You have 5 seconds to say why you are not Roman Catholic
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Why are they naked in church?
fag priests that fuck toddlers
Do not know, but i like it, sudden enthusiasm for religion.
Those are strapless dresses. Jeez, have you ever even talked to a woman?
was raised mormon.
it scared me away from religion.
I know jesus COMMANDS us to not worship statues and crackers
No house of God would cover up pedophiles
because I denounced it and was never confirmed in the first place
I believe in Buddhism that Christcuckoldry, Especially Cucktholocism.
Strapless dresses.
Justification by works.
Papal authority.
Tradition as important as Scripture.
These are heresies.
i was confirmed but i never go to church anymore
Well if being Roman Catholic means I get to be in a church full of naked women, then count me in!
your picture is a good one, I think I will go with that.
Stop polluting our board please
t. Catholic
Protestants are more likely to commit pedophilia than Catholics, just so you know.
The Catholic Church has less Pedophilia cases than the Protestant sects, TV, Hollywood, politics...
The problem exists, but there is a whole market for Catholic defamation in the current entertainment market.
Catholicism is Christianity for brown people. True white Christians are protestant.
>shitty fucking church
Catholicism isn't even Christianity.
Because Martin Luther showed definitely how full of shit the Catholics are and they're even worse now with their Jesuit mind control pedo shit
Protestantism now, Protestantism forever, anything less is heresy
>not worshipping the hellenic pantheon
get my on level christpleb
My ancestors were Huguenots.
It's on my father's side, so my surname is frog. My religion is High Church Anglican. pic is inside my church.
This church is very old. Parts of it (still extant) go back over a thousand years.
> Protescuck
Daily reminder that Protescucks:
> Lied about the Crusades
> Lied about the Inquisition
> Lied about Middle Ages
> Lied about Indulgecies
> Helped with the propagation of Relativism
Protescuckism is based on lies and Protescuck countries are full of progressive degeneracy.
I wasnt one, now i am
the point being that it gives impressions of nudity
Protestantism has demonstrated itself to be extremely vulnerable to cuckoldry as it's not well-grounded in a well-defined tradition.
The more liberal variants end up degenerate, and the more conservative variants end up sucking Israeli cocks. The more organized variants also end up importing large numbers of Somali immigrants for some reason.
how do i get a qt Catholic girl?
Roman catholicism is just if not more cucked than protestantism.
>Pope Cuck I
>molesting clergy
>Vatican 2
>there is a whole market for Catholic defamation in the current entertainment market
catholicism is the only non-modern religion, hence the modern world's hatred of it. We had one catholic president and look what happened to him.
>True white Christians are protestant
Protestants are the reason we have to deal with the kike on a stick meme. You fags took out all the good european aspects of catholicism out and turned it into some half-assed cult based on a book that catholics wrote. Catholicism isn't perfect but it's at least traditional, protestantism is inherenttly modern/liberal
Tfw brother is dating a catholic girl
Better be fucking careful, they DO NOT abort
wow look at all those bots.. 22 replys thats fast! after i post a catholic promotion, attacking catholicism, im sure this isn't shareblue..
I am Roman Catholic...whats your issue this time around?
The Roman Catholic Church is responsible for massive child sex trafficking and pedophilia. They are nothing more than another arm of control for the same scumbags that threaten the fabric of Western society.
Eastern Orthodox
Who is shareblue?
Please explain for the unenlightened
Hail Odin
Nobody likes the faggot from the middle East
Isn't your pope a neo-progressive that talks about fighting climate change, letting in Arab/African migrants en mass, and that Islam is a religion of peace?
Daily reminder that Vatican II proved that you lost to the Protesucks despite all this. What does that say about your shitty pedophile cult?
I love the Catholic church but I won't join them because the Lord speaks to me directly without their mediation.
Fabulous people and will join their next Crusade, though.
What's wrong with liberalism? It was objectively preferable over the alternatives until like the last 10 years. Moron
Don't forget the Jesuit scum
protestantism was jewish subversion IMO, pretty much the christian equivalent of rabbinical judaism - allowing the faith to be divided into 100000000 million quarreling sub-divisions each as powerless as the last
>liberalism is preferable
absolutely wrong, the last century shows the inferiority of liberalism.
Was boogeyman during the election. Don't know who we're up to now. We go through a new one every couple months.
go to orchestral performances by roman catholic composers at your local performance hall, I just met a QT at Handel's messiah on christmas eve
Symphonies and operas praising christian god attract very little jews and fools
The pope
Thats easy.
Because you're fucking idolators.
