Why are leftists so much more attractive than right-wingers?
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Maybe they're born with it
Maybe it's heavy metal poisoning
>Left winger
You're single-handedly keeping this thread at the top of the catalog. Learn to sage nu/pol/
They still manage to look less freakish and disgusting than literally every right-wing gathering
3 freakish looking people in the front, everyone in the back looks like a normal person.
In your typical aut-shite or far-right gathering, literally 100% of the people look like subhuman mongrel monstrosoties
Again, 3 cherrypicked ugly fatasses with everyone in the back looking normal.
The girl next to the thing is pretty cute.
this thread doesnt have any kind of discussion and only aims to get some attentions from other people. Sup Forums is huge kindly please ban the user because there will be a time where this guy will shitpost again making the community bad. Thank you
and yet the replies will still come rolling in
The fact that you have to post the same guy over and over again should tell you something.
I can cherry-pick, too
If this was a slide thread, I wouldn't be posting
>hurr durr just because i dont do one of the things means its not a thing
it's called adaptation (or evolution, mutation, whatever) and viruses do it, too
>feeding the shill
Learn to sage faggot.
Well it looks like I ran out of ammo. Congratulations commiebro! You win!
We won before you were even born mate
Sage. In. All. Fields.
Nice, I love boomer memes
Looks pretty comfy desu
>We won before you were even born mate
Because people that are successful and good looking who are right wing, hide their views because they have a social life and career.
I wish I could be more open in public about my views but for obvious reasons I can't risk my career.
OH btw I have one last pic. The rest is just pics to disprove any dumb liberals who are mentally deluded into thinking that Antifa are a bunch of "proud American patriots" and compare them to the American soldiers who fought in Normandy.
Both Stalin, and Che were racists.
"Economic Leftism" is an abstraction, it's all about in-group preference.
This thread is proudly sponsored by the Jew mode of the Christian forum Sup Forums.
Have a nice day and thank you for your support.
NS is an honorary black ideology.
>thinks I'm a nazi
We won that war together and by we I mean both communists and capitalists. What happened to us? we allied together to stop the G*rmans from ruining Europe for the millionth time (see pic related). What happened to our friendship from WW2?
If you want a serious answer, read:
The British poisoned FDR because he wanted an alliance with Stalin. A US-Russian alliance would make Britain an irrelevant player on the world stage. Sadly FDR's wife was a piece of shit who helped Churchill poison him
Because charisma has been more important to left-wing movements than right-wing movements through out history. Left-wing movements have generally been about mobilizing the masses, while right-wing movements about brute strength and force.
Very interesting. Will read later but do you think that we can reform the friendship between capitalists and communists?
What even is that thing?
I would suggest sterilization but I doubt it will have a chance to breed anyway
No, but there is a potential to have good relations between Russia and the US. Sadly the Deep State and the British (the guy who leaked the "dossier" was a British spy) will do everything to stop it.
2nd from left
I've never had so much sympathy for a commie before. You know, you're all right.
That dead look
What genders are these things? There are so many that look like obese, slow 12 year olds
Too true. Fuck Germany, most Germans I know are spineless cunts. They need to stop fucking things up for white people.
Left-wing vs right-wing is a rather vague and oversimple way of looking at politics. Currently, right-wing vs left-wing is beginning to morph into a pro-diversity versus pro-"white culture" battle ("white culture" because currently it is mostly usa that has white identity in addition to Euro roots, although rapidly increasing (((diversity))) is making people more racially aware.)
Haha so fat he needs a wheelchair
Oh yeah that shit is fucking hot
Gas yourself.
Who let them out of the asylum?
And yet people still forget to sage
I'd fuck the glasses bitch in the middle. solid 6/10
wow just imagine these two in hot, steamy girl on girl leftist action
>posts men
OP confirmed for raging faggot
>patchy-ass beards
>shitskin african and hispanic leaders
Is this the power of the left-wing?
>only shows pictures of men you must be a faggot because we all know women dont go on Sup Forums
>implying you're in any position to criticize anyone else for any reason after having that faggy moment of gay homolust with a literal Communist faggot
lmao point and laugh
lmao literal mongrel mongoloids. They get the gas too.
Statistically that is the inverse of reality
If that means what I think it means, then I appreciate this, truly.
But, if I can't have her, I'm retired. Time for something different.
>He thins Stalin actually looked like that
How many highschool rumors do you think are real life?
>TFW Sup Forums is more diverse than Antifa...
7 of them using the wrong arm.
this thread is gay