Le Based Black Man

Why don't we just apply eugenics to the black population until their IQ equals that of the white population? We can give payouts to low IQ blacks who sterilize themselves or at least give a tax incentive for them to have no more that one child.

What's wrong with this plan?

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ben carson is like 45% white though, the average nigger is 27% white as well

Differences in average IQ aren't the only factor in racial animosity, see asians and Jews

Still don't want to be around them.



That's extremely interesting. Do you have facts to back that up?

nah. just cut off the gibs let them all die

>Why don't we just apply eugenics to the black population until their IQ equals that of the white population?
Why fucking bother? Why don't we just drown them all? It would be cheaper and yield results faster with far higher certainly of success.

Doesn't mean that my plan wouldn't still help tremendously.

agreed, a voluntary sterilization program would aid racial tension in the US. Don't hold your breath for it though.

Something something regression to the mean, niggers etc.


>tax incentive for them to have no more that one child

You need to pay taxes first. that requires having a job

Or you could advance, instead of waiting during a thousand-year project for your pet niggers to advance

My best idea is an incentivized sterilization plan. Like an abortion clinic, but you are paid for getting a vasectomy, or getting your tubes tied. All the poor (mostly blacks and mexicans) would do it in a heartbeat for the tune of around $1250.

Thank you

no reason why we can't advance while bringing our pet niggers up to speed.

Might as well apply the plan to the bottom 10% of whites too desu.

well then they won't ever be catching up and you've still got the question of whether keeping your strictly inferior, costly and massively destructive pet niggers around is worth it.

In two or three generations they should be pretty pacified though

and still mental midgets supported with your money, forever
Why go to such lengths? It's not like they're cute or at all useful pets.

We should just give the ones capable of thinking wealth and weaponry, and send them to Africa to try and make a successful contry. If it fails, not skin off our back, but if it succeeds then they will economically dependent and we could pick the future leaders of the country rather than risk an election or attempt a monarchy. If they would get uppity and niggery, we could cut the supply lines and terminate the country just like that. If there were functioning countries in Africa, the negros would have something to go to for gibs instead of white nations.

also it took 400 years before the change in the murder rate due to the death penalty stagnated here

Or, get this, we don't waste billions in terms of the planet's carrying capacity on fucking apes with an intellect closer to corvids than to man. There is no good reason for keeping them around, if you wanna give a shit about Africa, then niggers is the #1 problem and seeing them gone the #1 goal.

Don't worry. More accessible abortion clinics and birth control is going to kill off the low IQ blacks, and that'll decrease the black population by close to 80%, and the Hispanic population some too.


>a tax incentive for them to have no more that one child.

Just modify the welfare child payments.

you're an idiot
black people shouldn't be exterminated en masse they should be shipped back to africa.
do you even understand the cost of killing somebody? obviously not.

checked. And yes I think that would probably work better.

because iq isn't the only thing that matters about race lmfao lurk more

shut up queer I've lurked this board for 20 years

If you compare native African IQ to African American IQ you'll see they've already made huge gains. Sadly it appears the trend has stagnated since mid-late last century. Right now intelligence doesn't appear to be much of a factor when it comes to who mates in black communities, as opposed to in prior eras where hitching your wagon to the wrong man had consequences.

that's probably mostly from race mixing I'd wager.

US "blacks" are ~70% African, 24% European and with mainly native admixture accounting for the rest. They've made NO GAINS since IQ tests were invented. Nothing. Jack fucking shit for over a century.