Why didn't you like the new Star Wars movie, bigot?
Why didn't you like the new Star Wars movie, bigot?
Other urls found in this thread:
>movies literally only exist for the sake of making money
>fail at it using one of the largest franchises ever
>start whining that the movie was just too smart for people
I've seen this episode before, but it was in real life and happened in November 2016
Read the (((wired))) article if you want a laugh.
This is true, even I found it hard to understand and I am a Rick & Morty fan.
Sigh. I thought we had moved past denial into anger.
Link you worthless fuck
>Captain Fasma: You were always scum.
>Finn: Rebel Scum.
It didn't make enough money.
You dont need me
Lucky for her that's a story from a year ago. I'd like to see her try to say that tomorrow.
Underrated kek.
>still watching Zionist brainwash
I hope she does
>tfw to smart too be entertaining
its making 100s of millions. some are using the drop off this week as proof, but they never had a xmas eve weekend for the last few. its going to have a huge boxing day, etc during this week and then next week numbers will magically be great again. its a shit movie, but its not failing and its making its money and then some back. it will also be around a billion in the end.
It had its flaws but it was a solid addition to a series that was riddled with idiotic, nonsensical decisions from day 1.
People who disagree with this are either dumb fanboys or ideologues who willfully misunderstand the plot of the movie to support their foregone conclusions.
What if I told you a straight white virgin neet male actually wrote all the new star wars movies and sabotaged it for fanboys on purpose?
It's okay. Mark Hamil did a 360 and he now likes The Last Jedi©
>Why didn't you like the new Star Wars movie?
Because the new characters were terrible, most of the plot went nowhere, almost all of the humor was cringeworthy, and it completely dropped 90% of the interesting shit set up in the previous episode and flipped a giant bird to the fans.
Too smart to be a blockbuster
Rian did to the franchise what Luke did to his lightsaber.
Yes lets alienate our core demographic for the sake of pushing our dumb agenda that people are sick of having shoved down their throats.
He dodged the obvious plot point at least, now they don't know what to expect.
soyboy open mouth pic, why do they do this?
we've seen it all before when the kikes stupidly push for ideas that dont grab a hold, they call it 'intellectual' afterwards
>kikes are fucking dumb btw
Haha I haven’t watched Star babies science they added those shit house computer animations in jabbas palace in return of the jewdi. Seriously gay
It's part of the Soyboy Collective Unconsciousness, an identifier to his fellow peers
There's a big drop off in earnings this week
/layers of complexity/ ya right
honestly kikes ought be fucked in the butt
You know why
Outlaw the Rebel Star Wars flag!
I literally addressed that with it being on a christmas eve weekend this year you retard.
You'd think after Weimar Germany, the kikes would humble themselves, but no. I'm going to make goddamn sure all of this kikery is preserved forever for when the kikes try to take control again.
user its already made 791 million at the box office and expected to hit 1 billion+ when its released in China.
>people won't go to a theater to see the new Star Wars
>people will go to a basketball game on Christmas and other things
Because they're ugly and this sort of exaggerated expression helps hide that fact.
It is said that it only cost $200M to make, but I'm guessing that's bullshit. And, besides, what % of the annual gross were they counting on to fund the other anti-white shit?
to be fair you have to have a very high IQ to understand the new star wars movie
>be Star Wars fan
>grow up, join Sup Forums
>take the red pill, join the empire
>new Star Wars movies comes out
>The empire is suddenly the baddies
Wtf! Fuggin sjws ruining Star Wars.
Just like "Artemis" is an intellectual and award-winning sci-fi novel. Hint: It isn't. It is one of the most insultingly poor grasps of the science involved in almost every aspect that could be written by an adult.
>yfw the left tries the last resort "you were too dumb to get it" excuse when yet another one of their failures yet again fails.
>new Star Wars movie, bigot
SJW: The movie, also it was full of plot holes, it's like Disney hired a million chimips and women to write and act and then the jew in charge hoped it would work..oh wait they would never do that
i hate anything that disney makes.
>look at that neck.
>notice the character cover her UGLY FUCKING NECK
You haven't seen shit yet
(((intellectual))) has become the new (((problematic))) in the sense that its use regarding something immediately outs the user as a leftist/SJW/numale/globalist
>I found it hard to understand and I am a Rick & Morty fan.
The writers must have been Big Bang Theory fans with an IQ of 6000. The only character I could understand was Chewy
>Why didn't you like the new Star Wars movie, bigot?
Because it was terrible storycrafting -- I'm an amateur author myself, and the new Star Wars movies are just bad quality.
The Force Awakens was something of a crossover between a shot-for-shot remake of A New Hope and a [bad] fanfiction... The Last Jedi was a character assassination on Luke, and just shat all over the entirety of established canon. One guy described it as "Hate Mail to the Fans", and that is exactly accurate.
That too.
Eye candy CGI for Generation Snowflake, bub. Hell, I'd probably enjoy it just for the shit-blows-up factor, but I'm not putting a dime into (((Disney's))) pockets for this bag of Marxist shit.
>The Force Awakens was something of a crossover between a shot-for-shot remake of A New Hope and a [bad] fanfiction... The Last Jedi was a character assassination on Luke, and just shat all over the entirety of established canon. One guy described it as "Hate Mail to the Fans", and that is exactly accurate.
This. Additionally, Leia and that other woman should have had less important roles. The destroyed Luke’s character and tried to make the female characters unnecessarily important. Luke and Anakin had to train a shit ton to become Jedis but the new girl kicks Luke’s ass and Kyle Ren’s ass with almost zero training. Lame and sad.
