Nigger whore Lauren Southern trying to make Sup Forums like her again

She's reading Evola goys, she's totally trad! I swear!

Other urls found in this thread:

coalburning whore

What's Evolva? Anyways Lauren is /ourgirl\ and her based irish black boyfriend is always welcome in Kekistan!

> she hasn't read Evola until now
you e-celeb faggots disgust me

Holy shit, I knew she’d come around. Donating..

alt right roasties are no better than gamer girls. Fucking posers.

Should read Spengler instead
And get pregnant with a white man's seed.

wtf i love coalburning leaf-larping-as-american fake blonde college fail-outs now

Did we ever like this cunt? I mean, she has some nice vids on jewtube making liberals cry, but other than that i dont think we ever liked her. Maybe those newfags do.
I think we like Sam Hyde though.




>JIDF watch more Lauren Southern content than regular Sup Forums users
really makes me think.


really don't give a fuck, OP

That is fucking hilarious. Holy shit. Based Loomer. Not even being ironic. Please be real.

Vid related

Lol, she's deleted the tweet, guess she didn't wanna lose beta orbiters

Evola is trash and irrelevant to our movement anyway, thinking evola matters at all is basically a boomer tier understanding of our movement

Hopefully she realizes how useless women are and decides to be a mother

OP and the rest of his Mossad/JIDF crew care more about Lauren than anyone who browses this board and isn't a fucking kike. It's pretty hilarious and sad the extents that Jews will go to character assassinate people.

wtf I love Laura loomer now

Sup Forums is going to bully her into suicide. She made a huge mistake by poking the hornet's nest of white nationalism in the first place.

Sup Forums loves Lauren. She is queen.

God shut up

Like um revolt against the modern world guys! Um like donate to my pateron okay?

>half Irish
Pick one

Literally no one is white according to Sup Forums. The white race is extinct.


>Readin' some Evola

While my gf is fucking me in the ass later, I'll be thinking of how much of a faggot you are.

She flunked out of community college. By “read” she means tweet out to the soyboy cucks to flatter their diminished intelligence, so they’ll send her shekels.

Let's remind ourselves what /ourguy/ Weev had to say about Lauren should we...

"alt-right icons" are such a shit show

but maybe they would have always been disappointing

I kekd

Nigger, looks like the tweet is from some beta orbiter of Loomer. The twitter account looks like "Loomer Respecter"

Lauren is rad and we all know it. Sorry about your shitty job as a forum shill.

They're all Jewish controlled opposition



>literally the same girls
OP, why are you so mad when girls want to fuck us? Is it because you are a faggot?

he was a misogynist, so perhaps we can work with that?

Evola doesn't matter, the hard crux of this movement is genetic determinism and race realism, evola was a cuck charlatan who fetishized eastern religions because it was en vogue at the time and so are you

Fake or she deleted it

I've never watched a single one of her videos.

I'm being 100% truthful here, thots like Lauren make me want to go against nationalism and pagan fascism. It's so fucking cringe when they try too hard to fit in. But she's B-B-Based i guess.

Lauren "reads evola, fucks ebola" Southern

Still waiting to hear why you Sorosfags hate her so much.


So hawt. Donating my last btc now.

Oops, had my larp flag on. Tee hee.

>Women comprehending Evola


Evola is too moderate, she should READ "SIEGE"

She did delete it

>Tara McCarthy in the likes
I'm going to kms or become a fucking commie again. This new right is full of orbiting trash.

I just want to see her get bullied into suicide, you amerimutt

They know that the tide is turning away from instagram degeneracy. By spring, women will be looking for something new and exciting and the kikes DO NOT WANT them to find Lauren Southern when that happens. If she can keep pace a few more months she will become much more influential, as will all of our other trad girls. This is how we win the culture, anons. Disregard shills, as per usual.


Thanks for giving us your opinion, nigger.

Had a crush. Now, all that is crushed is my heart. All I can hope for is that her skull is crushed.

So... what is Evola?

Yeah Omegle has gone to shit but any funny stuff?

