So is hating Jews like a nescesity anymore. I get the "muh jeans" "muh muddy eastern peace" sure. But at this point it seems to me like it's almost a Normie meme. Like fucking fidget spinners or dabbing. Is there any real pull towards anti Semitism. Anymore?
> not Jew
> also don't like Jews
> still not a Jew
Other urls found in this thread:
I posted about this earlier today
White people did multiculturalism to themselves
The Jews are merely a symptom of complacency dating back millenia
Kind of like how you sharts have such disproportionate racial crime statistics, you let a certain zoological trade across the Atlantic and it's been down hill ever since. At least they (made) some good music though haha
Sorry user I didn't see it. Good read tho. I'm just concerned that Sup Forums's resources can't be put into greater threats now a days. It's not like I don't understand the threat that they are and proceed to be but isn't there more tasking matters to address out there?
White folks will never be able to solve the problems in our societies until our parasitical semitic friends are gone. It is step one for any sensible nation to remove foreign agents before attempting anything else lest it be ruined by the traitors.
fuck off
Jews didn't give women the vote. That was us :^)
Are they still normalizing homosexuality, pedophilia and infanticide while brain washing white people into not having as many children and race mixing? Not that I'm 100% against race mixing, but it shouldn't be pushed.
It seems like one of these threads pop up every minute on Sup Forums these days. "Jews aren't so bad. Stop hating Jews. Best ally"
No they're fucking not, they're cancer and need to be expunged from our society if its ever to be successful and for the common man again.
>not a Jew
>don't like Jews
> not a Jew
"Best ally"
What makes you think that I'm sitting here shackling about how I'm tricking you all into accepting them. I dont accept them. I don't tolerate them. I just think that the threat isn't as great as it used to be. Nig nogs are still wrecking US cities over "muh live matters". Cupcake gender fairies are seizing free speech because they didn't we an election. And what do we do about it. " blame the kikes".
People are too stupid to realize they are being divided and conquered. You are helping them.
Damn user. That one kinda hurt. But you're right in most ways. Still, I believe I am to. But I'll still proudly say I'm no race mixer. Or fucking Jew fucker. Agree to disagree?
People who are obsessed with the idea of race, whether that obsession is for it or against it, will never discover our true enemy. They cannot see the forest for the trees.
Ironically the Jews get stronger when you hate them. The source of their strength is the mythos around the goyim being this massive adversary. You can never trust the goyim because they'll be nice to you one day and try to holocaust you the next.
>Is there any real pull towards anti Semitism
Jesus H. Christ I know what happened to this board. Ted Kaczynski was right again and here we are.
There shouldn't be a "pull" towards hating Jews, in fact I would argue most people don't hate them on here. They just want them to fuck off to Israel and leave everyone else or catch a bullet. It's not a fucking normie meme you fucking idiot. I don't think you would get that though because your life has no goddamn meaning and you are looking to attach some meaning to it with other peoples beliefs. Find your own purpose.
the JQ is basically the only thing from 2015 /pol that is still socially taboo. It's even becoming more rare here since we've been infested with normalfag lolberts who enjoy sucking kike dick.
I think everyone should take Kevin McDonald's advice and only let Big Brain Nibbas discuss the JQ.
Anti-Semitism is a Jewish trick.
It's not bigotry to hold Jews and Israel accountable.
OP is a kike.
>most people don't hate them on here
The_donald detected. Jews fucking want us extinct. They HATE us. Fuck jews, they all should be gassed.
The more you educate yourself on Talmudic Judaism, the more you'll see how fucked Western Civilization is.
They're evolving.
You're both retarded. Jews don't actively hate us, except for a few extremists. It's not that simple. It's more about their effect as a distinct group on host countries. They're a homogeneous culture that resists integration, 200 years from now there will still be self identifying jews, unlike italian migrants or mexican migrants, etc. Combine that with their naturally high EQ and verbal intelligence and you have a group that rises to the top of media and politics but doesn't consider itself a part of the nation proper. That's a recipe for disaster and it's what people mean when they talk about the JQ. It isn't even a hate thing, I'm friends with a few jews and they're great people sometimes. They're just extremely harmful as a group.
Pretty much this. Just like said there definitely needs to be some nuance when discussing the JQ. Basically the way I see it is that there's an elite group of Jewish extremists who write the doctrine and pull the strings, and then the vast majority of remaining Jews are either neutral actors or unknowingly complicit. Most of the really Jewwy Jews are likely Jewing subconsciously, not out of hatred for the goyim.
b'nai brith probably wishes all non Jews were extinct but then how would they have everything provided to them? I don't hate most Jews, I just don't want them around. Back to Israel or catch a bullet is not a radical policy fuckwit.
I can agree with that. Culture of Critique opened my eyes to a lot of things that are pretty actively buried or just not talked about in history books.
>jewing subconciously
this m8. I've spent a lot of fucking time around jews. Jews are the most neurotic people you will ever find. It's in their nature to be vulgar and obscene, hence the filth we see in the media. They are also insecure to the max which is why they try to promote diversity subconciously, as a way of making themselves more welcome.
You are mostly right but the thing is their hatred and resentment towards Whites/Christians (same thing in their mind) is deeply baked into their culture. It is both conscious and unconscious. There isn't one giant Jewish secret plan or anything, but they are more or less all driven by fear and hatred of Europeans. And then of course there are specific smaller Jewish 'conspiracies', like the porn industry, most of which are not really secret but only the Jewishness of them is hidden behind the typical Jewish crypsis where they pretend to consuder themselves White.
The thing is I don't really think Jews are actually lying when they pull the "fellow white people" card. I think in a way they actually do consider themselves white, but their attachment to their specific religious and cultural in-group is so strong that they end up functioning as an entirely different race altogether. I ultimately think Jewishness is more a matter of identity than it is a matter of race seeing as how most Ashkenazi Jews have a significant amount of European admixture and can easily "function" as white Europeans.
You are right about identity vs biological race but there is always some overlap there. Their identity as 'fellow Whites' is entirely one directional though, it is only a tool and never an actual identity. There are edge cases, like confused mischlings, but for the most part Jewish identity is so overwhelming and ethnocentric that it precludes any sort of real feelings of identifying with Whites. But ultimately how they feel is less important than what they do.
I mean, how can you not?
The really funny thing about Culture of Critique is that MacDonald uses mainly Marxian and Freudian tactics to analyze Jewish culture in that book.
>tfw we've been Jewed so hard that at this point we can literally only speak in Jew
>it is only a tool and never an actual identity
Not entirely sure about that. Maybe on an entirely subconscious level that's true, but if it were entirely the case then Jews wouldn't be intermarrying with whites at the rate that they do. Aside from other Jews whites seem to be the Jews' favorite out-group to associate with, so on some level they must consider themselves white, even if they're still subconsciously Jewish. Various studies have been done that back up this claim, and you can read about them here:
are you really trying to meme to Sup Forums that jews are ok ?
are you a total fucking mong ?
>yes you are