How do we solve the old maid problem Sup Forums?
There are plenty of girls at my church that are near 30 but not enough godly men to marry them.
How do we solve the old maid problem Sup Forums?
There are plenty of girls at my church that are near 30 but not enough godly men to marry them.
Who cares? Trump is the worst thing to happen to Jews and that drives liberal snowflakes INSANE!!! Their ripping their hair out of their scalps!!! Bwa Hahaha!
If there aren’t enough men, you may need to marry a few of them.
Polygamy is degenerate
at 25 declare them derelict property free to claim by any single man
they need to die alone to teach the young ones to stay away from feminism
They should date men of older generations if their own generation does not want them
How many old unmarried men are there?
These are good Christian girls not feminists
They deserve a godly man not just at some degenerate
Are they all as retarded as this fuckwit?
Lots considering the divorce rate
Married a divorced man is adultery
how so, genuine question
having like a harem, id get, but genuine polygamous relationships, what'd be the problem
inb4 >
>old maid problem
Roasties reap what they sow.
At least they serve as a negative example.
This is a model in bongland
>Schoolboy bullied for his big ears has last laugh: Glamorous transsexual Tiffany-Rose is now a model
>Niall Davies started living as Tiffany-Rose at age 17
>Has dated many straight men who mistake her for female
>She is now 22 and taking hormones to grow breasts
gas all roasties
How is women not having children not a problem?
The girls I am talking about are virgins
I went to Christian school. Church girls are either sluts or ridiculously entitled because they are spoiled. I legitmately will never date a "Christian" girl because I know their true nature. Like maybe 1/50 is wholesome and pure.
Also marriage is overrated. If it doesn't work she literally gets half your shit.
>If it doesn't work she literally gets half your shit.
Dont get a divorce
>Old maid
Assuming you mean to old to breed. Then they can be re-directed as live in maids/nannies for healthy families. That way they're still being utilized for societal betterment
>Polygamy is degenerate
The exact opposite actually. Allowing men with more resources to have more wives/kids, you ensure your society naturally practices eugenics. Keep in mind God had no problem with major figures in the bible having multiple wives too. The monogamy interpretation is fairly recent and not based on scripture
tell them to date 45+ year old men. Seriously, if you arent married by 23 and are a female you should take your age - 7 and double it and thats the age of men you should date
No, the father would still own her and be free to exchange her as he pleases
>He still thinks women think independently and "learn lessons"
You need to accept the inherent limitations of women user
where do I meet them? and don't give me that christian mingle shit. you guys cancelled my account I don't even remember starting for fraud of all things.
This is also how you get a mob of people burning your shit down and raping your women.
>how do we solve x
First of all who the fuck are you and what qualifies you to adress the women question?
Imo fags who haven't had sex should be excluded from the debate. No offense.
Mormon right?
In our Stake it's 4:1 female to male. We have a lot of widows, both old and young. Any available men of any age (except those with disabilities) tend to get paired up and married off fast.
>People threaten you, your home, and family
Are you unfamiliar with self defense?
SeeI want to help them before they get to old
How many godly 45 year old unmarried men are there?
>stay married to some evil wench
Nah. A divorce is generally a good thing even if the finanicial burden is immense. An unhappy marriage is 1000x worse than being lonely. The point is that a lot of guys just don't care for a female companion anymore. I can pay for sex and I've still got my bros to talk to and play vidya with.
plenty, 20% of men are perma virgins
How the fuck could you confuse that for a woman?
>I want to help them before they get to old
Unless you're their father, it's not your responsibility.
>There are plenty of girls at my church that are near 30
guys dont want girls that have fucked 60+ chads and niggers
20-23 is already leaving it really late when it comes to women
>marrying a non virgin
never gonna make it bud
It is his job to get her married before 25
If he cant do they he failed
>Old Maid in pic is not 30
dont marry a shit tier woman
>It's his job to get her married off
Correct, and if she passes ripe age, that's still his responsibility. If she can't be married off, she can still be directed towards a useful source.