Also, why is she reading during the holidays??? The bitch doesn't even have a family to spend time with, totally trad

>amerimutt calling anyone a nigger
Ummm, I'd like some fries with that if you don't mind.

>Arab in Spain attempting to deny Americans the right to call nigger's "nigger".



>I'm going to kms or become a fucking commie again
Commies are somehow more pathetic

I hate this stupid fucking rat so much, why is it now when I want to see her get smashed into the ground ANTIFA have disappeared?

Italian monarchist/traditionalist political philosopher. Wrote a lot about how (((democracy))) is cancerous, and esoteric stuff on comparative religion and cycles of history.

She's right, it's autism

This isn't edgy. Hating Moslems has never been edgy.

Anyone who thinks they're grand revolutionaries because they mock Feminists and Moslems is socially autistic. Moslems have been recognized and hated by virtually everyone since 600 AD. Women have been hated since the dawn of time.

Attention all Tradthots: If you want to make actually make a meaningful political statement which will attract the attention real men (as opposed to Kekistanis), write "Fuck the Jews" on your face.

holi days are over you fucking potato speaker . what you do ? stay all day all night with your family at a dinner table ?

I'll try to join my local antifa chapter and smash her face in or something. Her blatant pandering is nauseating especially combined with her fawning orbiters.

Nice meme flag you kike fagot, read her tweet again

don t forget about his hate for kikes

half nigger isnt white you fucking retard

Flag checks oit.

Make up your own mind faggot, stop trying to find self approval on here. Sam hyde is cool but faith and lauren arent bad, at least they are moving further and further to the right

Does someone really need a book to know that mob rule sucks?

" I HAVE DECIDED TO READ EVOLA OVER MY HOLIDAYS " i don t see a problem here. besides i m not defending this cunt , just poiting out this retarded shit " HUR DUR what you doing , why you no spend your holidays with your family " like you are supposed to not do anything else in the meanwhile

>virtue signaling this hard

Instagramming fashy literature is basically right-wing virtue signaling at this point.

Evola is a bit of a faggot too btw

They don't have christmas in Israel, so the fuck do you know schlomo?

Weev's pod straight fucking rules, posting to share

wtf newfag.
>"whats" Evola


Sup Forums liked Lauren for the most part a few months ago (pic related)

This whole subversion against her has taught me that Sup Forums can never become a serious political force in any way apart from occasionally doing successful twitter hashtags and the like. The 90-100 IQ people on here are just too easy to manipulate.

Kikes already subverted infinity chan to be against any active white nationalists. They couldn't do the same on here so they went for easier targets.

This. Jesus christ.
>epic redpilled pede
>pls tell me what to think

December 27 2017

nigga what

julius evola is literally an italian spic.

Wow you kikes are getting desperate aren’t you?

Most forms of Hwhite nationalism is controlled opposition, you need almost none of them have a political pr economic platform, they wish to countine the same bs that got us here idc about our influence but you are quite retarded regarding the whole Hwhite nationalism narrative

Yeah cuz there's no way (((they))) would want a bunch of young women looking up to a bleach blonde unmarried woman who put her career above family and dresses like a whore in pancake makeup and cat eye liner ( this has become the youtube equivalent of problem glasses), oh and sleeps with based black guys while she's finding herself


>butthurt mohammed from scandinaviastan e-celeb thread

I'll start punching right when nobody remains on the left. She's effective, hence the constant shilling. SAGE

>This whole subversion against her has taught me that Sup Forums can never become a serious political force
or you know, fuckwit, maybe its just that we have some basic standards, one of them being dont fuck niggers. oops looks like she failed to make the grade.

You don't know that she burned coal. And have even less indication that she has since becoming redpilled.

shes trying to suck up to us like the whore she is

It's bait, and the fact you took bait that obvious shows that you're the newfag here you retarded faggot.

Southern does a good job of softly redpilling normies, but her reputation is done. She is a confirmed nigger fucker, and therefore deserves to be shunned by all white males. You burn the coal and you pay the toll. Lauren has a fan base with the Kekistani crowd, but here she dug her own grave. Sleep with a subhuman and pay the price.