The Migratory Bird Treaty Act
1918 - 2017
The Migratory Bird Treaty Act
1918 - 2017
The Obama administration excused wind-energy companies for their astronomical bird casualty rate, that would be a crime for any other industry
migratory vermin. Yes, seagulls are protected by an international treaty
The wildlife protection laws are just a land grab by the federal government. Good riddance.
Good. Fucking. Riddance.
more protected birds
geese are a plague and need to be eradicated
Watch and be amazed as the TIDF and r/t_d wash into the thread saying that environmental impact reports are bad because it restricts anecdotal land developments
Being anti-conservation is a sign of being shabbos goyim
Wow Trump curse is real folks
more protected migratory birds
There will be repercussions.
>Use picture of bald eagle as bait
>Actual affect is for seagulls, geese and other fowl.
Why is Trump so anti-environment?
Many of these protected birds are now overpopulating areas and need to be culled.
I started killing ravens and mockingbirds and the local birds came back.
Talk about beady eyed
They're by longer endangered.
it's pro common sense
This retarded "conservation" act is the reason why there is such a high instance of overpopulation of Canada Geese, because it's illegal to kill them, despite the fact that most of these geese in the US are non-migratory residents who compete with and chase out other local wildlife.
Fuck those. Niggers of birds.
i fucking hate grackels.
Endangered has nothing to do with the migratory bird act.
If a bird migrates across an international border, it's covered under the act. That's the only reason they are on that list
Trump campaigns on being de-regulatory
"I will repeal 5 regulations for every regulation we enact!"
Does what he says he will do
Expects me to freakout
Fuck off kike
Not true at all. Duke Energy was fined $1 million for 14 eagles and 149 other birds.
Also, a farm i can't disclose is currently shutdown because bat and bird migration.
>killing off the land your specie depends on is common sense
Fucking common core strikes again. Hitler would have you gassed.
Alaskan here, bald eagles here are like pigeons in cities or seagulls on the coast. The are Majestic rats with wings.
fuck birbs
windfarms have the most to gain from this
>t. faggot from Anchorage
But remember he doesn't keep any promises and only lies!
God damn if Trump wins 13 or 14 more times Im outta here
>illegal to cruch eagle eggs because they are unborn eagles
>legal to kill an unborn person
So what he said was exactly accurate then dipshit.
even leftists are praising this because it's bullshit
>accidentally kill bird with wind turbine
>face fines
Seriously. These leftists freak out because he's doing EXACTLY what he campagined on
>$1 million dollars for killing a critically endangered species
Are you fucking retarded?
>The Obama administration excused wind-energy companies
Learn to ready buddy.
Back to the Renaissance after every country on earth arbitrarily decides to throw away most technology on the planet... I guess...
Curiously, the legal aspect of interest with this treaty is using treaty-govem powers by the Fed to usurp State's rights.
This treaty is so rarely invoked, it's ridiculous. State's can control the hunting season and protection of the birds. This is one less toe of the Fed on the State's neck - I'm all for it.
And it's complete and utter bullshit that they have a picture of a bald eagle, because the treaty doesn't cover them, bald eagles are protected under their own laws and regulations*, and they're not migratory. And their endangered status is "least", because their populations are growing.
* Bald eagles are so protected, the eagles that drop feathers in my relatives yard have to be picked up by the county, it's illegal for their kids to pick them up and keep them.
>be an animal so stupid you kill yourself
>worth saving
Teddy really did go to shit when he joined the progressive party.
>thinking that letting anything overpopulate is a great idea
>clueless in the real world
>doesn't know migratory doesn't mean endangered
>blames common core for his own stupidity
Land grab? There are wildlife reserves all around me. Nothing is there but people camping and enjoying nature and animals. You call that a bad thing because why?
Can confirm: bald eagles are assholes.
government shouldn't be in the camping business
we actually have an eagle that goes to the oval office? how has some lefty not cried out about animal abuse?
Ok, I work for the company, nigger. If there's another incident since the 5 year probation we had sentenced on us. Those two farms permanently shut down. Millions of dollars lost and 100s of jobs gone. Possible revoked grants as well. So fuck off, the guy is an idiot spewing fallacy about wind energy.
Why couldn't they have just made it 1918 to 2018 so it's 100 years.
>there's an overpopulation issue, that's why they were protected to begin with
>killing off migratory species surely can't cause problems at the other end of their migration habit
>thinking I'm not going to blame jewish core for your shit
Is coal cool too faggot?
>the white house is parting ways with more than 100 years of conservation legacy
ah guys we can't end slavery too much time has passed since we started it
> how has some lefty not cried out about animal abuse?
What abuse?
>dude abstract and shaky science on greenhouse gases is the same thing as killing off the population of an endangered species
So should we cut down 3000 year old trees and make low income housing from them?
try again sweetie
government shouldn't be in the housing business
You probably live on East Tudor somewhere and eat at the big buffet restaurant.
The important lesson learned in many rural areas after the last 30 years of conservation, is that:
1. You learn about any protected species that might be in your area, and how to identify them.
2. You don't take pictures of them or talk about them if you do see them.
3. If you find them anywhere on your property or worksite and can kill them without being detected, you do so as thoroughly as possible.
Otherwise, say goodbye to your land and/or job.
Humans are overpopulating the Earth, eagles are not. Nice try, brainlet.
Why is every trump-cuck argument in this thread formed around spite instead of logic and pragmatism? Do trump-cucks have any interest in a landscape other than concrete parking lots and street lights?
> government shouldn't be in the housing business
Why not?
correction, subhumans are overpopulating the earth. White people are a global minority.