>near 30
Its too late
Ok. Do we at least agree on fertile virgins in their early 20s?
Fuck 'em.
They deserve it for being such shameless and entitled little sluts in their youth.
I'm 31, I chat to teenage girls. This is not illegal in my country. When I'm single I will pick one out for marriage. All the while the women of my generation can go fuck themselves and waste away in their own misery.
I grew up knowing these whores up close and I have precisely zero respect or concern for them because when I was young and dumb these sluts had precisely zero patience and civility because I was not perfect.
Lol cunts, go die hahahaha.
>I want to help them before they get to old
too late, focus on the 25 year olds they might still have a chance if they try hard enough. the % of redpilled men that realise what degenerate slags are up to these days is growing. nobody wants to be the beta provider
They are virgins
>near 30
>Allowing men with more resources to have more wives/kids, you ensure your society naturally practices eugenics.
That's why Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are god tier
>early 20’s
>not early teens
Enjoy your Down syndrome baby
Its perfectly fine, women are a genetic bottleneck anyway. Most of the IQ sits in a low middle curve because the weak ones haven't been purged often enough as has happened with men.
>pic related
Most women hide how inferior and unhealthy they truly are.
>They are virgins
you're delusional.
make a fake male tinder account and start swiping, i guarantee you will start seeing familiar "virginal" faces
> trusting women
> believing women
> caring for women
> in 2017
Yeah, nah.
I don't hate wimmin. I just consider them lacking basic human qualities.
Good girls are not on tinder
They are at home reading the bible
Are you intentionally ignoring the fact that marriage practices are not the only factor in determining a nation's success or are you unaware of this?
What we laughingly call “men” today, have turned their back on God. Choosing instead to worship false idols or become atheist, which is why virtually none of them are married, or if they are they get divorced. Faith in God has to be at the foundation of any marriage or it simply will not work
Do you know how easy it is for a woman to lock down a soy boy, at least a high earner in his early twenties? Let alone almost any man except a Chad.
They don't have a fucking excuse, the reap what they sow, pick related
I assure you they are not.
>Don't get a divorce
It is not your choice. Signing that paper is a formality, she can sue to have you sign it. Women file divorce more than twice as often as men do. They are over 70% of all divorces.
Women don't comprehend the bible user, women memorize things and reflect the values/beliefs of their men. They do not think or act like men unless instructed to mimic men. You need to get away from this romanticized fantasy of women you have or you're never going to be happy
How is a chick in her early 20s going to produce kids with down syndrome?
yep, literally everything about women is a lie
their hair? dyed and extended
their face? makeup lipglos botox fake lashes etc
tits? implants and pushup bras
legs? lululemons to hide the cottage cheese
literally everything about woman is a lie, just try telling 1 fib about your bank account or the size of your house lol you will be up on rape charges:
>Worship false idols
Be aware that this includes the cross. When Jesus said to 'pick up your cross and follow me' he was referring to their burden and walking the narrow path. Not carrying a physical cross. There is a valid reason the Muslims call Christians 'cross worshipers'
Most of them are shit tier user. And waking up on sundays to listen to fairy tales for two hours isn't what makes a good woman in my book. People learn from experience and from making mistakes. Most second marriages are far better than the first for obvious reasons.
The cross is merely a symbol of the Faith, not an object of worship in itself. “False idols” in this instance means stuff like allah or odin, objects of worship other than our Lord Jesus Christ and His Father in Heaven
The source of a good woman is a good man, specifically their father. Women are trained, they do not grow and learn. If a girl is trained well in her youth, she'll be ready to hand off to her husband who also must be a good man. Otherwise she will become a bad woman when with him. Women reflect the values/beliefs of the men in their life.
Mgtow is cool and all but do you really want the world see burn?
*see the world burn
>let's utilize all the resources
That's socialist thinking - they want to employ all the people, give healthcare for all the people at all times, produce all the necessary goods,... It always ends up the same way.
Competition is good. Let women compete for mates. Let the top 95%, or whatever it may be, win. Don't force it to be 100%, lest you remain without negative examples to point to.