See, you Marxists fucksticks keep telling yourselves that. But that doesn't make it true. You're the dumbest pack of shaved apes to ever curse the Earth.
>predicting it won’t fail
>claim it’s not a failure based on your own prediction
Fuck off you stupid fucking cuck leaf.
>Star Wars: The Force Awakens released December 18th, 2015
>Star Wars: The Last Jedi released December 14th, 2017
So explain to me how this film's riding coattails to be $200m behind its predecessor is not considered failure exactly? If your film is projected to gross two billion and it ends up grossing a billion, you have lost a billion in projected revenue. your studio is down a potential billion dollars.
why have jews stopped putting their names on the trash they write?
I've seen this movie before
Watched the last two. Won’t be watching this one. They’re just not worth the money for me to watch a bunch of cunts flaile around and act like birches.
So... they claim to respect diversity.... BUT kill the only actual diversity representing character from the original series (Lando doesn't count) and don't even give him a fucking line.
Fuck you.
>advocate for lgbtq
>pronouns he/him
These are soy levels I could never imagine before
>>Star Wars: The Force Awakens released December 18th, 2015
>>Star Wars: The Last Jedi released December 14th, 2017
Facts are white male constructs, user. Jeeez, don't you know nuffin?
Seriously, you're exactly correct. TFA was a classic "fished in" scenario. Eye candy with no plot, other than a Marxist/PC/SJW rehash of the original. It did well because everyone was excited to see a new installment, to see how the characters had aged, nostalgia, etc. But that was a one-time shot, and even with that one, people remarked on the lack of good plot, the overt Cultural Marxist/SJW agenda and so forth. The best comment I saw about TFW awakens was: "Lucas made an adult movie for kids. Abrams made a kids' movie for adults." But after al, it's what (((they))) do, especially nowadays.
TLJ's blatantly bullshit (((agenda))) was seen coming a parsec away, aggravated by having a feminazi cunt in charge of it, (see) and just like with the NFL Kneel-Gros, a lot of people are determined to not reward bad behavior.
Insert cock in mouth.
They better keep pushing this shit, it will redpill a lot of people
mouth breathing
How much did it take to produce that movie? Just curious.
should prolly say 'starwars jumped the shark' desu
He actually did have lines, they just don't matter and no one paid any attention to him or asked him what he thought of the situation despite being a war veteran and highly ranked.
not a lot of information about the last jedi, but if you're that curious I'm sure you could do your best to figure it out. total costs of production for TFA was $423 including advertising and physical disks produced
Exactly... white women needed more attention.
>Chink appeasement character kisses token black guy
>There's no way this will backfire
I'm excited to see how the chinks react to this one shot alone.
Idk enough about the state of chinese culture to know if this will cause a chinkout or just some more bashing online though
If there is no difference than projected numbers I'll be genuinely impressed at how cucked the chinese are
They say 200m. That means they spent close to 400m on it and advertising. You also have to factor time lost with unpaid interviews aand shit like free tickets for gimmicky shit.
This is after cutting a huge chunk of cost by doing shit in house. They can get away with salary wage slave produced cgi and non guilded support. Then they could not be counting actor pay as they signed fridge, nut cracker and kubla han for contracts before this movie. I would not be surprised to find that Poe's actor is the only one not screwed by a contract because he has been on the chopping block for both movies.
White men prefer Monica Lewinsky anyway.
friendly reminder that if purple hair cunt had told Poe about her plan instead of being a condescending "I'm a strong womyn and I don't need to explain anything to you" cunt the plan would have worked and the whole crew would have survived since Finn would have never left the ship, and therefore the code guy would have been nonexistent in the plot (cant rat them out if you're not there)
her pride and strong womyn moment got everybody killed, let that sink in
Boxing day?
Why are Canadiens such outrageous faggots?
Don't they have a history of changing things around or adding things for Chinese releases? I wonder if they'll just photoshop him out.
as long as they dont have a kick-boxing day you're a huge leaf faggot
The (((writers))) for wired that wrote this niggered piece.
>brought something that one generation loved and made it meaningful for another generation
I wonder if these faggots are capable of thinking beyond their buzzwords?
Holy shit, is this what the Geico caveman has been up to?
The term "intellectual" is the replacement for "mindless propaganda" in current year.
Also a reminder that in order to 'put him in line' she brings up how he 'wasted' their bombers. Bombers that were destroyed in taking out the dreadnought, that if it were also chasing them, would've annihilated them in seconds and that also would have been in the hanger which was completely destroyed with all of their smaller craft and most of their pilots.
Quick edit
Then we gotta agitate shit and spam A/B comparisons to try and attack Hollywood sjws and their investors by targeting the chinks hyper adversion to race mixing
There's no other option, the potential for massive bantz returns will be quite favorable if we hit the bricks prior to launch of Jedi in China.
Maybe start spamming Rose/Friendly Negro 264 kiss shots on the chinknet
get the fuck in here
It isn't hard make a film more "intelligent" than all the Star Wars films. The expanded universe on the other hand.
Who else born in 90s watch this series anyway
No, fuck off.
yes, fuck you
whats even funnier is how they fucking asspulled the martyr moment for miss purple hair
>divert all fuel to escape ships
>main ship still magically has power to jump to lightspeed despite literally everything being fucking gone
>most intellectual star wars movie
such great heights
It was really a cautionary tale of neglecting military spending
>Roger Bert
I thought he was dead.