shithead.
See you in the morgue, dumbass.
Why didn't you just get a bike that wasn't a piece of shit
One of the nation’s fastest-growing motorcycle clubs is composed largely of military, police officers and prison guards. It also embraces the regalia and traditions of outlaw biker gangs — a choice that has provoked deadly clashes with other groups.
The Iron Order club insists it is a law-abiding, charitable brotherhood of family men who just like to ride. But experts say its members are increasingly becoming entangled in violence with other biker groups, blurring the line between professionals who are sworn to uphold the law and a biker culture with a long history of criminal activity.
“It’s almost like they are playing dress-up on the weekend and acting out what their perception of an outlaw gang is,” said David Devereaux, a spokesman for the National Council of Clubs, which represents hundreds of motorcycle groups. “They create aggressive situations with other motorcycle clubs in opposition to the culture.”
The ATF says the club “infuriated” the most notorious motorcycle gangs, such as the Hells Angels and Pagans, by wearing a three-piece patch arrangement with a crescent-shaped bottom patch bearing the name of a state. The bottom “rocker” historically belonged to outlaw gangs, called “one-percenters.” But Iron Order never sought their permission to use it and took colors already claimed by other clubs, said John C. Whitfield, an Iron Order attorney and a member himself.
HD sales from late 90s to the recession were off the charts. It was retiring boomers that were buying them. They had $ so the average HD price went up accordingly. The recession hits and American motorcycling took a big hit as motorcycles in America are a luxury, not a necessity like in Asia. The ricers have faired better as they always make cheaper entry level bikes for the soys and women.
Just a few years ago HD made a real effort to go after the young (cheap/poor) market with their street series. Motorcycling is coming back, its just taking a while.
I have a 2012 Triumph Thunderbird Storm matte black.
Mostly so right. But even amongst instagrammers, there are still righteous dudes around.
1957 panhead here. I do it for all the right reasons. I fucking love motorcycles.
ill race you there homie
It's OK as long as they're not exhibitionist poser faggots. Open pipes are off limits, of course.
>Gets passed by a dude going 70
I think you're kind of a faggot