Women select the males that appear to have the best genes. Even it was only for that reason, they are of utmost importance for improvement of humanity.
Men seem to have weirdly egalitarian approach to breeding - "let every man have a wife and kids" - with predictable results. Equality is a lie.
>The cross is a symbol
What do you think the definition of an idol is? The cross is the modern day golden calf.
>Allah or Odin
Allah is Arabic for "The God" the first part "Al" is the, and the other is rooted in the Hebrew word for God. Allah is closer to the original name for God then the English one, something to keep in mind.
>Our Lord Jesus Christ
1. There is only one God, worshiping any other but God is a violation of the first commandment.
2. Christ is a title, not a name, it comes from the Hebrew word 'messiah' which translates into 'anointed' Jesus was an important Rabbi, and was a Christ, but Christ does not apply to Jesus alone.
>His father in Heaven
God is Jesus father in the same way all descendants of Abraham and creations of the divine are. Modern day Christian doctrine is an absolute abomination upon actual scripture. So much so that I'd say the modern Christian churches can accurately be called Satans.
Nigga everything you said applies to men as well. Good parents raise their kids properly but even if you raise your kid right everyone person, male or female, has free will to make decisions. Some will make good decisions, some will make bad decisions. My advice to you is to avoid those "old maid" bitches because they are probably desperate and crazy. Sticking your dick in crazy is the easiest way to fuck your life up senpai.
>Realize they are hot shit at 18 even if 4/10.
>Ride the cock carousel for 12 turns.
>Still manage to stumble into Church to look for a "nice guy"
>Either A) Some beta cuck marries her and deals with her shit till the end of time (or divorce) or B) Old Maid. Go Fish.
This, women have it so much more easier that single men even date and marry women with one or more kids. Single women have no excuse.
>Let women compete
>Women select the males is good
Women do not select, they do not compete. They submit to their authority, men compete to be said authority. In a healthy society, the father is her authority until he filters through suitors to give her away to.
>Men seem to have weirdly egalitarian approach to breeding
It's just modern world, egalitarianism lays at the root of all of societies problems
no but polygamy is guaranteed instable because it doesn't allow all or most men to be productive and motivated because they can work for supporting their family. Therefore lots of sexual frustration and hopelessness. And this affects the economic potential of a society
>single moms
Why anons? Wtf is going on guys? Aren't there enough young chicks around to breed with?
Unfortunately, we subsidize the procreation of the less intelligent, because they are literally able to vote tax dollars their way.
Meanwhile... how many kids did Bill Gates have?
A man raised without parents can turn out well, a woman without parents cannot unless a good man takes her on. Men learn from experiences, women do not. Knowledge is underpinned by three core aspects. Data storage, data analysis, and data application. Women are good at storage, but fail at the other two unless within the context of their authority. Women do not think or function the same way as men.
>Men and women both have free will
>They are desperate and crazy
Crazy doesn't exist, desperate can apply to any woman without a man regardless of age. Women are eternal dependents and act like a fish out of water when not connected to someone guiding their lives.
>men already exist inside a tournament style mating system of our species, that is not questioned
>only the strong and powerful pass on their genes
>but women, they truly do need a good purge
Hell, with the technocracy coming the globalists can crank it up to the extremes.
>purge low IQ
>single mothers
Assume is true due to modern technology and society.
>They are virgins, near 30
watch this clueless fuckwit:
"i was really old when i lost my virginity, i was 20"
roasties are too fucking stupid to realise that with the proliferation of the information via the internet, their degeneracy can no longer be hidden
its all out there in the open to see how women behave, they fuck chads before 20.
they cant lie about it anymore
Most young white women are grossly overweight and cunty, It's better to just go MGTOW
Women are trained, they do not grow and learn.
Women do not select, they do not compete. They submit to their authority, men compete to be said authority.
where tf are you getting this from? this reeks of LARP.
Copy/Paste thread from several weeks ago. Why shill so hard ?