>its okay to cut down 3000 year old trees and make low income housing if its the private market doing it
Why is your argument formed around protecting animals that can't even keep themselves alive without human assistance?
yes, it is
what the fuck is special about 3000 year old trees?
You want something old? Go outside and pick up some fucking dirt.
>rural areas
places poor people live because there are no economic opportunities there - so it's cheap.
people living in rural areas complain about lack of economic activities.
OK dude...
Hence why we need abortion
No, we cut down the new growth that was planted specifically for that purpose. We have more trees on the North American continent now than ever before in history, because of forest management.
because they MIGRATE ACROSS AN INTERNATIONAL BORDER. The overpopulation came after the protection, dumbass
>other end of the migration route
>joos and common core
Well you see, the DNR set up these "Eagle Viewing" towers. Monitor their migration paths and tag them. Believe me, we would if we could. Well, we did actually until someone had the integrity to report it. Funny, that you mention 3. One farm is about to be permanently shut down over bats. Possible another one with black bears.
I have only been at the airport in anchorage waiting to transfer. Im planning to at a trip. is the big buffet restaurant gud
>endangered species
migratory, not endangered
I didn't make such an argument, but I have respect for the stability of the ecosystem I live in. I have an understanding and appreciation for how long it has taken for nature to find the balance that allows proper temperatures, gas ratios in the air (to breath), and a food chain to support humans. Why would you so nonchalantly destroy it? Do you realize how diminished the bee population became because a lack of science and regulation? What would you do without bees?
>Why is every trump-cuck argument in this thread formed around spite instead of logic and pragmatism?
Gee faggot, why don't you see any illogic in the exceptions granted by the fucktards at the EPA for wind turbines that kill something like ten times more birds than all other industrial structures combined?
This bird nonsense was always bullshit. Libtards don't give a fuck about the environment. They let homeless people run free burning down entire forests and illegals pollute our national parks until they are unusable. You just want control over every aspect of everyone else's lives.
See picture for what your communist utopias do to their waterways.
Bald Eagles are very migratory. Occasionally individuals will stay in one place but they are very much the exception.
>ecosystem is so shit that it gets fucked up by a few humans
deserved it
>Most trees used for lumber aren't 3000 years old. Very, very few trees that old are - and in the last hundred years, more new trees have been planted to be harvested in North America than old growth cut down. He's just a dumb liberal who makes shit up.
>because of forest management
Who? The last time I checked, the only logging operation that was exceeding depletion was a redwood farm in Canada. We may have an enormous number of YOUNG trees, more than anytime in the recorded history of the US, but volume of forest mass is far below what it once was and on the whole our consumption is not sustainable.
>dude nature is for fucking lefty homos
>those Redwood trees? nah, lets just cut them down and turn it into some shitty generic shopping complex
>We have more trees on the North American continent now than ever before in history, because of forest management.
>this is a bad thing
If you care so much about it why don't you fucking buy it and protect it yourself instead of forcing me to pay for it when I don't give two fucks about the trees?
>Fuck those. Niggers of birds.
really? Why?
> Gee faggot
>Libtards don't give a fuck about the environment.
> communist
You cannot talk to people without trying to insult them because you're an emotional wreak or because you haven't any respectful arguments to present?
Birds are part of the food chain. Would you just kill them all without discretion?
this nigger is admitting to eating wild birds
> few humans
what kind of stupid fucking argument is that?
is this God's big perfect plan?
I was wondering the other day if you get lost in the middle of nowhere and you manage to kill a bald eagle and eat it is it still a crime if your life depended on it?
>Do trump-cucks have any interest in a landscape other than concrete parking lots and street lights?
This doesn't equate to letting people kill Canadian Geese you retarded fuck.
Nope. Sorry. The lowest point of forest cover occurred in the late 1800s. Forest management is a big thing, and very little old growth will be logged now and in the future, billions of dollars have gone into that effort.
Unless, of course, you listen to the chicken littles who cry doom and gloom so liberal politicians have more control over us.
> He's just a dumb liberal who makes shit up.
Do you talk to people like this because you're anonymous or because you really are that confident in your knowledge?
Just because YOU think everything is so simple, doesn't mean it actually is. Really, are you 16 years old? Or is it the high school diploma you come to Sup Forums to rock?
Nobody is going to kill ALL of the birds, you fucking dishonest faggot. Why is you liberals have to exaggerate and lie about everything, to win stupid debates on Sup Forums? Is it really that important to your pathetic, puny ego? Migratory birds can be protected at the State level, where it should be, treaties like this are just made so the Fed can grab more power away from the States.
You want to protect birds? Get the Governor and government of your state to pass laws doing it - like the ones that already exist, like the ones establishing hunting seasons and catch permits for endangered birds.
You know, instead of pulling bullshit like that straight out of your ass.
Yes, it's a felony.
But who's gonna know? The only way anyone will know, is if you tell them.
There's easier and better tasting prey than bald eagles, anyway.
Someone is UPSET.
Did you have a point, or are you just going to lisp at me?
Canadian geese are one species. You have no argument you retarded fuck.
>There's easier and better tasting prey than bald eagles, anyway.
I got quail all day. Dumber than a bag of hammers, it's like they were supposed to be eaten
The largest concentration of concrete parking lots are in liberal cities.
>I have posted a meme comment based off my own half-witted interpretation of your comment
You must be new here.
The average age and mass of present trees is much lower.
Also, simply replanting trees does not always mean the forest has returned. In places where lumber companies have replanted with native commercial trees - whether in rows on a plantation or less orderly in wilder areas - commercially planted forests lack most of the biodiversity associated with the original forest.