>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
>It's the most wonderful time in 8 years
>Joe is Joe Christmas Songs
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania 2017 Christmas Message 12/25/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania taking kids calls to NORAD 12/24/17
>Pres Trump Christmas Eve messages to the troops 12/24/17
>Pres Trump motorcade en route to Mar-A-Lago 12/22/17
>Tiffany in Palm Beach FL 12/22/17
>Pres Trump arrives in Palm Beach FL 12/22/17
>Pres Trump departs DC 12/22/17
>Pres Trump signs Tax Bill 12/22/17
>JCS Chair Gen Dunford Christmas message 12/22/17
>EnergySec Perry Christmas Message 12/22/17
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC on NoKo 12/22/17
>Turtleman casual friday speech 12/22/27
>WH Video: VP Pence in Afghanistan 12/22/17
>Pres Trump flies through a flock of birds on Marine1 12/21/17
>Pres Trump visiting the wounded @Walter Reed 12/21/17
>Pres Trump wishes Merry Christmas to everybody 12/21/17
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Gib rhodesia back
Cum to Melania!
Wow.....I thought Trump was anti-semitic......but I guess he really is a shabbos goy
>One book bought per year,
Only one?
How long is this meme gonna last?
Is there a second civil war coming?
It feels like the divide between left and right is growing greater by the day.
Until 2018 elections, duh
No! That's not your woman, dawg!
So Basically WW1 was = You have cancer
and WW2 was = After a long hard fight against cancer, Western Civilization dies
And post WW2 is living off of Western Civilization's corpse.
And it is starting to stink.
If you can handle more, go ahead. Was referring to someone that may have had problems with reading, retention, etc.
Until Democrats take back the House in 2018.
so is the mugabe coup better or worse? I cant imagine rhodesia is worse than killing all the white farmers in the 1980s right?
any kind of violent liberal uprising against a republican national government would be shut down so fast it wouldnt even be called a civil war
i wouldnt worry too much about that
It looks much better, I don't see why you wouldn't.
Fucking B a s e d
Democrats are the real antisemites!
How does the MM explain Trump being a Zionist and a Nazi?
>all these Fag S posters
>none of the most MAGA AOTY
It would have been hit hard but then Alabama happened so never
I wonder if my dad roams these threads
Had never heard of Boxing Day til one of these threads yesterday
About an hour ago he wished me a Happy Boxing Day
kino was shit not even AOTS sorry lad
Wait never mind, they're fucking women's sunglasses?
Maybe it will just be a slow decline
Maybe it will be a dirty war
Maybe even a civil war
Or just Balkanization
I would start preparing now regardless for all possibilities
Good luck with that. The way the House is gerrymandered at present makes that a Herculean task and without King Nigger in the White House that's not happening.
NU Males need to be gassed first. They are traitors to the white man.
its almost as if, when trump said that obama was the mvp of isis
he was completely correct
Credit to Trump there, sadly media won’t report on it
now where do i get these sunglasses? can you guys track them down?
How do we get middle class Whites to turnout??? They are young demographic and haven’t really turned out since November 1972 and even less so since Nov 2006.
All the energy is with the Democrats right now. Republicans aren't turning out in the Trump era. The median swing in 2017 House elections is +15D. That's more than enough to give Democrats 240 House seats, if not more.
And hopefully the #Metoo movement will clear the rest of the dems from making any real advancements into the House & Senate
>First white farmer gets land back in Zimbabwe
>A white Zimbabwean farmer evicted by the government of Robert Mugabe has returned to a hero’s welcome as the first to get his land back under the new president, in a sign of reform on an issue that had hastened the country’s international isolation.
>With a military escort, Robert Smart made his way into Lesbury farm about 125 miles east of the capital, Harare, on Thursday to cheers and song by dozens of workers and community members.
>New President Emmerson Mnangagwa, a longtime Mugabe ally but stung by his firing as vice president, has promised to undo some land reforms as he seeks to revive the once-prosperous economy.
top kek, buddy
Never going to happen in a million years.
Canadians need the gas first
Well republicans need to actually turn out or they are going to underperform
Apparently so. But if the Mooch doesn't mind, why should you?
I've heard a few NPR segments where they've acknowledged how Trump's loosening of the reigns helped speed it up.
It's there but its a begrudging acceptance.
im ready for the long awaited blue wave this time dems will seriously take blah blah blah
>240 house seats
now that is what i call delusion
A trend I hope
It's very simple, Polls lie.
Screencapped for November 2018 /ptg/ salt.
People aren't voting on the economy in these elections anymore, they're voting on character, and Trump's character is so disgusting that the Republican base isn't turning out for him anymore while the Democratic base is energized to remove him.
>Alabama will never be Blu—
Nothing is certain, I would start getting serious about the midterms now while there is still time
i think pollsters lie, they were always over sampling dems a few %
and then like magic trump did a few % better in many key states
Most Canadian "males" are NU males so I agree.