>How many godly 45 year old unmarried men are there?
Red five standing by.
Society is underpinned by several levels of hierarchy. A society is a collection of tribes, a tribe is a collection of families, a family is a collection of individuals. In a healthy society every individual understands this and operates under this perception. They work to better their own interests, and in the process their families. In which case the families place on the tribal hierarchy is the sum of their individual member's abilities. Likewise the placement of each tribe is the sum of each families placement. If an individual fails, they do not pass on their genes. If they give up and become a burden to their family, they're ostracized or the family suffers back and is out bred as a result. The top always breeds more because through merit, they accumulated more resources allowing to care for more. If the top produces less quality offspring, their placement falls. Competition and hierarchy are the natural laws which ensure the best genes are always passed on. In our egalitarian society, merit does not determine success, sociability does. So we've become a bloated corpse waiting to pop. Monogamy is an extension of romanticism re popularized during the age of enlightenment. In the model I described above, the ability to pass on more of your genes serves as motivation to properly utilize all of your merit. In a model where no matter how good you are you're still only getting one woman. There is little to no motivation to actually act on your ability. As a result, society suffers
>There are plenty of girls at my church that are near 30 but not enough godly men to marry them.
If they are single moms or divorced they shouldn't be in church at all, they should be living in shame and excluded from society like we used to do.
Genuine Christian men are getting tired of being forced to put up with these whores in a house of god just because of the prevailing libtard attitude.
Time they were thrown out into the street.
>We subsidize the procreation of the less intelligent
This was to be expected, our current situation is the natural result of egalitarianism. Democracy itself is based on this ideology, Democracy rests on the concept of class equality. Where the peasant has just as much say in determining the political future as the philosopher.
>Schoolboy bullied for his big ears has last laugh: Glamorous transsexual Tiffany-Rose is now a model
I'm with the bullies on this one
>Genuine Christian men are getting tired of being forced to put up with these whores in a house of god
>now want a man to start a family
>mfw I don't pay sugar babies to have sex, but instead as an indemnization for the very clear principle that there won't be any family and sheeeit with me, as it would be much too risky for my moneyz
>mfw those roasties are too old anyway
my sides have left the building
With rhetoric like that I'm gonna take a wild guess and assume you haven't touched a vagina since you came out of one. My mother grew up without a male role was been widowed twice before her current marriage. Shit happens. If you want a dumb clingy chick that you have to babysit, there's plenty of them. A good women who is independent, intelligent and will make the best decisions for her family and herself is what I look for. I don't wanna get married because I plan on joining the service and whatnot so i don't see the point.
Good luck finding your pure waifu in 2018. Seriously.
>Dont get a divorce
Most Christian men wouldn't, but it usually isn't up to them, it is the whore women who initiate divorce 70% of the time because it is a win-win proposition for them, they literally have nothing to lose and everything to gain (alimony, child support, property, children, etc.)
It is women that are the problem here, not the men.
So women are attention seeking subhumans compared to men.
Do we murder the white knigts first?
Because by simply taking away their right to vote we won't change female nature. We can only supress it by force.
>Where are you getting this from?
Insight from everything I've read and experienced. If you don't believe me conduct a real world experience for yourself. Find a woman who feels strongly about x, so strongly you think x is a fundamental aspect of her "individual personality" then become her authority, and express strong interest in y instead of x. Then watch as she is saying the same things she did about x about y in a week or so. When I first started to understand the nature of woman I was openly a lefty. My girlfriend at the time reflected the same lefty views I did. A month later, almost over night I went full 14/88, she went from 'gay marriage is right! Equal rights for all!' to complaining about faggots and making holocaust jokes. The nature of women is simple user, don't expect them to act like men and you'll see how easy interacting with them is
He should tell her to come back when she leaves.
this is why you become a sugar daddy
slow dripping money on them, without any chance in the world for them to get it all
they asked for it: here it is, the age of sugar.
>Then they can be re-directed as live in maids/nannies for healthy families
Welcome to the Republic of Gilead