Did you never figure out that the first book was plagerised? Guess not. So who really wrote all this bunk? Political schemers that wanted you to pay them to live the hi life. Hookers and booze. That is what the church funds. What a laughing stock.
Cognitively Challenged
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Believe on Jesus or spend eternity tortured in Hell
Honestly no memes, I would be happy to discuss why the Bible is God's word if you're interested at all
The first book is plagiarized from the original desert death cult or the followers of david. Why did god plagiarize? Is that not bearing fals witness?
What's your evidence?
Well other than both Christianity and Judaism agreeing that the first five books of the bible are in the torah? I guess I am just pulling shit out of my ass like most believers in sky fairies....
One of the reasons I can't be Christian. Even if parts of it do turn out to be genuine, I just can't trust it. I mean, the fact that different books are rejected by different iterations of Christian faith is pretty telling that SOMEONE had to have lied about it before, who's to say the whole thing isn't fabrication?
The fact that the original desert death cult set up the mythology and that the bible is basically fan fiction is no longer up for debate....
>first five books of the bible are in the torah
WOAH... really discovered America here OP.
Are you referring to the old testament as the first book?
If so, it's obviously not plagiarism since it doesn't claim to be anything other than what it is, I mean it's literally the exact same books that the Jews have and we don't pretend otherwise.
Not much on logic are we? If the followers of David wrote the first five books, but God is really christian, the christian God is using a heathen's writings and claiming it as his own. Plagerism at best. PT Barnum in reality....
The stories can be traced back to the Sumerians. They are true in a way, but the point of the Bible is to give a model on how to live life that is beneficial to you and others.
judaism was Christianity till they reject Christ you know?
I don't see how earnest disagreements about the cannon of scripture has to involve anybody lying.
But beyond that, all Christian denominations agree on the cannon of the New-Testement, the books that are typically disputed are 6-9 in the Old-Testement, and some tracts, that don't affect doctrine that much.
The bible is a model for a pyramid scheme. Nothing more. It and it's attendant superstition have made a mockery of life and held the world hostage for far too long.
Christians accept the Pentateuch ( The 5 books of Moses, the Torah) as God breathed scripture.
And we accept the old covenant, Judaism, as a legitimate covenant that the Hebrews had with God.
Which was than superseded by the new covenant, Christianity.
What's the evidence of Sumerian mythology as a source?
The Bible does not claim to be just a model for moral living, it is written to be interpreted as a historical record
Some biblical stories bear resemblance to other ancient religious mythology, however this doesn't necessarily prove a derivative relationship between the two, just that they belong tot he same genre, and perhaps were written in the same time period and in similar cultural conditions.
Sounds like lawyer esque rationalization for weak logic. Face your mortality. There is no afterlife.
In other words, plagiarized....
Please explain to us all how the bible (out of all religious texts) is the only one that is “of God.”
dude, look up conscientiousness and science, literally we know there's an afterlife, you can say you dont know if Christianity is the truth, but there's an afterlife
what other religion do you know? what other religion did as Christianity did?
The mind is a terrible thing. It also can make you hallucinate. NDE, OOB etc are all self induced hallucinations. Deal.
how can you hallucinate if you are supposedly dead?
>what other religion did as Christianity did?
That question is vague as fuck and i have no idea what you even mean by it.
Do the dead speak? Only the living speak, therefore the anecdotes are not from the dead, but the living; the living which experienced a halucination.
I know the Bible is true because I was preached the gospel unto salvation and saved by the Holy Spirit. I also would not have believed the bible on it's own merit, but I have come to learn that the bible is the most historically consistent ancient text of all, and Jesus' life and impact are corroborated by secular historians
doctors say they were clinically dead, and came back to life
Yea, I guess if you consider books of the same genre to all be plagerizations of one another. Or of a specific series of that particular genre.
>There is no afterlife.
I'm not convinced, you haven't established a very good case for that.
>Sounds like lawyer esque rationalization for weak logic.
I don't see why. Within the Pentateuch itself, the Mosaic covenant Judaism, made with Moses and the Hebrews on mount Sinai, supersedes the covenant God made with Abraham.
>Face your mortality.
A great part of the appeal of Christianity comes from facing your own mortality.
So god is in the game of souls. The more souls the better. That is why Jesus came down. Now if Jesus had a twitter account, could he not have saved more souls? Why did god forsake all those lost souls who never heard of jesus? If only the Israelites had been given the electron.
Also, if god is all knowing, he should have seen the rise of Islam; given that christianity is really a rebellion against judaism and islam is a rebellion against christianity. Why did he not give the Israelites gun powder? Nope. No weapons for you to put the Islamists in their place. Nope. Gunna give that gunpowder to the isolationist chinese.
What a buffoon. Not all knowing. Not all powerful. Therefore, non existent.
literally in genesis God teaches about islam rise
Quote some scripture son and lets see how you rationalise this one.
What a strawman
The bible directly says that a minority of people will go to heaven. He didn't forsake anybody, every elect person in history will go to heaven
Straw man? Why did not jesus have a twitter account to spread the gospel in a wider fashion? What was the point of waiting 2000 years. You got nothing.