Pope sylvester II
The inquisition
Slavery in Haiti
cuz they practice paganism dressed up in "christianized" aesthetic
no evidence for a lot of extraordinary claims
>What's wrong with liberalism
Heresies as defined by a Hippie Jesus splinter group or groups. The divine faith of the one holy and apostolic church to those who know better.
Because I'm white, fenian mongrel.
Thanks Leafbro.
Every catholic I've ever encountered said they believe in God and evolution. These people are fucking stupid, either you believe in evolution or you believe in the creation myth. Not both.
Pope supports Multiculturalism, except in the Vatican.
Go to church. Make confession, Receive the eucharist. Be armed against all that threatens goodness.
Exposed shoulders in a Catholic Church?
> yfw you come to the sobering realization that the catholic church was and always has been a "covert sanctuary" for gay men and lesbians
I mean, seriously, just the "you can't be married - can't have sex" thing should be enough of a redflag for any normal person to say "wait a fucking minute, something smells fishy in denmark" when it comes to catholicism.
I'm sorry, but everything is just too convenient and coincidental between the pedo stuff that's been going on since time began and the huge coverup of it from the highest levels of the church, and the latest scandal about a secret gay club of high-ranking clergy running the vatican from behind the scenes.
>being this insecure
Because I choose not to be, faggot.
Sola Scriptura. Sola Fide. Sola Gratia. Solus Christus. Soli Deo Gloria.
Your godless, heathen church leaders know better than who?
We have endured anti-popes. We will endure this Latin American disgrace.
There no proof of the existence of a god and no proof that any religions personal god exists.
>You have 5 seconds to say why you are not Roman Catholic
i dont believe in magic
I'm planning on going soon, just a little too autistic to be around that many people. gotta work up to it
Protestantism it the theological equivalent of spouting memes without even knowing their meaning or origin.
Roman Satanic Church
I'm guessing they have strapless bridesmaid dresses on.
red pill yourself.
Odin... Thor is a girl in Marvel comics now you poor Hun. Odin's not making a come back anywhere. Bow down to the one true church's authority and be united with Christ.
Hes as bad as a jew/israeli
Multiculturalism good
For israel ? Ummmmmmmm
Wall is not good.....
For israel ? Ummmmm
Hey Rabbi
things like this are why i dont want nothing to do with cuckstianity.
Because I'm part of the one true catholic and apostolic church: Greek Orthodox. No sick pope heresy
because it's a spook that changed to integrate pagans
The pope is a heretic from the true church. Roman Catholics have to qualify their religion from the true Catholic Church which came before.
I don't believe you can buy your way into heaven through donations to the church
This is jewish blue pillary. Don't be fooled Sup Forums.
Yeah, he's being edgy but it is what it is.
We had an italian priest at our local cathedral, he let the "locals" (mostly if not all wetbacks) run amuck within the cathedral, upkeep/maintenance committees and what-not. He had the same mentality as the pope you can say.
They now run the church. They installed shitters (yes, bathrooms) next to the front door and have made changes to ruin the aesthetics of that work of art that was maintained in original condition for almost 100 years.
'Casting pearls to swine' and all that. These people have no education, they're all mountain and ghetto folk. They seriously let them run the show..
they sometimes advertise trips to Las Vegas after mass. Outside there are vendors waiting like buzzards selling tamales and all types of shit. This has spread to within the church property, all sanctioned by the church committees themselves
Because religion is for idiots.
>Not in my country. They're a disgrace.
Royal Commission has been an exercise in “having an inquiry into the Catholic Church without having an inquiry into the Catholic Church”. Thirty of the 57 case studies were of religious institutions; half of these focused on the Catholic Church. Almost 60% of survivor testimonies in private sessions disclosed abuse in religious institutions. Of these, 61.8% alleged abuse in Catholic institutions.
Case Study 50: Institutional review of Catholic Church authorities | Royal ...
childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au ...
because I'm white
>They installed shitters (yes, bathrooms) next to the front door
The absolute state of the one true cucked church
>They now run the church.
"They" as in the wetbacks
Just in case there's a lib reading this, I'm hispanic
All day brother. Deus vult
Because I'm an orthodox christian.
I got a bunch of reasons
There's no kingdom of jerusalem for protestants.
They go to heaven.
Because I am a Southern Baptist. Pretty sure Roman Catholics, as the church is, are going to hell.
not a heretic
>worshipping the literal antichrist
also catholocisimssism is for fucking spics and niggers
lutheranism is the patrician choice, mostly because you don't have to go to church like some asskissing fag and donate money to pedophiles