Should i join
Redpill me on the traditionalist workers party
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What do you hope to accomplish, and will membership aid those goals?
I want to become more involved with the protection of my faith and my people. The twp seems to be the best. They are very christian oriented and they are national socialists.
National socialism and this party are not compatible with the Bible's view of wealth as a gift to individuals who are tasked as stewards over it
Do you mean you just want camaraderie with people of similar interests, or are you hoping for a change in legislation based on voting patterns? TWP will never hold any significant political office
Matthew Heimbach says that "fascism is discipline" while his BMI is north of "overweight".
No. It's full of feds.
Socialists should all be fucking slaughtered
Regardless of race
Holy fucking shit
Kill anyone involved in any "workers party"
Commie fucks need to be fucking gassed
Your ideology would allow one giant supertrust to rule the world. Hardly any better in the end and it would lead to communism since the underpaid and poorly treated workers would get tired of porky fucking them in the ass. National socialism protects workers rights. Both communism and modern industrial capitalism were invented by jews
I'm a member and I can help you with joining if you need help. It's not full of feds; that's a patent lie. We aren't doing anything illegal, and we aren't encouraging anyone to do anything illegal.
We aren't "commies", you idiot. What do you think the Nazis were? Not a worker's party?
Post a pic of your membership id so i know youre not larping
Strasserites who will get the night of the long knives treatment.
>joining a bunch of mobidly obese, tatted up LARPers that give the leftist kike media golden photo ops
If you gonna join a group, even IE is better, at least these guys bathe.
Theyre not strasserites you retard
When the US starts to break apart, these political groups will become more relevant.
Gas yourself your poverty loving anti white commie fuck
You people are low IQ subhumans that want whites to suffer
Go move to North Korea you brainwashed cultist
It's incredible how brainwashed you people are by leftist and socialist propaganda
You are TOO STUPID to start a business
Also the Nazis weren't actual socialists you fucking retard
Workers parties are fucking retarded
Capital and white capital owners should take priority over everything.
I swear you just believe commie propaganda
We don't have membership ID's that I'm aware of. At least I was never sent one. I have an account at tradworker dot org, and pay dues.
I can start a business but woth no restrictions on capitalism the supertrust would make a cheaper better version of my product i couldnt compete with causing me to fail or sell out.
I guess you've never heard of the National Socialist German Worker's Party. They were kind of famous.
If you are white and you don't support free markets then you deserve a fucking bullet.
We're trying to free white people from poverty here and you come along with your poverty creating bullshit ideologies and fuck everyone over.
You even believe in the "free market monopolies" myth.
Fuck off, faggot
I don't know anything about Trad Workers Party but Fascism does not have free market and Fascism does not create poverty.
>supertrusts are magically possible in free markets
Wow FDR and his Keynesian propaganda really got a hold on you.
They were anti white pieces of shit that destroyed the White race and created all of this anti white insanity.
If the Nazis didn't exist, white countries would still be white to this day
Their symbol is a menorah in a gear. Apparently they are jewish technocrats.
It's a pitchfork which represents our agrarian past.
It's past your bed time!
He is looking buff these days. Really improved his body.
They already have the KKK.
They save drug users and make them clean.
Got a problem with that?
Fascism does create poverty, it's just another form of socialism.
Free markets destroy poverty
Trump is anti free market socialist cuck like yourself
You love him
The fault lies with the US and Britain. They wouldn't stop until the world was forced to accept globalization and liberalization. The multi national corporations and other hyper rich oligarchs who dictate public policy, are the ones who want immigration. Immigrants are cheap labour, and drive down wages.
I agree with your picture though
Hoppe supports true free markets
Which means white nationalism
It's a honeypot and Matt Chaimbach is a non-white federal informant
steer clear
If they hadn't joined the NationaLARP Front with Vanguard America and NSM, they'd be respectable and a worthy organization to join.
But since they are explicitly associated with the two Bad Optics McLARPfag factions, I'm worried they're more a detriment than an asset.
TWP guys I've met are great, and I'd be glad they're my side at a rally or protest or something.
If you want to join an organization and actually make a difference (as opposed to LARP and engage in self-indulgent extremism), groups more like Identity Evropa are what you're looking for.
Im in america i cant do that
Identity Evropa is an american organization.
Rings right.
I believe like Anglin that we should not put down other white activists.
Not talking about (((white activists))).
Forget about protests and all that bullshit. If you really want to make a difference, come home.
But they do stuff in europe all the time! Are they international?
I don't like putting down other groups. I've met some really decent NSM and TWP guys who are great to stand around a bonfire and drink beers with.
But when it comes to activism and public action, appearances are important if you want to accomplish things for your people and not just get the rush of being edgy in public and being socially transgressive.
You're thinking Generation Identity. They're the European organization.
Identity Evropa is the American identitarian organization.
leaders a fat neck beard that dosnt explain his position well in the few videos he has. join patriot front its better
Join Identity Evropa instead, they are all over the news nowadays for their banner drops and the memorials they made for Kate Steinle and Justine Damond
they also have chapters in most states
Do they work together? Thatd be amazing if there was a white nationalist bridge between america and europe
Don't listen to any of these idiots, OP. These parties are going to make our movement die out.
The real way to go about is to make a white ethnostate. We need to concentrate on the bigger picture here. We're dying and we don't have a country to call our own.
I've heard there's communication between leadership of the organizations. But Generation Identity has to be extremely careful about who they associate with, their optics and their tactics since they don't have free speech over there in old Europe.
Heimbach is a good speaker but he needs to lose weight
Workers party, smells communist. No
IE are LARPers though, they don't do anything besides gay banner drops. TWP has problems but at least they actually do community outreach.
I agree.
Meme white ethnostate.
Theres nothing wrong about it.
Jews have israel.
Africans have africa.
We need a white ethnostate
Most of IE's work is on the back end, which until we are able to recruit sufficient numbers (4000-5000) is probably for the best. Without critical mass, conventional public rallies is probably too big of a risk. Once we reach this level of numbers and, most importantly, neutralize the doxxing threat (by forming our own communities and having a support network in place to support/relocate those whose lives are destroyed) - a dedicated core of doxxed activists doing flash rallies/guerilla propaganda events like the memorials is sufficent.
I do wish IE did more work with Spencer and the NPI crew - they were spearheading efforts to form a legal defense network, which is essential for our long-term efforts.
IE doesn't work with Specer+NPI crew more because they want to be brought in under the Alt-Right corporate umbrella with, NPI, Radix, etc. as they want to be their own thing. This is why Spencer+NPI don't work as closely with them.
IE did help staff and run NPI this year, though.
That pic is my OC, I'm a national socialist. You are correct in saying it's not "actual socialism" (ie. public OWNERSHIP of the means of production) but workers' rights are absolutely still protected. Things like; outsourcing sweatshops & harmful local business practices would not be allowed, as long as you're ok with that we're all good. Have another Venezuela OC for your troubles.
IE is a bunch of faggots. They take everyone's shekels and then don't tell anyone how they're using the money, and when people ask, they threaten to dox them. Nathan Damigo is a manlet. IE just LARPs, and they're going to kill the pro-white movement. Never trust these bourgeois polo shirt wearing cucks.
Mosley dropping the mother of all redpills:
>ie just LARPS
fuck off they do more work then most of the other groups combined
its not LARPing if you are doing actual activism
anybody know what ever happened to C18?
i went to one of their USA meetings about 10 years ago and it was mostly fat drunks, some meth heads too I think.
They were labeled a terrorist organization and got buttfucked by cianiggers