Genesis 21
17 God heard the boy’s cries, and God’s messenger called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, “Hagar! What’s wrong? Don’t be afraid. God has heard the boy’s cries over there. 18 Get up, pick up the boy, and take him by the hand because I will make of him a great nation.”
muslims believe ishmael is the son of the promise, being the first born from abraham
This is a very liberal use of the term "Jew".
A better term would be Abrahmic, since in actual usage Jewishness is connected to Judaism specifically.
something i have notice, is that the angel say i will make of him a great nation and not God
that angel could be lucifer
Absolute tripe. There is no way that is a call to arms that the Islamists are coming. Again, the only reason religions exist is because 50% of all Humanimals are cognitively challenged. Easily led. Inculcated. Your superstition is ruining the planet.
muslims believe they descend from ishmael, the Bible teaches about ishmael making a great nation, must be a coincidence
Except secular historian agree the gospels are amalgamated accounts from a variety of writers, edited to eliminate discrepancies (descriptive and theological) and promote early church leaders’ unified and patriarchal adgenda. Only scraps of that Bible, and it’s source scrolls remain, the bulk of the text coming from Greek and Latin translations, which themselves are contradictory, until a common version was agreed upon a millennia later, only then much later translated into common languages like English. So, copies of multiple translations formed from contradictory accounts ... but it’s the Word of God, not hand of man? That’s Faith, not truth.
No one can really say all there is to say as to why God does this or that.
Regardless, I would say that Jesus effectively does have many twitter accounts, since his followers are on twitter.
Moreover the idea that twitter is an especially good place to reach people who haven't heard of Jesus is laughable given that nearly everybody has heard of Jesus, especially people in developed countries using twitter.
No, whomever created Islam did what Chritianity did to Judaism. They plagerised to make it seem plausible. See? "We come from them, but we have the real scoop" No one ever learns.
Literally NO one liner is going to solve this problem. The Bible is true. If you are too stubborn or stupid to even try to check for yourself, you only have yourself to blame as you spend eternity regretting it.
You think you end at death and all us fools will be disappointed when we don't wake up in Heaven. We think you will wish you had listened when you wake up in hell.
Jesus Christ, only begotten Son of God & messiah of the Jews, died for your sin, was buried, and rose again as stated in the Bible, which you choose to disbelieve. Belief in Him is all that saves. You will bear the punishment for your sins...forever.
It doesn't have to be that way. The pardon has been offered. Pardons can be legally refused. You have the free will to do so. You will be responsible for that free will decision. Choose carefully.
For those still not too hardened, Chuck Missler's Cosmic Codes clearly shows the extra-dimensional nature of not just individual books, but the compilation of 66 book, written by dozens of men over thousands of years. Cyrus believed it spoke of him.
The age of grace ends soon, anons. Then comes wrath.
Repent and get right with Jesus, or burn. The King is coming.
FFS. That is the lames rationalisation I have seen in ages. Face it, you've been duped. There is no afterlife.
muslim did nothing, they dont believe in the divinity of Christ, the only problem with them is this promise kid thing they have, it's a pretty big one tho
you have more proof that there is that there isnt, you are trying to lie to yourself
The bible is filled with hypocrisy and logical flaws. It is a work of fiction propagating a pyramid scheme.
>When you don't have eyes to see nor ears to hear
Read Revelation. Study it. I'll pray for you.
Or the other religion olagerized the Bible. Read Genesis 11
No one has found one of these supposed partial gospels, that you claim have been edited together into the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
Indeed I've never heard of a scholar even making this kind of claim.
All the oldest gospels are overwhelmingly the same, and are affixed the correct title.
Moreover the idea that supposed contradictions in the various gospels or texts in the bible generally are irreconcilable is just your layman opinion, historically as you said Christian haven't had a hard time reconciling these supposed contradictions.
Yea, well being such a lame rationalization and all you don't seem to have a reply beyond feigned incredulity.
Now perhaps I have been duped, however all I can do is what any man can do and that is to rely on the information that have to navigate the world.
Well, at least it's mostly stupidity. You don't even know what a pyramid scheme is and you are lecturing others on eternity?!
Maybe God will have mercy and break you. You'd better hope so.
OK southern man, recall your idioms. "You catch more flies with honey than vinegar." Apply that to the Bible. God fishes for souls with vinegar in the first book. Then he realises all this smiting is not so conducive to putting asses in the pews. So, instead of asking for sacrifices, he does a 180 and sacrifices a son for us. Huh. Now if he was so smart, why did he not just lull us in with the kumbaya to begin with?
Not so omniscient. He made a mistake. He did not see that the god of fear was not winning converts. If he made a mistake, that makes him fallible. Gods are not fallible. THerefore the christian god can not exist.
Logic of the greeks and your own book proves that the god of the bible does not exist. Deal.
>The bible is filled with hypocrisy and logical flaws
such as
Such as the fact that the first book was an abortion in getting converts so the strategy changed. IF god is all knowing, he should have known that the smiting god was not going to be succesful and gone straight for the jesus saves version of christianity. THe fact that christianity has had to go through a rev 2.0 proves the limit of god's understainding. Lack of underastanding shows that he is fallable. A fallable god does not exist.