>blue wave
>still believing this
Here's your (((Salt)))
/ptg/ still thinks the Alabama election was a fluke, that it could only happen when the GOP candidate was facing pedophilia allegations.
Dems had turnout over 90% of their election year turnout rate. That doesn't happen in special elections unless the base is energized as all hell.
Partially correct: They are not voting on economy or religious issues but on immigration on the republican side; Correct that Democrats are turbo mad right now and trying to Illinois the country
do you have a november 2016 screencap? i just want a laugh
or the hillary memes, i dont have any of those
No he doesn't, fake news.
That sounds like fake news. Alabama sucked but that isn't Jeff Sessions' fault. That is jointly owned by Mitch McConnell for cucking out and being afraid of losing power in the Senate, Steve Bannon for being a fucktard, and Roy Moore for a plethora of reasons.
Two sips?
Mass shooting happening. Memphis shopping mall.
200% nice
youre welcome
>People aren't voting on the economy in these elections anymore, they're voting on character, and Trump's character is so disgusting that the Republican base isn't turning out for him anymore while the Democratic base is energized to remove him.
See: Bill Clinton, 1996 Presidential Election
"It's the economy, stupid!"
>t. James Carville
Is there a canadian forum I can go to and shit all over everything with impunity?
Just because they demoralized (R) alabama voters (when the candidate was slightly insane) does not mean democrat turnout was amazing, democrat turnout was about what you would expect. If they had come out in some kind of record numbers you might be right, but they didn't.
Pollsters, sure. Remember that polls can be constructed to have a predictive outcome. No media in their lefty philosophy would allow fairly balanced and truly random narrative.
It's been a while since I've seen revolting clickbait like this.
Imagine being so powerful that people write articles on your eating and drinking habits.
Republican dysfunction doesn't mean Democrat energy. The problem is the ongoing GOP civil war between the establishment and the newcomers. Both VA and Alabama showed that when one side of the conflict takes its ball and goes home, the Democrats win (though VA was kind of a lost cause regardless). Georgia and Montana showed that when both sides cooperate, the Democrats lose. Ultimately what needs to happen for 2018 is post-primary reconciliation, where both sides agree that no matter what, it's imperative that democrats don't take congress. Unfortunately, the McCains, Flakes, and Corkers aren't going to want to play ball, meaning that the Bannon wing will double down.
Trump needs to broker some sort of peace in the GOP if he doesn't want the Democrats to steal congress out from under him.
nigger we ain't ants
Or the bus in mass amounts of people from interstate.
>and Roy Moore for a plethora of reasons.
He had no actual campaign other than anti establishment sentiments.
>thinking the Australia meme is just a joke
>Unlike most jellyfish, which have stingers only on their tentacles, the Irukandji also has stingers on its bell. Biologists have yet to discover the purpose of this unique characteristic.
>Irukandji jellyfish have the ability to fire stingers from the tips of their tentacles and inject venom.
>Irukandji jellyfish's stings are so severe they can cause fatal brain haemorrhages and on average send 50-100 people to the hospital annually.
>It is capable of delivering a sting 100 times as potent as that of a cobra and 1,000 times stronger than a tarantula.
>Irukandji syndrome is produced by a small amount of venom and induces excruciating muscle cramps in the arms and legs, severe pain in the back and kidneys, a burning sensation of the skin and face, headaches, nausea, restlessness, sweating, vomiting, an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, and psychological phenomena such as the feeling of impending doom
>Patients have been reported as being so certain they are going to die, they beg their doctors to kill them to get it over with.
>they beg their doctors to kill them
>they beg their doctors to kill them
I wouldn’t be a problem if people just got serious and stop pretending everything is fine, even with 90% turnout the GOP would have still easily won if they showed up like regularly
I don’t think it’s too late for them to turn things around at this point but if everyone keeps saying “lol we will crush 2018 on geography alone” they are going to be shocked when the house takes a hit and the senate only gets a seat or two instead of the expected 6 or more
sessions would have easily won though
They were caught bussing in faggots, niggers, and illegals from out of state. Voter fraud was why it appeared dem voter turnout was way up. You're going to hang.
Just a Kang conquering more niggerlands for his people.
Also I’m not trying to respond but would like to address your point, especially since no one saw my trips. The young middle class republican base hasn’t really turned out since Nov 2006 and has been turning out less and less since Nov 1972. For example Middle Class Whites are 34% of Texas but only 26% of voters in Texas
you guys aren't bullying teh shills are you?
Sup Forums
Alabama is full of of gibmedats. It's gonna be blue until someone picks up a job and purges them.
Yeah I do too
Sessions is the biggest disappointment and might even be the single thing that cripples Trump long term, which is sad considering how helpful he was during the primary for Trumps policy
>No Hannity
>No Ingraham Angle
help me please..
Bullying shills doesn't violate the NAP
They asked for it