The lowest idiot can read the bible and see that paragraphs are repeated almost verbatim over and over, showing multiple different authors giving their "take" on each section of the collection of bullshit which is the magic book of the paedo-wizards.
God says the same things in the OT and the NT, you have eternal damnation in both parts, the first part was about this world, and the second part is about the other world, so now we have both parts
LONDON, but you believe in the quran now, europe need to be replaced asap
Ummm, No. THey are substantially different in the way God creates the rtealtionship between himself and the worshipper. That being the case, logic dictates that god made a mistake. IF he is fallable, he is not god.
In the Old-Testament God gives the Hebrews many blessings from saving them from bondage in Egypt, to giving them the land Canaan and many more. Indeed the exodus from Egypt and the land of Canaan could be thought of as figures of Conversion, and the kingdom of God.
The notion that the Old-Testament has no honey and that the New-Testament has no vinegar is nonsense.
Moreover the idea that the exclusive principle of Tradition is about being as popular as possible is just not supported.
So I guess to you asking for human sacrifice is just another day in the neighborhood?
The Gospels were originally oral accounts, later written down in various scrolls. The Dead Sea Scrolls are one example of recovered gospels that were not included early unified New Testament translations, but are considered valid accounts of Christ’s life and early Church oral transitions. When you get to the point of say, The Gospel of John, it’s not just John, but also authors who have added or condensed, or wrote “in the name of John”, etc. It’s not just one writer. I’m not going to give you a Biblical History 101 lecture, but any simple google search will bring this all up, and how/why scholar figure it. There’s no shortage of academic study on this, and frankly little debate, from both secular scholar and religious ones .. the Vatican, even some of your burger Bible thumpers. BTW, there’s anargument that all of this is one reason Islam claims the Quoran is literal The Word of God .. illiterate Mohammad was imbued with The Sprint and just a Human medium of Devine text. (And, incidentally, why some Protestant seats choose to see the Bible as the infaliable Word of God, perfect etc; it was a Christian theological reaction to Islam’s claim, which ironed out lot of tough questions about validity etc.)
every lesson Jesus gave us is through the old testament, how it can be different?
are you saying asking is the same as doing?
I am saying that any god that tells his supplicants to offer him up a child sacrifice is not a god of sweet rewards....
Koran is filthy book of paedo-magic too. UK is much more than just London. Don't address me again subhuman shitskin. And avert your fucking eyes when you speak to a white.
you didn't answer my question
>learning quantum mechanics
>of course remembering the importance of Newton laws and Galileo experience
>illiterate graduated in women studies ask
Hey, user, wasn't von Neumann using that old material like... plagiarizing and shit?
You will accept the Truth, on bended knee or broken knee. Your eternity is not looking good.
I pray the Lord breaks you before it's too late.
The truth is here and now. The truth is the world has been held hostage to superstitious claptrap for thousands of years. The truth is that your ignorance is not helping.
dude your country is more arab than white now, even your prime minister is arab, you arent white anymore
Matthew 10:37 New International Version (NIV)
37 “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me." - Jesus
Asking for human sacrifice establishes a clear hierarchy
and prefigures the Christ in assorted ways, God who sacrifices his only son to redeem the world on behalf of man, as Abraham was going to sacrifice his son behalf of God.
You're not disputing that most of each of these gospels were written by one author? It seems to me you're referring to short tracts that were added later.
Stooge. If he did exist, jebus was heavy in melanin.
Asking for human sacrifice is borderline cannibal in nature. It is not human, nor godlike.
nice fedora thread faggot
The God in the OT is the demiurge. He would kill, want praise, and was really merciless. The NT God is /ourGod/. Why do you think Jesus came back besides the Messiah part?
you dont know why he asked him to do it, do you?
And yours is? How?
Schizophrenic gods are not worthy....
why do you think Jesus follows other God when he teaches with the OT?
No. the gospels were written by more than the author attributed (Matthew, like, John...). Just google. This is the first thing that came up for me, but there are much much better academically sourced scholarship (peer reviewed, religious university publishers, etc ) if you make an effort.. humanreligions.info
The Christian God explicitly bans human sacrifice, the binding of Issac, just illustrates a principle and prefigures Christ, and indeed confirms Yahweh's rejection of human sacrifice. It is not a commandment to practice human sacrifice as so many uncharitable heathen suppose.
Would jesus hurl homophobic insults?
If it is expressly verbooten, then why did Abraham present his son? Sounds to me like another logic flaw.
Did I say I was jesus? fuck off faggot
He would damn unrepentant sodomites to eternal damnation.
Are you not supposed to comport yourself in a christlike manner?
It is made explicitly verboten some time after the binding of Issac.
i dont get why God dont allow us to kill people
Eat a bag of dicks queer
Really? A long haired robe wearing sandal sporting love spreading vagabond would damn someone to eternal damnation? Logically inconsistant.
real talk are you a fag?
>he believe Jesus had long hair
do you picture Jesus using nike you stupid cunt?